Qualia and Quanta

Ah, those New Year's resolutions.

I suppose that the passage of another calendar year serves to remind us that there are an infinite number of things to do and a finite amount of time to do them in and so we must prioritize.

So many potential things to accomplish or attain and only so many days of our life to do it all in. Yet, somehow, we still contrive to waste most of the time in a day, most of the days in a year, most of the years of our life.

Each new year comes along and we are reminded that:

a) time is slip, slip, slipping away,

b) we have not yet completed our commitments, and

c) we want to.

It also serves as a reminder that although we have ideals that are either inherently understood or expressly defined, we are not living up to these ideals and so we must resolve to, once again, commit to being and acting in tune with our ideals.

Get happy. Get healthy. Get wealthy. Get wise. Those are the summaries of the typical resolutions made. Specific goals or actions are often substituted as the defined resolution, but it is usually one of those four ideals that are the root impetus to change.

So there it is...change; we recognize that we must change in order to achieve our ideals and the resolutions reflect this recognition. It is change that we desire and this is reflected in the resolutions we make. They define our dissatisfaction. They delineate the gap or space between what we idealize and we recognize as being the current actuality or reality.

To cross that gap requires resolution. "I must be the change I wish to see in the world!"

Resolution has several synonyms; among them are: answer, declaration, determination, promise, resolve, solution and tenacity.

So your New Year's resolution is your answer, your declaration, your determination, your promise, your resolve, your solution and your tenacity. Your future abundance lies in today's resolution.

What exactly do you want and how much of it? Qualia and quanta. Decide and then resolve to have it. Be, then do, then have. Become, enact, prosper.

Start now. Resolve to be the change you wish to see in the world. Make it your declaration, your commitment, your promise, your tenacity and your solution to those great questions...what I am about and what is the purpose and meaning of my life.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright. Leslie Fieger is the author of The DELFIN Trilogy, (The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest), The Master Key, Alexandra's DragonFire, Awakenings and Your Prosperity Paradigm. His personal website is http://www.lesliefieger.com/

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How To Coach Millennials

Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Generation Next, are folks who are about twenty to thirty years old. So when I saw this article called, Introverted Leaders: The Right Mentors for Millennials (American Management Association), I figured there would be a lot of people who'd be interested in how we can apply it to our lives. After all, this is the age group that college coaches are working with. Check out the article, it's got great info about introverts as leaders...I'm going to focus on motivating millennials.

4 tips that will help us coach millennials

One-on-one interactions. According to the article, "when leaders take the time to converse with the millennials in their midst, they score points in building loyalty and trust." That sounds like something we should invest time in! If we're going to build teams that function well year after year, we should make sure we're taking the time to chat with our players every day. I worked with a coach years ago who said it was his goal talk to each player while they were warming up for practice. However we do it, we should make sure we're connecting with our players, it means a lot to them.
Listening and asking great questions. Apparently, millennials have a "craving for continuous coaching and feedback." This one piggy backs on point number one. They don't want generic praise or interaction meant for the entire group, but rather specific coaching and correction meant just for them. Whether it's email, texts, or face-to-face contact, I'm sure we can all commit to communicating with our players in the way they'd like to receive it.
Preparation. This is the generation most likely to switch jobs many times in the course of their lives, some estimates say the typical millennial will have more than twenty five jobs! They are "hungry to take on new roles and responsibilities", so it's our job to make sure they're engaged on our teams. I'm sure most of our athletes can spout off positive benefits of playing sports (time management, team oriented, etc.), but do they know they're learning how to lead, how to manage different personalities, how to function within a particular role, and how win and lose with a measure of grace? We've got to tell them so they know they're prepared for the "real world" once they leave college.
Calm, reasoned reflection. Why is this important? This approach "offers a needed counterbalance to all the busyness and multitasking of Millennials." Have you noticed how difficult it is for millennials to separate themselves from their phones? They can be "talking" to their friends while texting and think nothing of it...meanwhile I'm super offended when people don't make eye contact with me when we're talking! According to the article, we've got to show them the value in being present and focused. Our sports require those two things in order for our teams to succeed. Our players can't be peeking in the stands while also trying to play at a high level.

To me, this is like having a millennials scouting report. Sure, we can play a game without one, but it will take us a lot longer to be successful. Now that we know how to make great connections with our players, let's make sure we do it!

Dawn Redd is the Head Volleyball Coach at Beloit College. Come visit Coach Dawn's community of coaching nerds and team leaders over at her blog, http://www.coachdawnwrites.com/, where she teaches how to become an excellent coach, motivate individuals, and build successful teams.

Her book, Coach Dawn's Guide To Motivating Female Athletes, is available for purchase on her website.

Follow Coach Dawn on Twitter: @CoachDawnWrites

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How To Keep The Faith

Keeping the faith is more challenging now than ever because of the decadence of morals and values in our cultures psyche. The Christian life isn't lived in a vacuum but within the culture that we're a part of. There seems to be anti-christian attitude from the high to low places of our government. All through history, when people no longer retained the knowledge of God, they resorted to despising and persecuting those who promoted righteousness. On the face of these vicious tidal waves of attacks against Christians and who we represent, knowing how to keep the faith is of highest priority.

A life of righteousness brings blessing to all those that are associated with it. From human perspective, it may seem that living a life of righteousness is slow, mundane and robs you of so-called fun, but divine wisdom declares that righteousness exalts, builds up, promotes and establishes life.

A close look in the pages of the Holy Scripture will reveal what Gods word says has come to pass exactly as it was prophesied. The world is saying one thing but Gods word declares another. I'll rather err on the side of what God's word say than put my confidence on the word of human persons.

The world says no man is perfect but the scripture says, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father who is in heaven is perfect."(Matthew 5:48, KJV). We cannot resign our lives to human ideas, opinions and interpretations. Our life is better off when we walk in obedience to God's word, always will and always is. There are principal ways of how to keep the faith, here are some tips.

1. You must know what you believe- our actions and behaviors are framed by what we believe, how can you keep it? As Christians, know that Jesus Christ is the subject of our message, he died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day for our justification according to the scriptures. This is our position and we must keep the faith that was handed down to us by the Apostles.

2. Have the experience of Bible salvation.

Many people say that they believe in Jesus but have never experienced his transforming life. Once you've experienced the power from on high, you'll be unmovable. The scripture says, "Jesus answered, Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5, KJV). How to keep the faith seriously hinges upon your salvation experience.

3. Maintain steadfastly your testimony- what other people say about you may be important but what do you say about yourself, in the Christian faith, we win over Satan by the word of our testimony. Just like David your testimony is your weapon in this spiritual warfare.

4. Live life by the guidance and direction of Gods word.
The Bible says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching, and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."(Colossians 3:16, KJV) God's word is the sword of the spirit. Study it, memorize it and act upon it. This is one of the most powerful of the weapons on how to keep the faith. When Gods people walk away from righteousness sin spreads as a cancer in their lives for speedy destruction. So we must keep the faith because we're the light to the world.

No drawing back into sin and perdition, living for Jesus Christ in this life will help mitigate a lot of crises. Pressing on to the finish line when we see Christ face to face is the goal, therefore keep the faith.

Dr.Ephraim John Udofia is the founder and Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Apostolic Ministries. International Mission-intensive ministry, both in foreign and home missions with currently over six churches in three countries. Dr.Udofia is the author of over seven life-changing books. He's passionately involved in church planting, crusades, conferences and ministers' training since the seventies. Dr.Udofia holds a Bsc. in Management, minor in accounting, an MBA, and Doctorate in Ministry (Dmin) with major in Missions. He is a former CEO of Precious Jewels Inc. for 19 years. Also a former banker and security representative holding both State and Federal licences. A financial counselor, motivational speaker, mentor, marriage counsellor and an outstanding dedicated family man. He is happily married with five grown children.
To buy one of Dr Ephraim's inspiring Christian Books, or Money Management Books visit the link --->; Life Christian Books

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