Are You Taking Your Place in the World?

I work with women to fulfill their purpose and potential through entrepreneurship. Yet many of these women lose sight of why they went business in the first place, and start to lose their passion and enthusiasm over time.

One client I'll call Sharon, came to be because she was at her wits end drowning in paperwork, emails, and to-do lists. She felt drained, overworked, and uninspired. She was in a place of not remembering why she had started her business in the first place or what she felt called to do.

Her reason for going into business was because she felt a strong call to make a contribution in the world. She didn't know exactly how to do that in the way she imagined, so she just started with what she knew. This is where most women start, but they often get lost along the way.

By the time Sharon came to me, she was exhausted, ready to give up, and had very limited financial resources remaining. Here's what I had her do to turn her situation around quickly - and you can too!

One: get clear on what you feel most called to do right now

It may be time to hone in on your true purpose and talents more narrowly. Get very specific on the exact value you bring to your clients and the key challenges you can help them solve.

Two: get support

Mary was running a one-woman show in trying to do everything herself. One of the first things we did was to get her some simple administrative support for a few hours a week.

Three: simplify and streamline

Look at your service and program offerings for the clients and the services you can let go of that are no longer a passion for you, for the things that take a lot of your time but don't reward you financially, and for places where you have a long list of offerings but no clear specialty. Eliminate at least half of what you're currently doing that no longer serves you so you can focus on the work that truly fulfills inspires you.

So what happened with my client Sharon?

She immediately brought on an assistant for several hours a month which grew over time. She simplified by dropping one of her service offerings that didn't bring a good financial reward, and completed with several clients who were draining her energy. She was then in a position to step into her greatness. Now she's thriving and very happy and more fulfilled in her work.

Are you ready and willing to take your true place in the world and make the difference only you can make? Most women are trying to do too much and consequently aren't bringing their true contribution to the world. Stop playing small and start standing out for the work you feel called to do. Get clear on your true calling and core talents. Then, simplify, streamline, specialize, and get support so you can step into your fullest potential.

Jan Marie Dore teaches women entrepreneurs how to grow their business online and create profitable income streams. Sign up for her savvy and smart marketing tips and receive a 30 page FREE Bonus Workbook and audio 'Eight Insider Marketing Secrets of Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs' by visiting

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