While 2011 was a better year for some in the remodeling and building industry, others still found it challenging and might be wondering when will the market change? In our countertop fabrication busines, we are confident the year 2012 will be one of continued growth. Like many others, we've had our ups and downs since 2008, but I like to say, "We've grown because of them."
I am sure you have too, whether you realize it or not. Let me explain. Most people view pain and challenge as negative, even though not all pain is. In his book, Spiritual Liberation, Michael Bernard Beckwith, talks about "Positive-Negativity," which he describes as "a circumstance that causes us to go deeper, to search ourselves, to stop placing blame on the causes of suffering outside ourselves, and take self-responsibility.1
Sure-hard times will come and go, but it is these circumstances that cause us to evolve and grow. Beckwith states that, 'A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.' Often when we look back on our most challenging experiences, we wouldn't want to trade them for what we gained from. Isn't that the truth? Eric Butterworth, in his book, Discover the Power Within You, talks about Abraham Lincoln, who while faced with many challenges became a man of great strength, great nonresistance, and great accomplishments because of them. Lincoln was asked at one time why he did not replace one of his cabinet members who opposed him quite a bit."
Lincoln answered with a story: Some years ago, I was passing a field where a farmer was trying to plow with a very old and decrepit horse. I noticed on the flank of the animal a big horsefly, and I was about to brush it off when the farmer said, 'Don't you bother that fly, Abe! If it wasn't for that fly this old horse wouldn't move an inch!'"2 Some may wonder, "What was Lincoln trying say?" Well-for starters, he was trying to get across the fact that there are difficult people and difficult circumstances in life. It is these difficult circumstances however, that give us more strength." Lincoln was accomplishing great feats, not in spite of, but because of his opponents."3
There is no question, that the last several years have been challenging for many. As much as we'd like to, we can't control the economy. It has and always will fluctuate with the times, and can play a part of life's ups and downs. We can however, control our thoughts, and actions to situations. How are you handling your thoughts? Are you letting them control you and get you down in the dumps, so they affect your circumstances, or are you standing up to life's challenge and facing what is? Dr. Wayne Dyer, Best Selling Author and International Speaker says, "Change your thoughts, Change your life," and I'd like to add, and don't let those flies bother you too much. They might just motivate you to move forward, or in another direction, and who know's... it just might be a better place!
1Brian Johnson's Philosophers Notes-Spiritual Liberation. http://www.philosophersnotes.com/books
2Eric Butterworth, "Discover the Power Within You." Harper One, 1968. p. 88.
3Eric Butterworth, "Discover the Power Within You." Harper One, 1968. p. 88.
Barbara J. Rodgers
V.P. Paramount Granite Company
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