Today I was reading an article, where CEO's discussed their businesses, and I heard something very interesting. This young man, who was barely 30, talked about his ability to move past the "no's" in his life, to succeed. This conversation was interesting to me for several reasons. I sat there thinking how many times did I let the world's no's stop me from acknowledging God's "YES".
God has the power, authority and the strength to turn any human no into a yes, without lifting a finger. God can start a chain reaction of unbelievable and unpredictable occurrences to turn things around in my favor, so why should I allow a human "NO" faze me one way, or another.
For instance, when Moses was dealing with Pharaoh in Exodus, Pharaoh said no several times. As a matter of fact, he and his people experienced several unpleasant consequences as a result of his "NO's". Yet, in the end, God's "YES" prevailed, just like as it always does.
So today, I have decided not to let anyone's "No" dissuade me from God's Yes! In the end, He always gets his man, and the situation always works out in my favor. In Romans 8:28, I am reminded all things work together for good, for those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purposes. A kingdom mindset makes me stop in my track and remember who is on my side. Even when things do not turn out the way I expect them, I know that I have the victory and power in Christ Jesus.
There is a scripture that says, "let God be true, and every man be a liar" (Romans 3:4). Sometimes, I have to realign my thinking to make sure it lines up with God's. I must refocus my direction so that I am able to see my work through God's lens, so I can trust God to work things out for my good. I am not trying to belittle the struggle or the aggravation you may feel when things don't turn out the way you expect. I am trying to call you out into a higher place in God, so that you are able to stop yourself from getting caught up in a game with no winners, when the victory is already yours.
Today my vowel is to keep everything in its proper perspective. I have the victory, and I am going to win no matter WHAT. Not because, I said so, but because God has already showed me, I have the victory! If you are working on something and you know that you have allowed yourself to forget whose team your on, make today the day you decide to remember and start again.
Aida Ingram, is the CEO of An Inspired You, a published author, Marketing strategist, and a Executive, Business and Life Coach. She teaches people how to create lives, which honor their values, natural gifts and abilities, while creating wealth for them, and the generations that come after them, She specializes in business development, marketing, book writing, and bringing creative ideas to the marketplace. Too many people are working so hard to create "successful lives", that they don't have time to enjoy them. She has a passion for God, teaching, marketing, reading, technology, and studying. Please visit her website and check out her Facebook Fan Page,
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