I am sure many of us can remember times when we wanted a day off from school, so we would ask our parents if we could stay home from school and wait anxiously for their answer. Some time we had a legitimate reason, perhaps we were sick or didn't feel well, but there were just those days when we just didn't feel like being bothered. Our parents usually did a good job of determining the proper course of action. If we had a fever, and were really sick, we might get a pass. If we were trying to avoid a test or assignment, or it was a stomachache, or a headache, we were probably told to try and stick it out.
It was nice to get a pass, but we ultimately had to make up the work that we missed, and if anything good happened at school that day we missed it, and were only left with the stories. The next day we would have extra work and we felt left out when people talked about all of the stuff they saw, and we missed. If we pushed ourselves, and made it to school we would often find out that the temporary situation subsided and eventually everything was fine. We played with our friends and enjoyed our day.
Now that we are all grown up we use excuses all of the time. I don't think I am going because I am tired or I don't feel good. You know I will reach my goal later because right now, it is not an ideal time for me. I have so much going on, and I am so busy, so it's really not that important. We say things like perhaps that opportunity wasn't for me after all, or perhaps I will work on that the next time, but what it really comes down to is us, deciding not to do what we really need to do. It's just like the days we didn't want to go to school.
If we really want to live the kinds of live we say we do, we need to become comfortable with being more uncomfortable. We may need to push ourselves just a little harder. We may have to do work when relaxing and shooting the breeze might feel a little better. Hard work and perseverance really do pay off. If we work hard now, we can celebrate later.
We tell our children this all the time, but do we live by it ourselves. Your dreams will never stand up and take off, if we make excuses instead of doing the work it will take to bring them to pass. Nothing just happens everything takes work. The new job you want, you have to work for it. You may have to embarrass yourself by calling the hiring manager, over and over again. It's worth it, If it gets you the job. If it doesn't, at least you know you gave it everything you had to give.
There are no regrets or second thoughts about what could have happened, if you always come with you're "A game". If you are willing to do the work, you will reap the rewards. So don't ask for a pass, just keep moving forward and keep pressing.
Aida Ingram, is the CEO of An Inspired You, an author, marketing strategist, and Business and Life Coach. She believes people should LIVE their legacy. She teaches people how to create lives, which honor their values,gifts and abilities, while creating wealth. She specializes in business development, marketing, and bringing creative ideas to market. Visit her website: http://www.aninspiredyou.com/home.html and look on Facebook at An Inspired You. Join her mailing list http://eepurl.com/h8Q0g for valuable tips.
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