"Don't Worry, Be Happy!"
The lyrics of this Bob Marley song say:
"In every life we have some trouble. When you worry you make it double. Don't worry. Be happy."
It seems like everyone is worrying these days.
It is not surprising with the current state of our economy.
Entrepreneurs worry about their businesses - online home businesses and brick and mortar businesses.
People worry about losing their jobs or house, paying bills, rising costs and the threat of rising taxes...and the list goes on.
Worrying is natural and easy, but are we becoming a nation of chronic worriers?
Do not get me wrong. Worry can be beneficial to us if it encourages us to change a troublesome situation. However, worrying is a problem when it leads to anxiety, fear and physical side effects like headaches, muscle tension and upset stomach.
If worry is affecting you this way...
Here are some tips so you don't worry for long
1. Practice relaxing - Relaxing has the opposite physical response in your body than anxiety. You see, you can not be relaxed and anxious at the same time. Physical and mental relaxation, like deep breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation can help. I find that taking 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night to simply close my eyes and inhale to the count of 3 and exhale to the count of 5 helps me relax. It also has the added benefit of allowing me to clear my mind and then focus on my goals. It allows me to control my thoughts and cultivate a positive attitude.
2. Learn to tolerate uncertainty - It is important to accept. Uncertainty is part of life. Some people try to predict the future in an attempt to prevent unpleasant surprises and control the outcome. They focus on the worst case, but that does not make things turn out better.
3. Identify and control your negative thoughts - When something makes you worry, shift your focus. Start thinking about something pleasant. For me, shifting my focus does not help me to stop worrying for good. I find that the following tips work for me:
a. Write your worries down in a journal. This can help you to release them.
b. As worries come up, tell yourself you will worry about it later during your "worry time". Postponing your worrying helps you stop dwelling on your worries. Also, during this "worry time" you can review, examine and question your worries.
4. Develop and maintain the right mental attitude - Fill your mind with peace, hope and courage. Take time to be grateful every day and count your blessings. I find that shifting my focus to helping others allows me to forget my own challenges.
The tips above are not for chronic worrying and should not be interpreted as professional advice.
Free yourself from worry!
Allow Freedom Freeda, to sum it all up...
1. Worrying does not accomplish anything. Why worry? Do not worry. It is a waste of time.
2. Worrying can make you sick. Don't worry. It burdens your mind and body.
3. Worrying takes your focus on what really matters. Do not worry. Focus on what you are grateful for.
So, do not worry. Especially in difficult times like these, we need to control our thoughts, cultivate a positive mentality, and stay motivated. This will allow us to make positive changes in our lives.
"Don't worry. Be happy."
You can make it happen! So, do not worry about your business.
Discover how you can build your business using proven Home Business Marketing strategies. Stop by JC Dawkins' site where you can find other Stay Motivated tips and techniques from Freedom Freeda.
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