This may be a little painful but here is a topic that needs to be addressed. Do not listen to others that tell you what you can and can't desire, dream, and accomplish. Don't listen to the ones that aren't achieving in their own lives. Listen to the ones that ARE. If they are in your life, then spend more time with them. If you don't have people in your life that can mentor, you get some digital products that will encourage, guide and help you. Every mentor I know spends money on their self development with digital products, books, coaching, and seminars. Where else will you find the concepts? This is an education and the cost of education is small compared to the changes you will see when you take action on the training.
Don't worry about what others will think. They will think whatever they think no matter what you do. Don't let it affect your actions towards your goals and dreams. Your life purpose is to find your purpose and then live it. That is a joyful life. It's not your purpose to live for the approval of others or to create a life that is someone else's picture of what they think your life should be. The people in your life have a major effect on your life, don't they? Are they supporting what you are doing in your life or not? Are your relationships draining or life-giving? Through my life I have been in situations where I thought the right thing was doing what someone else wanted me to be doing with my life. It didn't last long because it began to feel uncomfortable. That little voice inside will talk louder and louder until you listen to it - it is your source.
I always ask - what would be the worst thing that could happen if I gave up my dreams and goals? This is not my main motivator but it sure helps to keep me moving forward at times. The answer...I sure wouldn't feel good about it.
Know that things in life and also the thoughts you have will come up that can have the power to knock you off your path. You must have a clear purpose - your reason and a clear vision of what you want your life to look like. This will help you get through those times when you begin to waiver. View things that don't work out as a learning opportunity that teaches you how not to do something. These are blessings because they actually are bringing you closer to your goal.
Look at things in a new and different way. Try viewing the world like a child. Be curious. Don't hold so tight. Look at the world with someone else's eyes. Use all your senses to perceive the world around you.
Judith M Shapiro invites you to visit where you will get resources and tools you can easily use in your busy life. When you sign up in the opt in box you'll get a free report to help with Time Management. This is a great time of year for that topic. Take a look around, I can easily say that there is something for everyone.
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