We all seek out and require motivation at certain times throughout our lives when we plan to carry out some pretty significant changes. You know those changes that you plan to make but in the past, they never seemed to materialize? Don't give up, start again and get the motivation you need to succeed.
Maybe you want to start a new business, or you might be longing for a change in career. You have a desire to drop some excess weight, or to begin to make some other kinds of important changes to enhance your life, and the list goes on. You sincerely want to accomplish those good things, but you need a push to get actions underway; you need some kind of motivation. Otherwise, all those wonderful things that you plan to do get set aside because you are too busy or the timing is just not right, or worse; you think it is too much work. Sound familiar? You recognize that your intentions are always right, but remember what they say about the road to hell, being paved with good intentions. Turn those intentions into a reality with the right kind of motivation.
When you are motivated amazing things begin to transpire. Your goals turn into success.
Motivation is that proverbial burst of enthusiasm and energy that encourages us to keep going even when we don't feel like it. We fantasize about all the fantastic benefits that we will see when we think about the changes, but for some of us, that's as far as it goes. Something was missing. That something is motivation.
When we embark on making major changes or life improvements, we start out feeling pumped up and thinking, "This is going to be it, I am going to make it this time," and we start the progress. Then something strange occurs. We don't get the immediate results we expected, so we begin to feel discouraged and deflated. It is at this crucial time that we need to get motivated in order to move forward and stay focused. So how do we do that?
It is well known that willpower is an essential factor in achieving any kind of success, and motivation is equally important. Without motivation, there will come a point when you feel discouraged and quit whatever you set out to do. You need to prove to yourself and to others who may doubt that you have the ability to follow through.
When you are full of enthusiasm and excitement at the thought of making some major change, you tend to share that with friends and relatives in your social circles. However, remember sharing that same news several times before? So in your zeal, you reveal to them that you are embarking on a weight loss mission, or going to make some remarkable career or business changes. They look at you with that unmistakable non-believing grin, or make some critical remark like, "Well you tried all that before, why don't you just forget about it. " Those cynical comments can really sting and make you angry. So why not prove them wrong? Criticism erodes confidence.Consider using other's criticisms or doubts as your ultimate motivator. In my life, one of the biggest sources of motivation was proving the doubters wrong.
There are specific steps you must take if you want success in achieving your goals. If you didn't create a plan in your previous goal attempts, then it's time you did. No definitive plan is a well known reason why the best of intentions never pans out. Not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. When you create a plan, you have a clear understanding of how and where to start the process. If you don't really understand about how to start a business, or make a career change, or even how to lose those unwanted pounds, then do the research, get help and write a plan. Knowledge is power and makes the journey much more interesting. If you lack interest in your goals because you don't understand how to go about achieving them, your motivation level will never be high. You will not be able to sustain any kind of momentum for very long. Knowledge is empowering. To be informed and feel empowered is a potent motivator.
Last, but not least, break down the plan into small doable steps. By doing this, achieving goals becomes less overwhelming for you. Seeing those achievable steps turn into results will give you the confidence and motivation to continue. Imagine the feeling of ticking off those accomplishments like; "lost 2 pounds this week, learned how to write a business plan, researched 3 career options." Check. Complete. What a fantastic motivator it is to see tangible results happen, for all your efforts.
Everything you set out to do requires some kind of motivation. Getting paid to go to work is a motivator. There has to be a reason to continue when you want to reach your goals. Making improvements in your life can bring remarkable, long lasting effects.
When you prove to yourself and to others that you can succeed in achieving your goals is tremendously motivating. Gaining the specific knowledge needed to put a goal into a real action will instil interest and enduring motivation. Your motivation will skyrocket every time you check of a step that you completed as you come closer to your goal.
Most humans have a curious tick; we often stop right before giant success. Don't let that happen to you, so get motivated, stay motivated and you shall reap the benefits of success in everything you do.
Linda McLellan is a certified life coach, freelance writer, and successful marketing entrepreneur. She is a self admitted "technology geek" who has a penchant for photography, travel, music and entertaining good friends and family. A fervent believer in "paying forward," she is recognized for her compelling insight and motivational techniques. Linda spends a great deal of her time helping people to realize their true value and inner power, and provides gentle guidance to help them reach their life and business goals.
Visit her website http://lifeprospernow.com/ and you will discover the power to create an outrageously happy, prosperous and abundant life. You are capable of having anything you want in your life including; more success, abundance, prosperity, more meaningful relationships and so much more. Learn the secrets, techniques and methods from a marketing professional and a thriving life and success coach.
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