Time Management Introduction: Take the Few Steps

Come to think of it, managing one's time is truly both a skill and a talent that needs to be honed. Therefore, there is a need of a time management introduction which is a person's entry point in mastering the trade of dividing the limited time that everyone gets to use every single day. In the process, one should be well versed of the following tools of the trade:

Definition of productivity: How much effort should you exert just to accomplish something? How much time would you spend in doing so? You will find yourself answering this question and weighing your efforts against your actual output. You are also bound to answer the question of rate. How much can you accomplish within a certain period of time?
The meaning of managing your time: Any dictionary or website can give an operational definition that will help you gear up with time management. But in the end, true understanding its meaning and will only be achieved by applying its concepts.
Explanation of the specific methods of managing one's time: in time management introduction, several specific methods shall be laid out for you to choose the most convenient and applicable option for you. The bottom line of all these methodologies is that you have to increase your productivity and at the same time, devote a portion of your time to self improvement and general growth.
Use of resources at hand: The most important resource that is taken into consideration here is time. Of course, when you spend more time, you lose more money in the process. Time consumption is also directly proportional to energy consumption. Therefore, saving time would generate more monetary and energy savings. And that sounds like good news.

Time management introduction need not be that lengthy. Its most important part is orienting an individual to become motivated, set the general aspirations, maintain the motivation, persevere, and achieve the goals set in the long run. This might sound simple but many people find themselves easily distracted by road blocks. That's why many self-help books continue to flourish - this is just a manifestation of how common this problem is being encountered.

Just like any beginning, one may find it overwhelming to grasp the true essence of the time management introduction. That's why another aspect that should be worked on is the individual mindset. Many things have been accomplished and conquered because of mindset. In the same way, a lot of attempts have failed because of mindset. Remember that motivation comes from within and it should be consciously maintained in order to succeed.

In time management introduction, expectations are set. But in order to grasp the concepts effectively, you should maintain a mind that is willing to explore and learn. Unleash the secrets of the successful people and most of all, commence your journey towards personal growth and increased productivity. Take the first few steps towards possessing the talent and mastering the skill of managing your time.

In additions to the key take aways from Time Management Introduction, Harri Jussila's blog Time Management Solutions contains many other tips on possessing the talent and mastering the skill of time management.

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The Right People Need No Motivation

Jim Collins, the world famous management guru, has said that "if you have the right people on your bus, you don't need to worry about motivating them". As a friend of mine said, "Does this mean that employee motivation programs are useless?" It would seem so - if only we could get our recruitment right, then we would employ a whole bunch of self-starters who would not need to be motivated by management. Wow, would that save costs? Yes. So this sounds like a good - no, great - idea, but is it?

My own view is that there is a truth in what Jim Collins says, but that he isn't exactly right either.

In the first instance we need to take the problem back a frame. Most people hire on the basis of qualifications and experience, often forgetting that high energy, which is effectively high motivation, is the number one factor for outperformance. So attracting and recruiting these people in the first place makes sense - but how are we to do that? It is not easy to establish in the first instance who are the genuinely motivated types of people; one thing we do know is that most people at interviews appear motivated, and furthermore that being superb at interviews usually means that one is great at interviews rather than being great for the role that one is being interviewed for!

But then having got these people, the notion that they continue to remain motivated if you do nothing about them is lamentable - sure, like the Duracell bunny, they'll run longer and more effectively than the non-motivated people you initially recruited, BUT they still need input - less input than the non-motivated people, but input nevertheless. Furthermore, although it could be argued that such very effective people are self-starters, the benefit of inputs is also aligned with reading their minds - if you don't input you are not likely to really find out what is going on inside their head - and bingo, the self-starter up and leaves because there is no engagement with him or her.

Thus it is imperative to provide the most motivated with even more reasons to be motivated; and that leads on to the reason of reasons - namely, the best people always have it in them to want to be better - so helping them really gets them and you up to the very highest levels of performance, and at the same time gets more buy-in, more staying power in the relationship - thereby reducing turnover costs.

The truth is - the obvious truth is - things change, and that includes especially motivation. We all know of high performing, highly motivated men and women who once were outperformers but have now fallen by the wayside, as it were, and become, in some instances, positive liabilities. What happened to them? Many things can happen to them - simple burnout for one thing; neglect for another; and yet for another just lack of meaning or core purpose - why am I doing this when I never see my family from one month's end to another?

So, yes, recruit the highly motivated - that's god advice from Jim Collins. But don't imagine job done! Motivation is like physical fitness: wherever you are on the scale of it, you need constant and persistent inputs stay fit, to stay motivated. True, the self-motivated can provide a lot of this for themselves, but let's be sure: management has a lot to offer to keep performance really high.

If you would like to find out more about what motivates you, go to:


and try a Personal Motivational Profile.

James Sale is Europe's premier expert on motivation. If you would like to book him as a speaker, contact:

- James Sale: +44 (0) 1202 393660
- Visit James on Linkedin - http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jamesmotivationsale
- Or email me - info@motivationalmaps.com

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Ultimate Motivators To Achieve Personal Goal Success

We all seek out and require motivation at certain times throughout our lives when we plan to carry out some pretty significant changes. You know those changes that you plan to make but in the past, they never seemed to materialize? Don't give up, start again and get the motivation you need to succeed.

Maybe you want to start a new business, or you might be longing for a change in career. You have a desire to drop some excess weight, or to begin to make some other kinds of important changes to enhance your life, and the list goes on. You sincerely want to accomplish those good things, but you need a push to get actions underway; you need some kind of motivation. Otherwise, all those wonderful things that you plan to do get set aside because you are too busy or the timing is just not right, or worse; you think it is too much work. Sound familiar? You recognize that your intentions are always right, but remember what they say about the road to hell, being paved with good intentions. Turn those intentions into a reality with the right kind of motivation.

When you are motivated amazing things begin to transpire. Your goals turn into success.

Motivation is that proverbial burst of enthusiasm and energy that encourages us to keep going even when we don't feel like it. We fantasize about all the fantastic benefits that we will see when we think about the changes, but for some of us, that's as far as it goes. Something was missing. That something is motivation.

When we embark on making major changes or life improvements, we start out feeling pumped up and thinking, "This is going to be it, I am going to make it this time," and we start the progress. Then something strange occurs. We don't get the immediate results we expected, so we begin to feel discouraged and deflated. It is at this crucial time that we need to get motivated in order to move forward and stay focused. So how do we do that?

It is well known that willpower is an essential factor in achieving any kind of success, and motivation is equally important. Without motivation, there will come a point when you feel discouraged and quit whatever you set out to do. You need to prove to yourself and to others who may doubt that you have the ability to follow through.

When you are full of enthusiasm and excitement at the thought of making some major change, you tend to share that with friends and relatives in your social circles. However, remember sharing that same news several times before? So in your zeal, you reveal to them that you are embarking on a weight loss mission, or going to make some remarkable career or business changes. They look at you with that unmistakable non-believing grin, or make some critical remark like, "Well you tried all that before, why don't you just forget about it. " Those cynical comments can really sting and make you angry. So why not prove them wrong? Criticism erodes confidence.Consider using other's criticisms or doubts as your ultimate motivator. In my life, one of the biggest sources of motivation was proving the doubters wrong.

There are specific steps you must take if you want success in achieving your goals. If you didn't create a plan in your previous goal attempts, then it's time you did. No definitive plan is a well known reason why the best of intentions never pans out. Not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. When you create a plan, you have a clear understanding of how and where to start the process. If you don't really understand about how to start a business, or make a career change, or even how to lose those unwanted pounds, then do the research, get help and write a plan. Knowledge is power and makes the journey much more interesting. If you lack interest in your goals because you don't understand how to go about achieving them, your motivation level will never be high. You will not be able to sustain any kind of momentum for very long. Knowledge is empowering. To be informed and feel empowered is a potent motivator.

Last, but not least, break down the plan into small doable steps. By doing this, achieving goals becomes less overwhelming for you. Seeing those achievable steps turn into results will give you the confidence and motivation to continue. Imagine the feeling of ticking off those accomplishments like; "lost 2 pounds this week, learned how to write a business plan, researched 3 career options." Check. Complete. What a fantastic motivator it is to see tangible results happen, for all your efforts.

Everything you set out to do requires some kind of motivation. Getting paid to go to work is a motivator. There has to be a reason to continue when you want to reach your goals. Making improvements in your life can bring remarkable, long lasting effects.

When you prove to yourself and to others that you can succeed in achieving your goals is tremendously motivating. Gaining the specific knowledge needed to put a goal into a real action will instil interest and enduring motivation. Your motivation will skyrocket every time you check of a step that you completed as you come closer to your goal.

Most humans have a curious tick; we often stop right before giant success. Don't let that happen to you, so get motivated, stay motivated and you shall reap the benefits of success in everything you do.

Linda McLellan is a certified life coach, freelance writer, and successful marketing entrepreneur. She is a self admitted "technology geek" who has a penchant for photography, travel, music and entertaining good friends and family. A fervent believer in "paying forward," she is recognized for her compelling insight and motivational techniques. Linda spends a great deal of her time helping people to realize their true value and inner power, and provides gentle guidance to help them reach their life and business goals.

Visit her website http://lifeprospernow.com/ and you will discover the power to create an outrageously happy, prosperous and abundant life. You are capable of having anything you want in your life including; more success, abundance, prosperity, more meaningful relationships and so much more. Learn the secrets, techniques and methods from a marketing professional and a thriving life and success coach.

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Tactics Show You Can Turn This Around: Dealing With Perceived Failure or Disappointment

From time to time many of us feel as though we have failed at something. Some of us may feel disappointed at the outcome of a situation that may not have ended to our liking. The question is: how do you handle the feelings of failure or disappointment?

The word failure comes from the 1100's, Middle English, meaning to disappoint, to deceive.

In reality nothing ever really fails, it is only our reaction to a standard we have set, a measure that a situation or a somebody should, in our estimation, have a particular outcome. Although we may experience something as having failed, truthfully WE can never be a failure. Thinking we're a failure is taking a moment and creating a belief about ourselves and attaching the failure to an idea of who we are, our life or existence. And it simply is not true. If actually there has been a breakdown in your life and a failed situation, the way to handle it is to learn from the experience, fix it or make an amends and then go on with your life knowing that you now know better and will do better. When you beat yourself up you stay stuck. When you know better you do better.

Movement is energy and energy needs to move so forgive yourself and others, right what has happened, learn your lesson with love and grace and take the next right step in your life.

If you're feeling failed or disappointed, feel into it and ask yourself - is this perception of myself mine or does this belong to someone else? If it is someone else's idea of you then return it to sender with love attached. If it belongs to you then where does that belief comes from? And honestly is it serving you or swerving your life off-course? What did you do that you can choose to not do again? Prove to yourself that you do better, accept yourself and allow yourself to move forward with your life in a direction that matters to you.

Dance with life; allow the journey with its ebbs and flows, its successes and failures. How we perceive all of these events is in our minds. We choose the thoughts we think. Accept Choose Take Action

Trust life and the most extraordinary things will happen. Trust yourself and build a rapport with yourself to know to do and be the best you you can be. As you develop an intimate relationship with yourself you will learn you can depend on yourself, and after all it is YOU you'll be traveling this entire life with, not to mention the next life and the next! Be in your day the way you want to live your life. Focus your thoughts in a positive direction. Draw to yourself exactly what you need.

Just as important is to remember to let life take over to fix things. We are not alone. We are much beloved by unseen friends. We must do what we can and then let go to allow the healing to begin.

Here's one example from my personal life, and how I could have perceived and received this as disappointment or as just another event. I have had a producer interested in me for years. This producer is attached to a very well known actor who funds big projects. I've had coffee with the producer and his partner several times. Each time we got together, the producer talks about how he loves my show and what I'm doing. He sees me working with him and shifting what I'm doing into bigger venues doing bigger things. In our meetings there were promises made and interest expressed and then after our meeting - nothing. Disappointing? Yes. My secret is I do not wait and wonder if something will come through, because time marches on and so must I. Therefore I kept and continue to put myself out there in big ways which continues to reap results. The producer pursued working with me through discussions and then stopped the planning and for 2 years now I have NOT heard from him. Yesterday, out of the blue, I heard this producer's name mentioned regarding a project by a colleague, and suddenly one hour later, I received a call from the producer - after two years! In the call he shared that he and his partner want to get together with me for coffee to talk (again). They have new plans; they're in a new place, and with new ideas. I will show up for the opportunity. I will remain open and hear what is new in their space and what their renewed interest is in working with me, and I'll see how it feels. I will not put stock into what may or may not happen. If working with them works out: terrific. If it doesn't: terrific. I believe if this connection does not come to fruition in my life then it isn't meant to be and there's something much better, much juicier in store for me instead.

Disappointment is what happens when I have an expectation. I go into this and most things with no expectation. With all the things I wheel and deal and all the calls and interest I get from so many different factions it is like pasta. Every so often something sticks. I do my best work and be my best self and show up. What is meant to be in my life will be. This creates a feeling of success and of looking up and forward at all times.

"Failure is blindness to the strategic element in events; success is readiness for instant action when the opportune moment arrives." -- Newell D. Hillis

Debbi Dachinger's "Dare to Dream" radio show is a syndicated, multi-award winning program. It's been featured in online news sources around the world. Author of the three-time bestselling book "Dare to Dream: This Life Counts," Debbi is often heard as an interview guest on other radio and TV shows; in addition, Debbi is an inspirational keynote speaker and a spokeswoman on panels. "Dare to Dream" radio enlightens and entertains listeners in an exciting paradigm that intertwines metaphysics with a talk show format. It's a show that's needed as people are moving towards new ways of living and doing business and desiring tools to make their passions, goals and dreams come true.

"Dare to Dream" is very popular with a large listener following (2.7 million listeners per episode). Hear "Dare to Dream" radio live worldwide or on by podcast: http://www.deborahdachinger.com/ (and iTunes).

Debbi is passionate in sharing with the world the thriving guests she interviews, who have succeeded in achieving noteworthy goals; the result is inspirational on-air conversation. Debbi is a top-notch interviewer and has always been in talent/entertainment. She was a U.S.C. Performing arts graduate who acted and sang throughout Europe and the United States. She has received acting nominations and awards, has been a successful motivational speaker, worked as a professional voice over artist, has a YouTube channel: http://www.YouTube.com/debontheradio, writes a blog, is a member of AFTRA and SAG unions, the Evolutionary Business Council, and American Women in Media. Debbi is considered the expert in Goal Achievement, and also How To Be a Great Radio Host and How to Be The Best Radio Interview Guest.

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Stay Motivated to Exercise Through Hypnosis

Started a new exercise program with excitement, commitment and with the best intentions? Only to find yourself struggling to motivate yourself to go to the gym? This is the case for many people, who within weeks of beginning an exercise regime find it a chore to go and workout.

We all see them, the fitness fanatics who seem to enjoy working out. Finding pleasure in going to the gym or seeing their personal trainer. So why can't we all be like that? How come I struggle to motivate myself to exercise yet most other people at the gym seem to find joy out of working out?

All of us have lost motivation after the initial buzz of a new workout, new gym, different personal trainer or even diet. There are a number of things we can do to help increase our motivation. Even at a subconscious level. One of the secrets is Hypnosis! I know there is a lot of mystery and misinformation surrounding Hypnosis, but it is one of the most effective techniques at increasing motivation and staying motivated to workout.

Let me explain how it works:

Hypnosis places you in a relaxed trance, where the guard of your logical, conscious mind can be bypassed. Therefore allowing you access to your deep sub-conscious mind, where most thoughts, feelings and beliefs are stored. You can then retrain your mind to think of the positives of exercising, both the long term and short term benefits. The decreased fat percentage, slimmer waist line, better fitting clothing, less risk of diabetes, lower risk of CHD. The list goes on!

You will feel more motivated to exercise. Getting that excited, committed feeling every time you are due to workout. Exercising will no longer be a chore. Your attitude towards exercise will change, which will have a direct knock-on effect on the amount of exercise you do and how frequently you workout. This is where your goals really become reality.

Whether your goal is to lose 15 pounds, run a marathon or even just feel more energetic around the house. Exercise motivation through Hypnosis can help you. Changing the way your sub-conscious thinks and retraining your brain to enjoy exercise just like every other gym fanatic does.

Over time your mind will adapt to these natural changes in your subconscious. As exercise becomes part of your everyday life and you set yourself up for a healthier, more enjoyable future.

At LifeAndMind.net we aim to help people become more successful in life, achieve what they want to achieve and become the person they have always wanted. Download the 3 free Hypnosis albums now. Or check out the range of Hypnosis tracks on how to stay motivated through Hypnosis.

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Do Not Worry About Your Business, Even In These Uncertain Times

"Don't Worry, Be Happy!"

The lyrics of this Bob Marley song say:

"In every life we have some trouble. When you worry you make it double. Don't worry. Be happy."

It seems like everyone is worrying these days.

It is not surprising with the current state of our economy.

Entrepreneurs worry about their businesses - online home businesses and brick and mortar businesses.

People worry about losing their jobs or house, paying bills, rising costs and the threat of rising taxes...and the list goes on.

Worrying is natural and easy, but are we becoming a nation of chronic worriers?

Do not get me wrong. Worry can be beneficial to us if it encourages us to change a troublesome situation. However, worrying is a problem when it leads to anxiety, fear and physical side effects like headaches, muscle tension and upset stomach.

If worry is affecting you this way...

Here are some tips so you don't worry for long

1. Practice relaxing - Relaxing has the opposite physical response in your body than anxiety. You see, you can not be relaxed and anxious at the same time. Physical and mental relaxation, like deep breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation can help. I find that taking 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night to simply close my eyes and inhale to the count of 3 and exhale to the count of 5 helps me relax. It also has the added benefit of allowing me to clear my mind and then focus on my goals. It allows me to control my thoughts and cultivate a positive attitude.

2. Learn to tolerate uncertainty - It is important to accept. Uncertainty is part of life. Some people try to predict the future in an attempt to prevent unpleasant surprises and control the outcome. They focus on the worst case, but that does not make things turn out better.

3. Identify and control your negative thoughts - When something makes you worry, shift your focus. Start thinking about something pleasant. For me, shifting my focus does not help me to stop worrying for good. I find that the following tips work for me:

a. Write your worries down in a journal. This can help you to release them.

b. As worries come up, tell yourself you will worry about it later during your "worry time". Postponing your worrying helps you stop dwelling on your worries. Also, during this "worry time" you can review, examine and question your worries.

4. Develop and maintain the right mental attitude - Fill your mind with peace, hope and courage. Take time to be grateful every day and count your blessings. I find that shifting my focus to helping others allows me to forget my own challenges.

The tips above are not for chronic worrying and should not be interpreted as professional advice.

Free yourself from worry!

Allow Freedom Freeda, to sum it all up...

1. Worrying does not accomplish anything. Why worry? Do not worry. It is a waste of time.
2. Worrying can make you sick. Don't worry. It burdens your mind and body.
3. Worrying takes your focus on what really matters. Do not worry. Focus on what you are grateful for.

So, do not worry. Especially in difficult times like these, we need to control our thoughts, cultivate a positive mentality, and stay motivated. This will allow us to make positive changes in our lives.

"Don't worry. Be happy."

You can make it happen! So, do not worry about your business.

Discover how you can build your business using proven Home Business Marketing strategies. Stop by JC Dawkins' site where you can find other Stay Motivated tips and techniques from Freedom Freeda.

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No I Don't Want to Motivate You

A couple of years ago, I wrote a few articles from my own personal soapbox - and lately, I have been feeling like climbing back on it. Why? Because I've had a few conversations in the past couple of weeks with people who aren't willing to challenge themselves to embrace their greatness and make a real change for themselves, their family and their community (even though they say they want to).

According to my good friends over at Wikipedia.com, a soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject.

The term originates from when speakers would stand on a wooden box meant for holding soap. The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in an often flamboyant, impromptu or unofficial public speaking - as in "She's on her soapbox" or "Get off your soapbox". A modern form of the soapbox is a blog or a website on which a user publishes one's thoughts to whoever reads the page.

Now, I'm not one for the political topics, but as you've probably realized by now, I have some strong opinions about things and am not always quiet about sharing them. I've decided to climb waaaaaay up on that wooden box about a few topics that seem to always come up when I'm coaching clients. And since I kinda like being on my soapbox, I'm going to hang out there for a while.

One of the first articles I wrote from my soapbox was about motivation - and it's still relevant for many people today. Why? Because I still hear people say things like:

"I'm just not motivated.""I need someone to keep me motivated.""I start out strong and lose motivation.""I want a coach to keep me motivated.""I'm attending this conference/seminar/workshop/retreat to get motivated."

Why, why, why do people keep looking to others to give them what they already have???? (stomping on my box)

Let's take a look at what motivation is:

Motive is an impulse that causes a person to act. Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. Motivation, like intelligence, can't be directly observed. Instead, motivation can only be inferred by noting a person's behavior.

So, what does that mean?

Motivation causes people to act.Motivation is internal.Motivation can't be observed.Motivation is only inferred because of what you DO.

What, of those four things, has anything to do with someone other than you? Absolutely nothing. No one can give you motivation. No one can keep you motivated.

Motivation comes from inside of you. It's your internal drive that moves you to act on a goal that you say you want. If you aren't motivated to act, it's because your desire to reach your goal has not yet become bigger than your excuses, your comfort zone and your fears. Others can inspire you, teach you, help you, and encourage you (through workshops, seminars, coaching, CDs, formal education, and books). And that's great...we all need that. But the will to ACT can only come from you.

So, when you need a dose of real motivation - don't look to me or others. Get up. Find a mirror. Look at the reflection. That is all the motivation you need.

RADICAL Success Coach Doreen Rainey helps her clients define success for themselves and then get the guts to go after it. Ready for your RADICAL change? Grab your Radical Success Kit. Get unstuck, get moving and get results with your FREE RADICAL Success Starter Kit with: 7 RADICAL Tips, an audio of 5 Characteristics of Successful People Audio and subscription to Get RADICAL ezine.

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If Tomorrow Came Today

How would you handle the immediate rush of dealing with tomorrow's schedule, today? We all tell ourselves we will do that tomorrow. By some strange twist tomorrow came sooner than you expected. So now everything you put off doing you can now finish. What are some of those tasks? Are they tasks you were really planning on completing tomorrow? Or was tomorrow a convenient excuse to procrastinate another assignment you did not want to complete? Dedication to personal growth requires some difficult examinations. Many times we put off issues we don't want to deal with. Pretty soon those "tomorrows" become meaningless. Sometimes people will take our tomorrows to mean, "I am not going to do [specify]." Left undone, our words are perceived as empty and shallow which is not our intention. Those who depend on us, those we care for and who love us need our actions to match our words. They need to receive positive consistency and we need to give it.

Think about what you have told yourself or others you plan to do tomorrow. Does this list contain items you will actually complete or does it contain a group of well-intended wishes? Remember, this is our year and our time. We deserve to be honest with ourselves. Please do not attempt to fool yourself by saying you will do it tomorrow when in fact you know that won't. A series of well-intended tomorrows defeats our efforts towards improvement. When we do not complete our tomorrows in a timely fashion we feel guilty. Self-imposed guilt leads to personal disappointment and a sense of disappointment from others. Your desire is to create environments and opportunities were you can and will fulfill your goals of improvement and personal growth.

A more constructive approach for you is to give a specific statement as to what you plan to do tomorrow. For example, tomorrow I am going to clear out one of the boxes in my garage or closet. Notice you didn't say whether it was the small box or the big box. In either case this is something manageable you will do. You may become so motivated you decide to clean out the entire garage or closet. Congratulations! What you've done is created an opportunity for you to keep your word to yourself as well as a chance to exceed your expectations.

You are changing every day for the better. You are reflecting on lessons learned. You are taking note-worthy action. So, today further your accomplishments by making sure your words and actions are true reflections of each other. You have come so far on your journey towards improvement. Old habits, negative responses and non-action are slowly fading away. So as you continue throughout this day, remember you are completing tasks, interacting with others, and growing as if tomorrow came today.

©2012 Jacquinita A. Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Name: Jacquinita A. Rose, Ph.D.

Website: http://www.grownfolkspublishing.com/

Grown Folks' Publishing is a direct-author-sale site (DASS).

Visit us today!

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The King of Kings' Endurance

The Roman soldiers:

kept coming up to him, saying, 'Hail, King of the Jews!' and striking him on the face.
~John 19:3 (NRSV)

It is little wonder that the motion picture, Passion of the Christ (2004), reviles the sense of curiosity within many a believer and nonbeliever alike. Especially the flogging scenes, where Jesus' body is in part stripped to the bone, there is the aridity of interest - do we really want to see vision as appalling as this?

But, it happened.

According to the Gospel accounts, the scourging and humiliation of Jesus was as profound as it was unjust - the only sinless man, the Lamb of God and Saviour of humankind, was dealt with as badly as any human being has ever been treated.


Though we can barely imagine such pain and derision, there is scope for wonder; that Jesus went through all this for one person - you and I, individually - and the whole system of humanity, too.

It helps us to understand the cosmic size, and the range of pain, within the event that remitted grace most assuredly to us; that the sheer torment in the rejection Jesus endured at an emotional level probably matched the carnage in the physicality of abuse borne on Jesus' body, and vice versa.

What was worse? It probably doesn't matter. As Jesus was both fully human and fully divine, he also endured a 'perfect' level of total humiliation and unparalleled physical pain. On both continuums - the emotional and physical - and because of the spiritual and Christological ramifications - he endured more than any other human could or ever would.


Although we will never be expected to endure as Jesus endured - continuing faithfully all the way to the cross - we have the perfect example of the endurance we are capable of; that we may draw deep into our own problems and redeem the reminiscences of Christlike humility to struggle well despite humiliation and pain.

This is no easy reality to talk about; it is only proven in action; only made worthy in the matter of living testimony.

Because we will fail more often than we will succeed, the vision for endurance is never more important. We draw faith from possibility; that one man endured, even though he was sinless, provides us reason to believe we, on our best of days, might arrange the same courage as we draw on the Spirit of Life.


The most inspirational act in the history of humankind was The Passion of Christ. This is a story not of defeat for one man, but of victory for all others. That he was crushed for our iniquities ensured we could be made whole. It is the definition of endurance; one for us to model ours on.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/

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Common Reasons Why A Motivational Speaker Strives To Improve His Skills

If you are striving to be the best motivational speaker of our generation then it is highly suggested that you start honing your skills for as soon as possible. The greatest speakers are not born overnight. There are many different ways you can take on if you are interested in improving your skills. You can self-study by reading books, watching instructional videos, watching how others do it and all other sort of things. You can also enroll in any training camps or courses if you don't mind meeting other individuals that are also interested in becoming the best speaker. Down below are some of the reasons why a speaker strive to hone his skills and perhaps this can motivate you to improve yours as well.

Speakers are always on a quest to provide the best motivating speeches. Motivational speakers' capabilities are usually judged based on how motivating they present their speeches and so, this is the most crucial of all. If the speeches you deliver have no impact to the audience then you either need to change your strategy or find a way to improve it further. It is also important to take note that the audience will only listen to the person that they trust and thus, it is always a good idea to start your speeches by introducing yourself and by giving the listeners a brief enumeration of your top accomplishments.

Speakers are interested to learn more about how a person thinks. Human psychology is a complex study and this makes it interesting for those who are curious with regards to how it works. They have to understand psychology if they want to motivate or persuade a group of individual because the basis of their speeches after all, is everything about touching the heart of the listeners. You will not be able to influence a person or a group of people if you have no idea of their way of thinking.

In conclusion, the two points stated above are just some of the many reasons and believe it or not, it is usually enough to keep you going in the right direction should you want to become the best of the best. Motivating other people is not really difficult as long as you love uplifting others. Your passion can provide you the inspiration you will need to further improve your skills and to be able to construct more motivating speeches.

If you are looking for effective motivational tools or perhaps you are looking for a good motivational speaker, kindly visit us at http://www.dobbo.com.au/ as we surely have everything you need.

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7 Self Improvement Tips For A Happy Life

Make the most of your self-improvement by employing one or more of these helpful tips. They are not in any particular order in which they can help anyone make their life better.

Here are 7 great Self-Improvement Tips For A Happy Life

1) Start a Journal

One of the first self-improvement tip would be to journal daily. This gives you a place to write down thoughts and feelings as well as improvements to your life. Writing down your thoughts make them real rather than in your head because you can forget them. You can then read them after a time to see your level of improvement as you reach each goal.

2) Meditation

Using meditation is also a good way to help you. Meditation helps by teaching you to relax by clearing your mind of cluttering thoughts. This releases stress and thus helps to put you into a calmer mood. Becoming well-rounded is also a good tip to remember. Everything affects everything else and the more well-rounded you are, the better off you will become and meeting your goals becomes easier.

3) Lead by Example

Being an example to others not only has the added benefit of helping others, but you help yourself at the same time. The more you present as an example, the more success you have transitioning in other ways.

4) Affirmations

Positive affirmations are also a great tip to remember. Choose these affirmations in any subject that you want to work on and repeat at least twice daily with feeling. While some will scoff at this particular subject, there are many who have changed their lives for the better by using affirmations.

Here' are some great affirmations to start with:

I am free to achieve whatever my mind can conceive.

I believe in myself and my ability to achieve great results.

Problems are only problems when I take my eyes off my goals.
5) Set Goals

Set worthwhile goals and reward yourself with a treat after each mile stone is reached. This will make achieving self-improvement task much easier to get things done by a specify date. As you can see, much has already been written about these tips. The reason that is, because they do work! These are the best ideas to use when it comes to making changes in your life, short and long-term.

6) Action Plan

Write a action plan. Start by creating an outline of steps to take, then charge after exactly what you want. You may also want to make a list of tools, resources, or life coaches to get help, this will save time in reaching your goals. The secret is to take action quickly by crushing procrastination, do it now even if your plan is imperfect. Life is not a dress rehearse it is meant to live in the NOW not tomorrow. This tip can make a big difference very fast.

7) Attitude & Motivation

The final tip would be to develop the attitude of expecting to win at everything. This is a very powerful tip that along with self belief and discipline provided untold rewards.

It goes without saying that the more motivated you are, the easier you will get to your goal. All of these tips can be used in any part of self-help to increase the likelihood of success. Success comes when making life changes can come easy. It takes motivation and tips to help in the self-improvement process. Why not try all of these tips in the area that you seek improvement in? Results can be proven as long as you remember these tips. Changing your life is not rocket science, but the addition of these tips makes it easier to make the changes needed for life improvement in any area.

For more great tips & advice on becoming the BEST YOU can be in your personal & business life, check out http://www.wealthyangels.com/self-improvement-tips.html

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4 Simple Tips to Keep Yourself Motivated

With the everyday advances in technology that we now see, more and more people are using this to their advantage and working from home. Whether they be self employed, or work for a company that now allows this, it is becoming a more frequent occurrence.

Working from home has many advantages, but sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated. Especially with all the outside distractions and no one looking over your shoulder telling you what to do. Following a few simple steps for self motivation can ensure you complete your tasks each day and finish your workload.

So here a few straightforward tips:

Plan Your Day
Write down your tasks for the day in clearly defined bullet points. Keep it short and simple. Since most people schedules differ from day to day this can be hard to do sometimes. Try and do this as much as you can. Prioritise the most important tasks and don't move onto another task before completing the one your are on. If you really have to, write it down on the top of next days list.

State Your Goals At The Start Of The Day
It is important to clearly define your goals for each day. By doing this you can clearly define your overall aim for the day and have something clear to achieve. Not only is defining your goals for each day important but try and write goals for the week and even month. Having realistic goals is the key to self motivation.

Reward Yourself
When you work from home, it can be difficult to get the same type of rewards that regular office jobs receive, such as days off or even bonuses. Sometimes, when being self employed and running your business from home, you will often find that you end up working more hours than a regular 9-5 office job. So it is important to reward yourself, even if it is simply just with going out for a walk each day, going fishing or even to the cinema.

Network with other likeminded people
Working from home can be incredibly isolated sometimes. This can have a knock on effect on your self motivation. Keeping a good network of people and surrounding yourself with motivated people will have a direct effect on your self motivation. In an office environment you are constantly interacting with other employees, where as working from home you do not have this interaction. Keeping a good network of Skype contacts can benefit you greatly. Offering each other advice, tips and sharing work progress.

At LifeAndMind.net we aim to help people become more successful in life, achieve what they want to achieve and become the person they have always wanted. Visit LifeAndMind.net for more information and tips on how to be self motivated.

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Lessons From Neil Fiore's Book The Now Habit

Having a hard time in accomplishing tasks? Do you always find road blocks that limit your productivity? Is procrastination a constant source of your guilt and worry? Worry no more because The Now Habit is written to change your view on procrastination on productivity forever. It uses simple ways and practical methodologies that will help you see work with fresh eyes, and you will never fear confronting a seemingly big task again.

Written by Neil Fiore who holds a Ph.D. in psychology and an undergraduate degree in the field of economics, he is in the position of teaching people on how to achieve success not tomorrow, but today. He is successful in a multitude of ways and The Now Habit is just his way of compiling his own personal experiences so that more people will benefit from what he has already faced in the past.

Fiore digs deeper on the concept of procrastination in the book, The Now Habit. He devoted majority of his discussions in making people understand the operational definition of procrastination, discussing how and why people fall into the trap of procrastination, and suggesting ways to overcome the urge to procrastinate. According to the book, the concept of procrastination is born out of fear of losing personal freedom and self-worth. In a sense, Fiore found a way to give an operational definition of procrastination, thus making it possible to explore its dynamics which results to the possibility of finding ways to deal with it on a daily basis.

There are interesting mechanisms that Fiore has devised and shared in The Now Habit. For example, he discussed on the three-dimensional calendar that gears a person to look at any task in a holistic manner. It gives an option of actually dividing a certain workload into bite size pieces which are more manageable and less overwhelming. Fiore also suggests the reverse calendar. This is in recognition of the fact that procrastination can actually be traced back to the fear of taking the first few steps. The process suggests one to start the planning process on the ultimate deadline. This way, one's energy can be focused on preparing how to start doing the task. It also helps a person divide the workloads which can be distributed evenly over the next days or weeks.

One of the most revolutionary suggestions derived from The Now Habit is the Unschedule. Usually, people find it tiring to look at their work calendar because of their hectic schedule. This breaks the conventions by putting more emphasis on well-deserved recreation periods and time for play. This way, you begin to see things with a motivated outlook. You will also tend to begin accomplishing tasks earlier and at a faster rate because you always have something exciting and fun to look forward to.

Tired of looking at work in the conventional tiring manner? Do you want to break free from the habit of procrastination? Learn to value your time and overcome your fear of beginning a task. With Fiore's The Now Habit, you will find ways to keep yourself inspired, day in and day out.

In additions to the key take aways from The Now Habit, Harri Jussila's blog Time Management Solutions contains many other tips on overcoming procrastination and improving your time management. Feel free to drop by now. There is a whole section on time management book reviews, available for free.

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New Year's Resolutions: Have You Already Forgotten?

Do you still remember your New Year's Resolutions? It is only the beginning of February. However, I'd wager most of us have either forgotten them or they are not quite as crisp and clear as they were on January 1st. "Forget them, I didn't even bother to make any this year." For any who might say that, I suggest you read this article at least twice.

Making New Year's Resolutions is a worthy goal. Keeping them is nearly a fantasy for most who make them. They are an exercise in futility, long ago dropped, by those who no longer even try. Why do so many people undertake an activity that most believe will result in no permanent change? Are we gluttons for self destructive behavior? Do we like setting ourselves up for failure?

I think we have the desire to succeed when we write our Resolutions. I actually think most of us somehow wish and hope that this year will be different from all the others.This year we actually will keep our Resolutions. We will reach those goals we've set for ourselves. I believe this faint hope is evidence of two positive aspects of humans. One is "hope springs eternal in the human heart." There is something in us that wants to be successful and prosper, even if we think the chances are remote. The other is that we instinctively know that setting goals lends meaning and texture to our lives.

So what's the problem? If we want to be successful and we know that goals are good, what goes wrong? The problem is in the process. Most of us don't know the actual procedure to follow to set and then reach our goals. It is not as easy as just writing something down and hoping it comes true. That is a wish or a dream. Writing Resolutions is just the first step in making real change occur. Here are five suggestions that should help you increase your chances of taking wishes and dreams and turning them into reality.

1) Write down exactly what you want in as exacting detail as practical. Don't say I want to lose 20 pounds. Instead say, I want to lose a total of 20 pounds. I will lose 5 pounds per quarter this year, and I will lose them through a combination of regular exercise and better eating. I will get a physical, then begin walking 4 times per week for at least 20 minutes and I will follow Dr. Barry Sears' "Zone Diet." That's specific, and it gives you the foundation of a workable plan for losing weight.

2) Have a reasonable list of Resolutions, maybe 3 to 5. Make a list as long as you would like. Then review the list and ask yourself, "What are the top Resolutions that I would really like to keep? Which ones would make the biggest difference in my Life if I kept them?" Those are the Resolutions you want to list and then work to keep. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting too many or unrealistic Resolutions.

3) Share your Resolutions with a trusted friend and ask them to help you stay on track. Ask if they will remind you, urge you, and support you. Offer to do the same for them.It is not reasonable to ask for this type of help without the willingness to reciprocate.

4) Make a firm commitment to yourself and to your trusted friend that you will keep your Resolutions. Put it in writing and have both of you sign it. Then put this signed commitment into your calendar and re-read it each week. Also, initial it each week, recording the date you re-read it. This serves two purposes. First it will keep your Resolutions fresh in your mind. It will also remind you 52 times during the year about what you have agreed to do and what is important to you. Second, you will see if you've missed or skipped a week. There will be a gap in the dates by your initials if you missed a week.

5) Forgive yourself if you falter, forget, cheat, or stop. If you keep re-reading your commitment each week, you will know how you did for keeping on track with your Resolutions. If you get challenged and want to change your Resolutions, discuss it with your supporting friend. There might be situations where changing a Resolution is in order based on new information or changing priorities in your life. Only change Resolutions when the change will improve your life. Don't change them to make your life easier or to let you quit working toward them.

Okay, go find your Resolutions if you've forgotten them already. Write a few if you'd skipped this year. There is still plenty of time to make this year the most fulfilling year ever. Stay resolved!

More FREE articles at http://www.hyperstress.com/ that will help you improve your performance and regain control of your life. By Timothy J. O'Brien M.S. co-author of the Amazon Best Seller, "If You Have Employees, You Really Need This Book."

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Live a Healthier Lifestyle and Become an Everyday Champion: It Can Make the Difference in Your Life

What is a champion? Many people think of a champion as someone who just won a contest. I think of a champion as anyone who accomplishes a worthwhile goal. Let me tell you about two people who were champions for their health.

Several years ago, I met a lady who had smoked cigarettes for 50 years. She indicated that cigarettes defined her life. Because of other medical problems, she knew that she had to quit smoking. But this was very difficult for her because all of her friends smoked and, when they did things together, everything seemed to be centered around cigarettes. She had reached the point that she was "scared" to quit smoking.

Realizing that she had to be a champion for herself, she decided to quit smoking. Gradually decreasing her two-pack-per-day cigarette habit, she worked on this endeavor over a period of a year, and now she has been smoke free for the past year. Champions do not have to be well known people that we read about. Champions are people that we see every day.

Let me tell you about another person who was morbidly obese with a history of sleep apnea, hypertension, and diabetes. She desperately needed to lose a massive amount of weight. She did not want to have surgery for weight loss. She wanted to lose weight through exercise and reducing her daily intake. The thought of surgery terrified her. Friday night was her night to drink beer and eat nachos, french fries, and hamburgers with her friends. Over the years, she had gained a great deal of weight. Due to her health problems, she realized she had to take control of her weight. She put great effort into reducing her weight by tracking what she ate and eating all things in moderation. She also started exercising during television commercials. Every time a commercial came on, she would get up and do an exercise.

Did you know if you watch an hour-long program, commercials occupy about 20 minutes of that time? Learn from this woman. Get some 2 or 3-pound dumbbells and do boxing and kickboxing during commercials. Just walking around the room would be a good start if you haven't been doing any exercise. What an excellent jump start to get you on your way to improving your quality of life and improving your health.

Did you know that being overweight puts you at risk for a number of conditions, such as: osteoarthritis, back pain, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack to name a few? Losing weight and increasing exercise help to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Isn't it worth your time to take steps to improve your health and reduce your risks for these conditions?

Make "you" a priority by eliminating unhealthy habits and scheduling some exercise into your daily routine. Start today exercising during television commercials.

My prescription for becoming an everyday champion is to Take care of yourself.

Remember don't start any exercise program without the consent of your physician.

©2012 Winifred D. Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

Winifred Bragg, MD is a physician, keynote speaker, and author who has appeared on NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS television new segments.

Dr. Bragg is the CEO of the Spine and Orthopedic Pain Center where she uses state of the art techniques to provide non-surgical solutions to treat orthopedic and spinal conditions.

Visit Dr. Bragg's website at http://www.knockoutpain.com/ to contact her or for information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of various orthopedic and spinal conditions.

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Success Is Not In The Land, It Is In The Mind

We have it in record that blacks and whites, fat and thin, dwarfs and giants, schooled and unschooled, able and disables, privileged and less privileged, and many more has succeeded in life and lived to manifest their ultimate destiny. David Schwartz appropriately captures it best when he said that "where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking". Permit me to share my thoughts grounded on my research of more than two decades on how successful people think.

Firstly, I have come to the knowledge that successful people are forward thinkers. They think beyond the now, they are consumed with their vision, they have a dream that they live for, they have the understanding that the first step to accomplishment in life is to have a dream. They think about their better tomorrow even when things don't look like it today. They see things as they can be and not only as they are, they have a clear picture of the future that they want to feature in. Successful people get better in every way every day and sign up for continuous and never-ending improvement. Successful people don't waste their time living in the past; they work to create the future that they desire.

Successful people have been found to be incurable optimists. They see opportunity in every difficulty, they do beyond complaining, and they see a setup for a comeback in every setback. They believe that an exit from somewhere is an entry to somewhere, they are unconditionally positive. They exude confidence, calmness and energy. They hope for the best and market hope to the people around them. Successful people will give you a million reasons why they should be happy when you have a thousand reasons for them to be sad. Successful don't have impossibility in their dictionary, they see every giant as too big to miss, they think positive thoughts, and they look for every good in every situation. Successful people have inspirational powers and are passionately committed to what they do; they forge ahead even when everyone refuses to believe in them, they pursue their dream with the last drop of the blood in their veins. They believe in their God given potential.

Success people exude exceptional creative powers. They allow and harness continuous flow of ideas. They think things through and through till they are clear of what they want to achieve. They give attention to their intention and then turn it to an invention. Successful people bring out sense from nonsense, they make messages out of mess, and they make new wine form old wine.

Successful people are unlimited thinkers. They are unstoppable. They don't accept that someone else is better than them, they have learnt to face their fears and they know how to conquer it. Successful people live their lives above limitations, they set truly awesome targets. They believe that records have been set to be broken; they are charismatic, inspirational and energetic to the fault. Successful people will tell you in all modesty that if they can't do it, then no one else can do it. They are sure they have a GOD and that they carry in them the seed of greatness. They know the infinite potential for greatness embedded in man.

Successful people are strategists. They are strategic thinkers and have a long time plan for success. A great sage once told me that if one is not planning to succeed, then he's planning to fail. Thus, Successful people know where they are, have an idea of where they are going and are always planning on how to best get there. They talk the talk, plan the plan and walk the walk.

My question to you this moment is; do you know where you are? Have you got an idea of where you are going and how will you get there. To get things done in this life, you need focus.
You can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting up your thoughts. The depth of your failure is not enough to determine the height of your success. Your capacity for growth and wonders is undoubtedly limitless.

Your responsibility to yourself is to do something with your life and make a real difference in this world. There's no limit to how much better your life can get.
You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
In any direction you choose
You have all it takes to succeed in this one life that you have come.

Olugbenga Stephen ASAOLU, the author of the book titled "PEAK PERFORMANCE CAPSULES" & creator of the Facebook page "A WORLD OF EXCEPTIONAL MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATIONAL WRITE UPS", is a gifted orator and an impactful motivational speaker with Fresh Motivation International. He's a creator of possibilities, an instigator of Joy, a catalyst for growth, a builder of people, and a producer of passion. He can be reached through eagleolu@yahoo.com or http://www.olugbengasaolu.blogspot.com/

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Baby Boomers - What Do You Value? (A List)

This is the first of a series of articles about the values, ideals and traits of character that give baby boomers uniqueness. I believe it is important for all boomers to think about these things. It contains some important reminders of who we are and maybe even a bit about what we still can be.

I have always taken a bit of pride in being a baby boomer. Lately, I started writing articles about our generation and the things that make it distinctive from those that went before and those that follow. Not only that, my interest was piqued further when I realized that I was facing retirement, Medicare, Social Security and all the other challenges all Americans face at this stage of life. As I looked around me, I noticed how many boomers there are who are either not financially prepared or else vastly underprepared for what lies ahead, and I wanted to share some principles, ideas and plans that have helped me cope with these new realities in the hope that they can help others too. Let's begin with the following list.

It is time for a disclaimer. The list and descriptions that follow are not meant to be scientific, definitive, or even objective. I have no training in sociology, or any other field of the kind, and I do not pretend otherwise. What this is, then, is a summary of my own observations as one who has passed through this life as a member of one of the most distinctive generations in history.

What traits of personality and character have baby boomers valued the most? Here is my list (not in any particular order of importance).

People who are "real." - We have no time for phony, fake, or counterfeit people whether in politics, religion, or personal life.
Personal freedom - We invented the motto "Do your own thing" to express our live-and-let-live desire to be seen as individuals and let others have that same freedom as well. The result is that many of us became fierce individualists.
A new kind of patriotism - We rejected the idea of our fathers, "My country, right or wrong - it is my country." Many of defied the laws and policies of our country and some of us even left it to flee to Canada or elsewhere in an outraged contempt for the conduct of the Vietnam War or civil rights abuses. America has never been the same naive nation since. At the same time, we have seem images from Woodstock of those who literally wrapped themselves in the flag out of a love for this nation and the freedom it gave us to express ourselves - even in protest.
Integrity - As an adjunct to our love for the genuine and distaste for the phony, we expected ourselves and others to be people of integrity. This extended to our leaders, our teachers, our family members, and our peers. In the sixties, when we were young, we said, "Don't trust anyone over thirty." We believed that there were very few in authority who told the truth about anything. We could only trust each other.
Justice for all - We were the generation that changed America during the Civil Rights Movement. We did not accept the idea that the Pledge of Allegiance applied to any particular group of Americans in its assertion that we are "one nation, under God." We stood up and said that if some of us are treated differently from any others, how could we be one nation? There are still many hills to climb to reach full equality, but our generation is the one that was there at the beginning of the journey, and the world has never been the same.
Optimism - We are a generation of optimists, almost to the point of blind idealism. If this were not so, how could we believe that we could get to the moon? How could we believe that the world could get better? Why was one of our favorite Beatles' songs, "All You Need Is Love" if we didn't believe that love could change the world? Optimism has always been at the heart of what it is to be a baby boomer.
Savvy - Whether it is how to be leaders in technology or industry or science or any other field, "We get it!" We have found out how to use common sense and hard work to build something to be proud of. Now, over 50% of all the wealth in America is controlled by baby boomers. That was not a freak accident. We had the savvy and know-how to do it ourselves.

In the days and weeks ahead, you will see articles about each of these values (and perhaps more). This has been a brief overview and, hopefully, not unpleasant reading.

However, there is an admonition here too. If we were such ground breakers and optimistic individualists before, what happened? Why don't we see more of that now that we are older? Life isn't over yet, you know. As we start to retire, we can still set the agenda for how our futures as individuals and as communities is shaped. So, what are you waiting on? Like Nike says, "Just do it!"

Thanks for staying with me to the end. I have a free gift for you just for reading this. At the bottom of this page is a link to my private website reserved for the use of people like you who want to explore ways to a better future. If you follow this link, you will see a video I did which will explain in more depth some of the truths expressed here. It will also introduce you to some people that helped to mold my thinking about my own future.

Here is the link. http://timmorrisonline.com/?t=ezinelist

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100% Of People in Business Need To Do This

The majority of online entrepreneurs make the mistake of not taking the time and crafting a mission statement. Even online entrepreneurs who are in the business for a while don't do it.

If you don't have a clear and concise idea of what your mission is, how will your business partners, your vendors, your employees, and your customers? They just can't.

Your business should have a mission statement. It tells your customers, business partners, potential clients what you are about and it removes the confusion.

No one will know what you are about and it will be hard to do business and have positive cash flow!
Once you have a mission statement, what you will find is that your customers will understand you better. They know what you are about. Your employees and your business partners will have a clear vision of how to work with you. It will make your life easier and their lives easier.

Your mission statement should be short and to the point of your company's purpose. It should tell people what your business is all about and why it exists.

Peter Drucker in his book, The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization says:

"A mission cannot be impersonal; it has to have deep meaning, be something you believe in - something you know is right. A fundamental responsibility of leadership is to make sure that everybody knows the mission, understands it, lives it."

If you don't have a mission statement yet, I suggest you come up with one right away. It would definitely set your business in the right direction.

If you never done one before, there are 5 points it should address:

1. What is the purpose of your company why does it exist?
2. Who are your customers?
3. What does your company aspire to be?
4. What makes your company unique?
5. What products or services does your company offer?

Your mission statement should be specific and narrow enough so that it doesn't apply to just any company, but it should be flexible enough to allow for growth and change. Make sure to review it on a regular basis to see if you and your company are following your mission statement. If your company is steering away from your mission statement, maybe it's time to change your mission statement.

It should be clear and does not contain "fluff" words and jargon that potential customers, partners, and employees to do not understand. Put it on your website where people can see it.

Writing a mission statement is not enough though, you must live it on a daily basis. Use it as a tool to guide your business decision-making, how you communicate with your customers, partners, and vendors. You will find that you won't be making any more questionable decisions.

Educate Yourself On Money and Entrepreneurialism In Order For You To Not Get Trapped

Like me, you were most likely conditioned to follow the traditional way of "making money." We know that is definitely not the way to true financial freedom. You must take the route that most people don't take in order to get truly rich.

To learn more, download my complimentary guide here: "The Baller Life"

Brian Nguyen is the founder of http://www.nowimballin.com/ " where he supplies the tools to give every young entrepreneur the ability to lead the ballin' lifestyle and to create a community of young entrepreneurs to achieve success online.

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Psalm 85 - When Hope Wins Over Despair

Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet;
righteousness and peace will kiss each other.
~Psalm 85:10 (NRSV)

All the Psalms tell a story within the frame of the emotions; the cognisance of this performing life, the agonies and ecstasies, and all between. We can't help but sow our full selves into this life and we take the things that occur to us personally, accounting them within varying levels of God's blessing or otherwise.

Not always are we happy with what God is taking, or has taken, us through.

This Psalm is enclosed within the communal setting; the community, perhaps in the exilic sense, sits in the in-between place, recalling the grace of God in having saved their ancestors (verses 1-3), but not having yet realised such deliverance themselves (verses 7-9).


Such a genre characterised here, the communal lament, a community sharing collective despair, may seem disjointed from a contemporary viewpoint; unless we have experienced national or international or overwhelming conflict, especially from the receiving end.

But hardship is closer to home for all of us, particularly the tumult of family pain - tragic loss of life, irreconcilable drug addiction, the victims or family of perpetrators of crime, etc. We give way to the temptation to blame externals, including God, because the pain is too much to deal with. Even more do we polarise within the family - as we share the pain we are tempted to deflect it; and that often means the forming of resentment and dysfunctional anger.

The test of the psalmist, as he represents his community, is to keep faith with the saving nature of the LORD - both in terms of history, reflecting on the experience of his ancestors as carried through their oral tradition, and their hopes for the future.

Neither the psalmist, nor their community, nor even us, can afford to give up on such a hope. Such a situation is a knife edge - faith is the only sane choice, however difficult it is to procure.


At verse 7, the psalmist commits to hope rather than falling into despair. And a new season is launched.

At the transition, before vision of salvation comes, when the temptation to give up is in full flight, it is difficult to decide for hope. But, once the decision is made a miraculous spiritual relief is experienced immediately - a blessing for showing faith.

What comes as a result is revelation that would not ordinarily be seen in the absence of faith. God gives the psalmist the encouragement of his Presence. The psalmist is shown the nature of God in the blessing - the character of God in steadfast love and faithfulness, righteousness and peace.

Further revelation discloses how God brings faithfulness and righteousness (verse 11) together in the order of deliverance, for the LORD has empowered the psalmist's faithfulness which rises to meet Divine righteousness coming down from heaven. Salvation is a two-way street.

The decision to trust God reveals faith, and that faint confidence translates into burgeoning confidence for the psalmist. From recognition of his own problems, and those also of his community - and capitulation - he is dissuaded, as he refocuses on the transcendent grace of the LORD, his God. Joy fills him, not despondency.


Trials are a knife's edge: what beckons is hope or despair. Hope fuels our confidence, but despair kills our vision for fear. Choosing faith opens our minds to what God can do. Nothing is impossible for God.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/

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Habits and How to Change Them

"Honey, have you seen my keys?"

"Where are those bills? They were due yesterday!"

"Did you floss at all this week?"

"When was the last time you hit the gym?"

Habits. They can be our worst enemy or our best friend. Dropping things on any flat surface when you come in the door at night is very inviting. The problem is that they often get left there, and you can't find your keys, you miss bills, and you don't know where the things that you need for the next day are when you get ready to go. This type of habit can cause stress and waste time that could be used for something enjoyable.

Brushing your teeth, planning weekly menus and exercising are also habits. This type of habit can reduce stress, save money and improve health.

Smoking, chewing tobacco, overeating, eating when you're not hungry, making poor food choices, and biting your nails are also habits. This type of habit often times has an emotional piece that goes with it.

Habits are like a well-worn path through a meadow. It's very easy to stay on the path, your feet know it well. You really don't have to think about it or even pay attention to where you're going. In fact, getting off that path takes some conscious effort and a bit of work.

Your first step is deciding where you really want to go. Changing one habit or changing interrelated habits is much easier and more effective than trying to change many diverse habits at once. Deciding to eat healthier goes well with menu planning and meal preparation.

It's said that it takes 21 days to put a new habit in place. I find it easiest to do it by the month. A new habit each month, reinforcing a habit that seems to be slipping a bit or refining an already useful habit (moving the furniture once a month when vacuuming instead of just catching the traffic area.)

For those habits that have an emotional piece, new habits that you find yourself resisting, or habits that just don't seem to want to "stick," hypnosis can be very helpful. Hypnosis can help you find out what your subconscious mind thinks about the habit, why it's resisting change and how to move forward. Your lifestyle utilizing this new habit becomes very clear with hypnosis and the change becomes easy. When you're looking for a hypnotist to help you with your habits, make sure that they do more than just use scripts and positive imagery, look for someone that will really dive into the issues.

Joni Brewer, Clinical Hypnotist, Life Coach JoniBrewer@ymail.com BrewerHypnosis.com

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Make Your Life Better and More Productive With These Motivation Tips

I used to reach material goals and just say to myself, ok, I've got it so now what? In the end it was fun to have what I worked for and wanted, but the gain of the material soon fell flat. It is about who you become, what you learn, who comes into your life, your relationships. It is ultimately about who you become and what you learn in the process. We all know now it is not the material that will satisfy you and make you happy it is inside of you where the joy is. It is in helping others. It is in contributing to making the world a better place.

Use books and seminars and digital products related to personal growth, encouragement, meditation to learn about what you need to practice and take action on to develop every area of your life. Be prepared to spend time in developing yourself. This is a process and a practice. The time spent doesn't have to be all consuming. What ever time you put towards this practice will reap you great rewards. You can do great things in your life with even just a half an hour a day. How much time do you spend sitting in traffic. How much time are you in the car anyway? You can plug into some great mentors while you are driving. Time well spent. Do you know if you spend 30 minutes in the car per day just 5 days a week that equals 2.5 hours in a week. That is over 3 forty hour work weeks per year. I'll bet you spend more time than that in the car.

Keeping your home and office free of clutter will go a long way in your mental clarity. The mess confuses the mind and drains your energy. For me clutter control is an evolving process. This is not just about the clutter that you can see I am also speaking about the junk drawers and messy closets and bureau drawers. If your stuff doesn't have some organization you will spend more time looking for stuff. Organize and save time in the long run. This doesn't have to be done all at once. Just do one small section everyday or pick something on the weekend. The point is to just begin. When you start to clear the spaces of your home of the extra stuff you will feel lighter. If you have trouble with this, engage a friend and help each other. Hire someone, there are people that offer this service in their business.

Judith M Shapiro invites you to visit http://personalgrowthpeople.com/ where you will get resources and tools you can easily use in your busy life. When you sign up in the opt in box to stay in touch you will also receive a free report on Time Management. This is a great time of year to review that topic. Take a look around, I can easily say that there is something for everyone at http://personalgrowthpeople.com/.

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You Were Not Born To Be A Spectator In Life

Life Beyond Being A Spectator

In the last issue we discussed the story of the man who reduced himself, out of ignorance, to a spectator in a game that he should have been the main man. We went on to posit that in a sense most people are like that man. They are born to win, but they never give themselves a chance because they never engage in the activities that are necessary to win. We elaborated that there are two groups of people in every field of human endeavour; these are the spectators and the players. In the economic field, they are those that are making it economically while the rest are either part players or spectators and commentators. In the political field, there are those that are running the show and the also-rans on the field of play and the rest are spectators and commentators. However, in the grand scheme of things life is all about service; service to one's country, service to humanity and indeed service to self, yet in all these areas if one is not careful one can become a spectator while others thrive and flourish.

It does not matter where you are at in life, the question to ask yourself is, "Am I a spectator or a player." You ought to be fed up of being a spectator and muster the willingness and resolve to be a participator in the game of life.

However, there are other people who already players in this game of life. What principles should govern and direct their conduct. This issue seeks to address that matter.

How You Play Is More Important Than Winning

Nothing captures the essence of this principle better than the words of the Olympic Creed which reads, "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well." What makes a lasting impression on people in life is not necessarily the final outcome but the manner in which the contest was conducted. It is very important to get results and sometimes society teaches us that it is even more important to get ahead because life tends to reward people in terms of the results they get. However, how we achieve the victory is as important if not more important than the victory. If you use unfair advantage to get ahead in life, then you are not a winner but a loser. If you play foul in order to win then you are not a winner but a cheat. Winning is important, yes, but it should never be at the cost of your reputation and your integrity. The essential thing, as the creed says, is not to have conquered in life but to have fought well. When people discuss the life of a great athlete or any great person, they never speak fondly of the statistics but they always dwell on the memorable moments he or she produced. The truth is that people do not mark you according to you score, but according to whether you played well or not.

Winning Is Not Getting Ahead of Others, It is getting ahead of yourself.

Your greatest competition is not with your rival, but it is with yourself. If you beat all competition and yet do not become the very best you could be in the process then in the grand scheme of the game of life you have lost. Most people push ahead to get ahead of others. That is a natural tendency, and in fact society teaches us to be competitive. At school society gives us grades and numbers thus imprinting in our minds that we should strive to get ahead of others if we are to be rewarded in life. However, far more important than getting ahead of others is to bring the best out of yourself. Winning is not about comparison with other people's performances. Winning is about contributing the maximum while you are still able.

You May Win or You MAY Lose But You Must Never Be Defeated

In every contest there is a winner and there is what the other judges and umpires will declare the loser. Whatever the outcome of the contest, defeat is a personal choice. People are never defeated by the opponent, or the circumstances. People are only defeated by themselves. Defeat is an attitude of the mind. Winning or losing may be determined by the score, but defeat goes far beyond the score. Defeat is the attitude that you carry with you after the contest. It is the spirit that you nurse after a failed attempt. You may lose but chose not to be down trodden or you may lose and then go around with your head hanging low like a sore loser. The results will not always go our way, but we can always choose the attitude that we nurse after the results. People are defeated when they give up. People are defeated when they lose heart, and people are defeated when they stop giving their best efforts at every turn. Defeat is therefore a poor choice of attitude among alternatives.

The Purpose of Competition

Competition provides us with feedback but should never be the end in itself. Until we match our skills with another or against a competitor we seldom know the extent of our strengths and weaknesses. The problem with this approach is that we tend to measure performance relative to another person or group. True competition should be competition against a standard. We should therefore set our standards and set them high and then hold ourselves accountable to accomplish them.

The downside of competition is that it tends to become personal and in the process fuels animosities and unhealthy rivalries. Competition can also usurp our views of success and failures. One eyed man among a tribe of the blind can be deluded into believing that he has a good eye sight.

Seek always to complete people rather than compete against them. When you complete people you bring the best out of them, but when you compete with them you seek to vanquish them.

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Always Young Enough To Learn

Children are full of zest and zeal with undaunted energy. Children are continuously inquisitive until, unfortunately, they are taught not to be so. True, at some point we must grow up. Life presents us with situations for which we must move from child-like fervor to a level of cool maturity. Still, there is something to be acquired and modeled from children; the desire to learn. Many of us were instilled with the notion that you go to college, learn a trade, go to work for the company, and retire. Recent events in our economy indicate this scenario is no longer a given. Many of us worked for "The Company" for years only to find ourselves on the receiving end of a colored piece of paper.

This event, although unfortunate, would be as my Grandpa LeRoy would say a "disguised blessing." This would be an opportunity to do something else or better yet a chance to try your "what I really always wanted to do." How? Well, beneath the surface of our well-manicured maturity and responsibility we had a dream. Our dream was to maybe one day work for ourselves. We would be our own bosses. Yet, the idea of going out on our own was way too far outside our comfort zone. Mentally we live our dreams every day in the comfortable creases of our mind. Having the ability to dream and the courage to implement a dream is another story entirely.

Now, we have the opportunity to do just that. We tell ourselves sometimes we are too old. We are not. Through the process of learning we grow. My age may grow each year but my desire to learn is forever young. For many years you provided a particular specialty or service in the name of the company. Now comes the time to provide that service to others in the name of your company. Even if running your own business is not a desire of yours but you want to take a class. I encourage you to do it. You don't have to do this alone. But the first step begins with you.

Sometimes unfortunate events become the catalyst to positive, life-changing actions. These changes make a difference not only in your life but in the lives of those around you. So, as you ponder what to do next consider the simplicity and complexity of learning. Whether it is learning a new trade, a new craft, honing your current skills, or pursuing your unspoken dream of having your own business, remember you are always young enough to learn.

© 2012 Jacquinita A. Rose. All Rights Reserved.

Name: Jacquinita A. Rose, Ph.D.

Website: http://www.grownfolkspublishing.com/

Grown Folks Publishing is a direct-author-sale site (DASS).

Visit us today!

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Who Knows Your Purpose More Than You?

This may be a little painful but here is a topic that needs to be addressed. Do not listen to others that tell you what you can and can't desire, dream, and accomplish. Don't listen to the ones that aren't achieving in their own lives. Listen to the ones that ARE. If they are in your life, then spend more time with them. If you don't have people in your life that can mentor, you get some digital products that will encourage, guide and help you. Every mentor I know spends money on their self development with digital products, books, coaching, and seminars. Where else will you find the concepts? This is an education and the cost of education is small compared to the changes you will see when you take action on the training.

Don't worry about what others will think. They will think whatever they think no matter what you do. Don't let it affect your actions towards your goals and dreams. Your life purpose is to find your purpose and then live it. That is a joyful life. It's not your purpose to live for the approval of others or to create a life that is someone else's picture of what they think your life should be. The people in your life have a major effect on your life, don't they? Are they supporting what you are doing in your life or not? Are your relationships draining or life-giving? Through my life I have been in situations where I thought the right thing was doing what someone else wanted me to be doing with my life. It didn't last long because it began to feel uncomfortable. That little voice inside will talk louder and louder until you listen to it - it is your source.

I always ask - what would be the worst thing that could happen if I gave up my dreams and goals? This is not my main motivator but it sure helps to keep me moving forward at times. The answer...I sure wouldn't feel good about it.

Know that things in life and also the thoughts you have will come up that can have the power to knock you off your path. You must have a clear purpose - your reason and a clear vision of what you want your life to look like. This will help you get through those times when you begin to waiver. View things that don't work out as a learning opportunity that teaches you how not to do something. These are blessings because they actually are bringing you closer to your goal.

Look at things in a new and different way. Try viewing the world like a child. Be curious. Don't hold so tight. Look at the world with someone else's eyes. Use all your senses to perceive the world around you.

Judith M Shapiro invites you to visit http://personalgrowthpeople.com/ where you will get resources and tools you can easily use in your busy life. When you sign up in the opt in box you'll get a free report to help with Time Management. This is a great time of year for that topic. Take a look around http://personalgrowthpeople.com/, I can easily say that there is something for everyone.

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How to Stay Motivated

You've just come from an amazing, life altering weekend seminar. You've met a ton of new contacts, and you've gained new incredible insights, killer techniques, and dynamic tools to enhance your business practices, improve your lifestyle, skyrocket your finances, master your health, or successfully find the love of your life.

The problem is that while you've been enjoying this life-altering event, you've put your own life on hold so you could absorb all of this incredible information. Now you're wondering how to stay motivated and put all this amazing information to good use?

This is the very same tar-like pit that over eighty percent of people who attend any event fall into; life comes flooding back at you, while you frantically rush to get everything back on track and running smoothly again.

Instantly you're slammed into a fray of tasks, errands, projects, calls, and emails just to get back to how things were before you took the time for this awe-inspiring seminar (book, CD, or program).

Sadly, for the majority of people, this means that the amazing training you just learned needs to be put on hold so you can play "Life" catch-up, and you promise to get to it again soon. No matter how important and vital the seminar is for your growth, it has to wait. So you put it on the shelf promising to get back to it soon.

A year later you see those same program materials glaring at you from the corner of your desk or bookshelf, and every day you promise to give it a few minutes.

Wait a minute! Those materials are the key to changing your life for the better forever, and you're going to "try" to get to it for a "brief" amount of time? What's going on here?

If any of this resonates with you, you're not alone. Over eighty percent of those who attend a truly great seminar experience this exact same problem. Why? Because none of these seminars teach one vital technique to give you that important leverage, how to avoid "Overwhelm".

The first question you might ask is; "How can I get back to real life while also incorporating the great training I've just learned, and are there other people who can successfully integrate both into their busy lives?"

The answer is you can, and yes, others do successfully put them to use. If eighty percent struggle with keeping the focus on this new training and their lives, that leaves twenty percent who can absorb the learning and apply it successfully to their lives.

In fact, the top 1% are masters at this. So it only stands to reason that there's a way for you too to become a master. You might think the key is to become great at multitasking. If so, you'd be wrong. In fact, multitasking is responsible for getting people even more behind and buried deeper in overwhelm.

The key is surprisingly simple. How to stay motivated incorporates two easy to master techniques. Focusing on one task at a time, while seeing it through to completion, and using the power of others to support, drive, and motivate you to completion. Learning how to do this is surprisingly simple. In fact, this is something you could learn to master tomorrow.

For more information keep checking in at http://www.finish-what-you-start.com/ and get your hands on a copy of the book Finish What You Start at Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, or Amazon, today.

Craig Copeland
Author of "Finish What You Start"
Teaching people how to successfully reach their goals and dreams

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Who's Going To Do It For Me?

Who's Going To Do It For Me?

During my time at school, my below average performance in class meant that I received a constant stream of messages and reminders from my teachers telling me that I wouldn't amount to very much in my life.

No amount of lecturing, shouting or other tactics employed by my teachers or parents had any real effect or success in improving my term grades or exam results.

It was only when I was in my late twenties that I developed my own method of self motivation that really worked. My method allowed me to quickly and powerfully focus my attention on my goals and the task at hand like nothing else before had done.

After serving for twelve years in the Air Force, the time came for me to leave and start a new career. My transition to civilian life would involve a long period of very intense training and study to obtain the qualifications that I required to become an aircraft engineer.

I had no idea how I would achieve my goal, and I knew of nobody else who had even attempted what I was intending to do. The magic was I knew what I really wanted above all else, and with this in mind nothing else really mattered.

The constant reminder of having so many things to do, no master plan to work from and an enormous amount of technical information to learn and understand were about to make me give up on my big goal before I'd even made a proper start!!

It was at this point very early on in my studies that I asked myself two important questions. They were "what do I want to do?" and "who's going to do it for me?"

These simple but very powerful questions cut right through all of the clutter and fog of doubt and worry that was holding me back. They forced from me the only right answer that I could give, and that was "nobody"

That's right, nobody was going to complete endless months of study and pass my exams for me if unless I did these things for myself.

Each time that I felt boxed in and with no clear direction to take when dealing with an obstacle or challenge towards my goal, I'd stop whatever I was doing and get into a quiet calm state for about ten minutes and then ask myself the two questions.

The first one allowed me to visualise clearly what results I wanted and to see myself with the benefits I'd have in achieving them. The second question always gave me the same answer, which in turn, gave me the motivation and energy I needed to find a solution. I just had to keep my goal clearly fixed in my mind.

By adopting a "do it myself" mindset, motivation, determination, persistence and confidence quickly developed in me as a result of the experience I gained through the processes which I applied in finding my own solutions.

If you can't seem to see a clear way through a challenge that's facing you, why not give my method a try. Just take a few minutes to step back, relax a little and have a look at the big picture, then ask yourself "what do I want to do?" and "who's going to do it for me?"

Tony Dwyer

To download your free gift "Unlocking Your Inner Healing Power" go to http://www.selfhelpteaching.com/.

Here you will find tips and techniques for calming your thoughts, clearing your mind and for creating your own solutions.

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