Are You Ready To Enter The "Uncomfort Zone?"

Playing it safe is the most popular way to fail - Elliott Smith

In order to achieve your goals, you sometimes have to get out of your comfort zone. It may be hard. You may think that it is not necessary. If you indeed are serious about being successful, you will have to enter into the uncomfort zone. In order to do that it is critical that you perform a self-analysis. This will help pinpoint areas that you need to develop. Once you have completed it, you are now ready to enter the uncomfort zone. The ability to overcome the 'uncomfort zone' will require being open-minded, having a strong desire to succeed and being motivated.

Being open-minded is essential to goal setting. When you expand your thinking you do not limit yourself. It will allow you to explore all the possibilities for how you can achieve your goal. Things that you would have never thought to do under normal circumstances will appear. They will appear because it may be necessary to do. You would not have recognized that had you stayed in your comfort zone.

Having a strong desire to succeed will also aid in navigating through the uncomfort zone. When you have decided that you want to reach success, you will become a risk-taker. You will not be afraid to fail. You will be able to take chances. Your goal achievement could be compared to a game. You should be betting on yourself because you know the strong desire you have to be successful.

The last element to get you through is being motivated. Like the other two characteristics, it is about how bad you want to achieve your goal. If you are motivated then nothing will prevent you from reaching your success. Passing through the uncomfort zone will be just that. It will not matter what you need to do because you have set a path to accomplish a goal. If your goal is to lose weight and the only time you can exercise is in the morning, then you have to exercise in the morning. Being motivated you will not take no for an answer.

When we remain in our comfort zone, we will not reach our full potential. I recognized through self-analysis that I was shy. I was happy and content working by myself. In order for me to get to where I wanted to go though, I had to break out of my shyness. I put myself in situations that would force me to interact, engage and collaborate with others. I became a volunteer at my college radio station. Eventually, I became an on-air radio personality. By doing so, it gave me the opportunity to interact with the public through the various radio events in town. Taking myself out of my comfort zone helped me to develop my interpersonal skills. As I pursue my goals, I constantly have to get out of my comfort zone. It is developing me as a person. It is pushing me ever so close to my goals. You must recognize areas that are essential to reaching your goals that are not in your comfort zone. Believe in yourself and the commitment you have made to your success. At that point, enter the uncomfort zone.

Osric V. Baugham
Chief Motivational Speaker

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Are You Remarkable Enough?

When I was a little girl, my Mom used to tell me that I was "remarkable" and it made me feel very special. Then I heard her say the same thing to my school friends, my sisters, and so on. When I called her on it, she explained that in her world, every child was remarkable, every one of us had something beyond the usual, that we were all extraordinary human beings and that in our own special way, we stood tall and proud.

Those words had a big impact on me. Eventually, I realized that to her "everyone" was remarkable, and I was so moved by her perception which gave her a lot of empathy for others, I decided to join her in that particular set of beliefs.

Once I started to see everyone as "remarkable" in their own rights, I began to realize how amazing people are. No matter who you are, where you come from and what you do, you are simply and amazingly, "remarkable."

So, if you don't know how beautifully remarkable you are,


Are you there for a friend when he needs you?Do you listen more than you talk?Do you feel people's pains and offer possible solutions?


You can say NO and walk away from it all, or really be a friend to your friend in time of need.You could do all the talking and not care or simply choose the alternative.You could choose to keep quiet and offer nothing or you can really listen from your heart and mind and come up with outstanding solutions.


Do you see now YOUR image as it evolves?Are you happy and pleased with what you see?Is your heart bigger than your ego?Are you standing tall and proud?


Ask a trusted advisor or confidant how they see you.Ask for feedback on your strongest points.Ask the same question of your inner and higher self.Make a list of the special things that make you stand out from the rest.Create a mini-plan on how to use your strengths, so that you can be more open-minded and relentless in your pursuit of excellence.Include in your mini-plan how to master the best of you, so that it can always be your constant companion and show-up when you most need it.Relish in your greatness, brilliance, and your unique way of being remarkable and go after mastering your own special brand of what makes you uniquely YOU!

Join the conversation at my blog so that your voice be heard and your opinions counted. I'd love to hear all about how amazingly remarkable you are.

Ali is the Proud Owner of PASSIONISTA FOR LIFE. A global, full service coaching and consulting firm dedicated to providing clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in the areas of Business Passion Planning, Strategies, Marketing Plans, Branding, Networking, Operating Procedures, Personal/Professional Development and Business Overview.

Get exciting Personal and Professional developing tips at:
PHONE: (386) 615-6282

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What Lies Behind Your Motivation?

Do you ever find yourself powering through paperwork or filing, despite the fact that you don't really want to do it? It's almost like you're being driven by some internal force to get it done?

Or you always automatically wash the dishes and clean the kitchen up after dinner, despite really just wanting to chill in front of the TV with a glass of wine?

When we're driven to do things, it's a strong indication of what's important to us deep down. And what's important to us is down to our internal values, the things that motivate us in advance.

We all have values, and they all differ from everyone else. They are like your very own personal motivators, and once you know what your values are in a certain context like your career or business, it can really help you focus on, and spend your energy on, what is intrinsically important to you.

If you're doing something that is not actually within your value set, for example an activity or task, you'll find that it is much harder to motivate yourself to actually do it, and it may well be one of those never-ending tasks on your to-do list or action plan that never gets done.

Discovering your values can be a fascinating exercise, and one that will explain a lot to you in terms of your internal drive. Most values are unconscious, and we are unaware of them to a large extent. If you want to find out what your values in the context of your career or business are, then follow these 3 easy steps:
Take yourself off to a very quiet corner with a pen and paperAsk yourself the following question: 'in the context of my career or business, what's important to me?'.Write down your answers as quickly and honestly as possible, thereby allowing you to be answering unconsciously as opposed to consciously.

Once you do this exercise, you may well be surprised by what it is that appears on the list. (It's worth doing this exercise regularly, as values may change depending on circumstance. Then you can ask yourself if you're fulfilling your values, and if not, what can you do to change it so that you are. If your career or business is meeting your values within that context, you'll find that the journey is a much smoother and congruent one. Our goals also tend to be easier to hit, as they are in line with our values, and therefore our internal drive and motivation.

Make your journey to success smoother - give yourself some valuable time to spend on your values!

Deborah Keep is a Certified NLP Trainer and Founder of Keep NLP, a training and development company that uses NLP to achieve excellent and instant results for professionals and businesses. Sign up for more free invaluable NLP tips and techniques to help boost your productivity, motivation and results at

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A Radical New Way Of Looking at Life

Loren Eiseley was a renowned American sociologist who published extensively. In his book The Star Thrower he recounted an incident that happened one day at the beach. He is the old wise man in the story retold below.

Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.

One day, as he was walking along the shore, he looked down the beach and saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance to the day, and so, he walked faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a young man, and that what he was doing was not dancing at all. The young man was reaching down to the shore, picking up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean.

He came closer still and called out "Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?"

The young man paused, looked up, and replied "Throwing starfish into the ocean."

"I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" asked the somewhat startled wise man.

To this, the young man replied, "The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them in, they'll die."

Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, "But, young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish all along every mile? You can't possibly make a difference!"

At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it towards the ocean. When the starfish hit the water he said to the man, "It made a difference for that one."

Never Underestimate the Magnitude of Your Small Actions

In the grand scheme of things or the larger picture as contemporary scholars prefer to call it, the actions of the young man were in vain. As the old man correctly pointed out, there were miles and miles of sandy beach and millions upon millions of starfish. The young man could not possibly make a difference. Could it be that there is another way of looking at the situation? Yes, there is.

Let us imagine for a while what happened to the one starfish that was thrown into the ocean and survived. Suppose that a found a partner or even partners of the opposite sex and meted and produced offspring. These offspring also found their partners and meted and also produced their offspring. And as the act of procreation continued from one starfish that survived courtesy of the kindness of the young man millions of other starfish were born. Therefore in the grand scheme of things the young man made a big difference to the kingdom of the starfish.

We must always remember that our actions go far beyond the four walls of our offices and beyond the mere lives of the people we touch directly. In every seed there is a potential tree, and in every tree there is a forest. However, it is only a discerning person who can realize that there is a forest in every seed. Similarly in every young boy there is a potential family and in that family there is a tribe or even a nation of people. An act of kindness, a word of encouragement or a helping hand given to the boy is actually service rendered to a whole nation of people. In much the same way a brutalization or shabby treatment of one boy is also an act of injustice against a whole nation.

There are many needs and there are many needy people. Practically we cannot individually make a difference in all their lives. It is easy to get discouraged and be cynical. However, it is time to adopt a new perspective. We all need eyes that can see beyond the present, and therefore spur us to act in a manner that makes a difference in one little life knowing that in the process we may be touching many more lives. We all have opportunities to do this with our customers, subordinates, superiors, friends and different other interlocutors.

Baby Steps are the beginning of Giant Steps

The young man was faced by a colossal problem. In one way or another, at one time or another, all of us will find ourselves faced with mammoth challenges. The millions of starfish that needed help was a staggering challenge for the young man. He could easily have been paralysed and demoralized if he had looked at the challenge at hand in its stark enormity. The young man saw that the big challenge was made up of numerous small challenges. He could be overwhelmed by the big challenge, but the smaller challenge of one starfish at a time was no match to him. By a mile a journey can be staggering but by a centimetre and a cinch that same journey becomes manageable. We all need this ability to chunk down our challenges. For most of us the problem is that we are chunking up our challenges thereby demoralizing us and paralyzing us into inaction. Challenges have a way of exaggerating themselves but the young man teaches us that if treat every little chunk different and separately they are actually manageable. As long as we have opportunity, let us do something about our lives on a daily basis no matter how infinitesimally small those actions may appear to be in the eyes of our critics.

You will pass this way only once, if you have an opportunity to teach, then teach with grace. If you have an opportunity to help, then render help with humility. If you have an opportunity to do evil, then refrain from doing so because your act of self restraint may turn out to be benevolence that saves a nation. In life there are no small actions, but there are many small minded critics. Let them not deter you.

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The Art of Prayer for Sublime Focus

Being human carries with it the state of seeking change - who is 100% satisfied or content with their lives? These changes we seek don't stick; we keep coming back to the same things we desire to change. We try different methods; a different focus perhaps. And again we fail.

But our resilient desire to improve continues to goad us into trying, again and again; it fights with that fleshy desire that wants us feeling good in the moment; one where satisfaction quickly ebbs away.


Focus is the key to change - to sustainable ends. But such a focus is bound to ebb, itself, if it doesn't reach a depth we shall call sublime: a focus gained and ingrained through the imprinting of our identities.

Such imprinting takes several months to consecutive years to establish. It's a journey eternally worth the pain of change, for a new passage to a more satisfying destiny has been tapped.

The work of the deeper focus reaches so deeply into our identities it etches itself into our souls. The change we desired and long fought for has become impregnable.


These are what procure an indelible and easy focus; but the effort has already gone in.

We have learned to pray the mantra of words God has given us - "LORD, I desire freedom from ____________. Show me the way, today and always. AMEN." Praying such a breath-prayer to the point of consistent habit, many times daily, begins to involve the subconscious mind, supplanting effort.

This is the part of the mind that does our homework for us, effortlessly, once it is trained. Given time, such prayers make their way into our ever-forming identity.

Combined with conscious focus, the subconscious focus now sponsors every effort toward our goal. Focus becomes more sublime, effortless and, therefore, pleasing. The reasons for our devotion to God are beginning to make practical sense.

God's Spirit has answered our prayers because we have put God first by seeking him, foremost, by a prayer of repentance (Matthew 6:33).


With such a method of godly allegiance, to pray incessantly, we redeem the ever-present portion of blessing for the newly achieved sublime focus.

The change is now seamless. What would take great effort previously, or was not even sustainable, is now somehow never easier because of an undercurrent of focus that comes inexplicably from within us.

We have surely witnessed, first-hand, the genesis and continuation of a miracle - something we cannot fully explain and are, therefore, supremely thankful for.


Habit-changing focus must reach, and involve, the subconscious mind. Such a sublime focus is made operative by constant prayer over time, which transforms our identity, making change seamless and pleasing and, therefore, it is miraculous.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Do You Listen To What 'They' Say?

Many times we fall victim to listening to others instead of ourselves. We often fear criticism from others which can prevent us from pursuing our goals. In the past, I have fallen victim to concern myself about what others think. I have learned that you should not care what others think. The only person that can live your life is you. The only person that can achieve your goals and dreams is you. 'They' gain nothing or lose nothing when it comes to your goals. More importantly, "they" are not you. 'They' do not see your vision or feel your passion. But who are 'They'? 'They' are typically people you know: family and friends. 'They' offer opinions about what you should and should not do when it comes to your dreams. 'They' will be quick to tell you that your dream is unreal. 'They' will be quick to criticize you if fail. 'They' are de-motivators. 'They' are dream killers.

If you truly want to achieve your goal or dream, then do it! Do not concern yourself with what 'They' think. Believe in yourself and you will be equipped with every tool that you will need to succeed. Do not listen to what 'They' say; only listen to what you say. Typically the best supporters are people you do not even know.

Why not listen to 'Us'. First, who is 'Us'? 'Us' is anyone who you know that is supportive of your aspirations. We may not be family or friends. We may be someone who you just met that aspires to be successful, like you. We think like you. We are positive, motivated, inspired and believe. We may be on a path to achieve personal goals. We know how you feel. We may need encouragement as well. We tell you to follow your dreams because they will become reality. We have the passion for our endeavor just like you have for yours. We are constantly lifting you up when you fall. We are dream believers. We are cheerleaders. We are you. You are us.

When you are surrounded by like-minded individuals, everyone's energy level will increase. We are all on a path to achieve our goals and dreams. We all believe that we can and will succeed. We all support one another. We all are winners. We are you. You are us.

So the next time you are in doubt, listen to 'Us'. Who cares what 'They' say. By listening to 'Us', you are in reality listening to yourself. We are truly one. You believe in you. We believe in you. You believe in us.

Osric V. Baugham
Chief Motivational Speaker

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about me and the services I offer, please go to my website:

If you would like to subscribe to my daily motivational blog, you can access it through my website:

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Are You Loving Your New Attitude?

If there's one thing I've learned, is that one size does not fit all, and I don't mean clothes-wise, I mean, people-wise. We get into new relationships with certain expectations, only to be disappointed (some times.) - Why? Because ONE size doesn't fit all. Not one person fulfills all your needs, not one child, will be the "be all" for you, and at times, not all parents will be there when you need them. Life happens.

And yet, as individuals, we have powers beyond our own comprehension, which is why sometimes we don't use them, simply because....we don't even know, nor see that those powers are there for us to use as we see fit, only if we could see them and have the know-how to use them.

That's why it is so important to have a new attitude in life and use it....! And while at it.....LOVE it! This is one of the most fundamental ways of moving ahead towards achievement and success.

Is it easy? Hell, no. Is it attainable? You bet it is. It is all about what you want, when you want it, and how you want to accomplish it. And most importantly, WHY you want to attain it. Without the WHY, not much will happen, which brings me back to: One size DOES NOT fit all!


Are you different? If so, how? Is it bravery or is it convenience? Can you be loud enough about what you want? Are you open to changes?


You can choose to stay the same. (Really???!!!) You can choose the middle of the road. You can decide to add life to your years. You can decide to add years to your life! You can decide that one size does NOT fit all!


A life well-lived, is the icing on the cake. An attitude adjustment is a welcome relief. When no one is looking, you share your broadest smile. An alternative size fits you like a glove. Happiness is....whatever you want to make it.


Do something outrageous. Document it. Have it clear this is for now, and not just for posterity. Consider what one thing you would do now that you would NEVER leave for

later? Then, DO IT! Enjoy every second of it, and know in your heart, that one size does not fit

all. This is your time to enjoy your new attitude adjustment.

With Much Love,


Ali is the Proud Owner of VISION FOR SUCCESS. A global, full service coaching and consulting firm dedicated to providing clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in the areas of Business Planning, Strategies, Marketing, Branding, Networking, Social Media, Operating Procedures, Personal/Professional Development and Business Overview. Ali is also the co-author of Mastering the Art of Success, 2011, with Les Brown, Jack Canfield and Mark-Victor Hansen. (386)615-6282

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Words Of Motivation: The Rise Of Lewis Hamilton

During the 2011 Formula 1 racing season, the young British driver Lewis Hamilton had a tough time and he was badly in need of words of motivation. A troubled relationship with girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger disturbed the concentration of the normally focused Hamilton and continued bad reactions to his normal aggressive but highly entertaining driving style meant that he ended up in front of race stewards on several occasions. On one occasion he even joked with reporters saying "I have a platinum members card to the stewards area."

Hamilton clearly found his own words of motivation as at the Abu Dhabi race, the penultimate one of the 2011 season, he pulled ahead of the other drivers and stayed there to win: just another chapter in one of those short inspiring stories we all love to hear.

Lewis Hamilton was born nearly 27 years ago on 7 January 1985 to a white British mother, Carmen Larbalestier, and Anthony Hamilton whose parents had come over from Grenada in the 1950s. Lewis was named after the sprinter Carl Lewis and was looked after by his mother for ten years after 1987 when his parents spilt up.

Eventually Lewis was brought up by his father and stepmother. It was during this time his interest in racing really took off. In 1991 Anthony bought his son a radio-controlled car and Lewis came second in the BRDA national championships against adult competitors. It was at this event that Lewis first came to the attention of the BBC and he was featured on the first of several occasions by the popular Blue Peter programme.

Many sports are very expensive and motor racing is no exception. One of the inspirational messages to come out of Lewis Hamilton's story is the fact that he is the first successful Formula 1 driver to come from relatively humble beginnings. Much of this is as a result of Anthony Hamilton's commitment on the early days: he told his son he would support him in his ambitions just as long as Lewis worked hard at school.

Lewis did work hard at school - and at sports too. He represented his school at both football and cricket and feels he could have become a professional footballer if racing had not worked out.

During his motor racing career, Lewis Hamilton has suffered racial abuse and bullying but has survived both with a solid resolve. Interestingly his words of motivation may come from his experiences at school where he was bullied and took up karate to overcome this.

As his part of the bargain, Anthony Hamilton took redundancy from his job as an IT manager to become a contractor. At one stage he even had to work three jobs at a time to support his son's burgeoning career. Anthony's determination eventually led to his own IT company and indeed his ability to pass on words of motivation to Lewis helped him to become his son's manager. He has developed this by providing inspirational messages to and becoming manager to the new up-and-coming British Formula 1 driver, Paul DiResta.

Lewis Hamilton graduated to karting at the age of eight years old and he continued his success in that arena.

During the 1995 Autosports Awards ceremony the team principle of the McLaren Formula 1 team, Ron Dennis, was signing autographs when he was approached by a small ten-year-old boy. The boy looked up at him and said "Hi. I'm Lewis Hamilton. I won the British Championship and one day I want to be racing your cars." Dennis said nothing but instead wrote these words of motivation in the book: "Phone me in nine years, we'll sort something out then."

In fact, it was only three years later that, after Lewis had won his second British karting title, Ron Dennis rang him to sign Lewis on to the McLaren development programme. This included the option for the 13-year-old to drive in Formula 1 in the future.

In 2001 Lewis competed against and impressed the Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher before moving into the Formula Renault racing series. He began his climb through the racing formulae.

Lewis Hamilton finally got the drive he wanted in a Formula 1 car in 2007, getting a third place in his first race. This was the beginning of a record-breaking career. He became the youngest driver ever to lead the world championship and, in 2008, Lewis finally became the youngest Formula 1 World Champion.

Another constant supporter of his racing career and provider of inspirational messages is Lewis' brother, Nicholas. Nicholas has cerebral palsy but has just started his own career racing in the Renault Clio Cup. He is often at Formula 1 races with his father cheering Lewis on and offering words of motivation. At the 2011 Hungarian Grand Prix, Nicholas was filmed scowling as his brother had to serve another penalty from the stewards.

Perhaps a couple of reasons for the continued appeal of Lewis Hamilton, apart from his obvious driving ability, are his humanity and his sheer determination. His partnership with another former World Champion, Jensen Button, at McLaren has shown the pair to have a great sense of humour that converts to a will to win on the track.

It would be too easy to think that Lewis Hamilton is lucky in the lifestyle he has. The reality is that both he and his father have, and still do, made considerable sacrifices and shown great perseverance to get to this position. There are many inspirational messages to be found in this story.

One last inspirational message. Lewis Hamilton has been criticized for his aggressive driving style but I recall one other driver suffering the same comments: and that was seven times World Champion Michael Schumacher.

Keith Braithwaite is a generally nosey and opinionated guy but his heart is in the right place. After nearly thirty years in the corporate world and twenty keenly observing direct selling, he is now following his interests in self-development, internet marketing and historical studies.

Join him on a journey to getting the most out of life using down to earth information (without the hype!) on

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Beating Procrastination The Easy Way

I thought I would share some ways that I find pretty effective at dealing with procrastination and getting your stuff done. These tend to work for me and I asked a few off my colleges and friends to give me a few ideas on what they think works best too.

1. Get Rid Of Your Mobile
Either move your mobile phone away from you or better still turn it off. I waste so much time just messing about with little apps on my phone that I could be using much more productively on actually doing something. I'd say its better to just turn it off because if someone calls you and you hear it then you are instantly distracted.

2. Turn Off The Laptop
Unless you absolutely have to, do not have your laptop/PC on. Now, I know that a lot of people will claim that you need it to do their work, but truly ask yourself if there is any way that you can do without it. I'm sure you'll find that you can and now you have removed the world's BIGGEST procrastination tool. Facebook.

3. Set Yourself Reasonable Goals
This could be telling yourself you are going to write 500 words and then have a little break or it could be that you will do 3 more problems and then go make a tea. Achieving these little goals will make you feel like you are accomplishing something, rather than slugging away for hours and not realising how much you are doing.

4. Plan Out Your Time
This follows on nicely from 3 and is something that can really beat the procrastination bug. If you have a structured day, then you are more likely to complete the tasks you have set yourself. On the other hand, if you just think you might do a little bit of work today then you are likely only ever going to complete a little bit of work.

5. Turn The Music Off
Now I don't care if you think that you can only work with music in the background or with the television on but this is just not true. All it would take is for one of your favourite songs to come on or a catchy advert to play and you are gone. Back to procrastination city with you. Turn everything off, close yourself into your room and just get on with it. Keeping in mind what you want to get done.

I hope that you can make use of these 5 methods to beat procrastination and get your work done! Please hit me with your thoughts on what I've said or any other ways that you have found works to beat procrastination!

Have a look at How To Revise Effectively to move onto the revising part of work!

If this has been helpful then Go Here for some more interesting How To's

By Daniel Nuttall 10 Dans

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Peace and Quiet In Life's Thunderstorms

Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune and misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Making a study of the features of time might seem numbing to the younger player, but there is something tantalising in the truths bestowed within the characterisation of time; that is, to imagine our emotional lives, more or less, at the steady state resembling time.

Some people naturally resemble such clocks. Their emotional ambience flickers little; they are not easily swayed, upset, or even buoyant. They just keep living, one ticking moment following the previous one, and so on. These have little redress for regret, for they seem to manage the tremulous minute the same as they ever do - there is a pleasant casualness about them that we tend to admire. They seem resilient and stoic.

Could it be that their minds function quietly? Are their hearts, underpinning, also more present to self-acceptance?


We all seem to understand the theory - that a quietened mind is preferable and critical for control-but we struggle with the practicality of instituting same.

This is because we understand, implicitly, how the mind should operate but we have little understanding on gaining control over it.

Could it be that there are levels of psychological functioning and coping well below the thought processes? We need to conceive that the feeling heart underlies the thinking mind. Only when we venture into steadying the heart, in seeking to understand and accept ourselves, will we be granted opportunities to sustainability quieten the mind.


Much deeper below the thinking process is the heart silently informing thought, especially stressed thought. When the going gets tough, not only do the tough get going, but the heart becomes more fully engaged. At non-stressful times we couldn't care less.

The more fully employed heart, coming in to the allegiance of both eustress and distress, is either ally or enemy. We, of course, are interested in enhancing the former and dispelling the latter.

The tumultuous seconds must be managed, not in a way where the mind is busied by the chaos of the instant, but in such a way as to busy the mind only with logic and reason enough to get through. That, there, is victorious kingdom living and it is retrieved moment-by-steady-moment.


The state of the imagination, now, is sent to crisis:

Heart and mind will work in unison to produce the seedbed of the calm reality, but the default is to panic, where, again, heart and mind work together, but against us.

This level of inner collusion will produce avoidant or risky decision-making, and particularly procrastination, because of a lack of courage or the winning of fear, where what we really need in a crisis is a steady heart producing a quietened mind.

It is important to understand we have two allies in the heart and mind and that they work together to achieve, for us, peace. If we feel in steadiness, despite our fears, sticking with logical and reasoned thinking, we treat the heart and mind as allies and they work industriously for our defence.


We are to aim to live, emotionally, from within ourselves, as clocks - ever turning clockwise at the same cadence, neither running ahead of time nor behind. That requires thinking soundly, feeling in steadiness, and, with mind and heart aligned, it achieves for us quietness of mind - even in the midst of life's thunderstorm.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Why Is It Advisable To Let A Motivational Speaker Speak In Any Presentation?

With regards to what a motivational speaker can do in case you hire one for any of your presentation, it is important to understand that a great speaker is essentially an effective means to help those who listen bring about the change that they desire and while a lot of people think that motivating others is quite easy, that is not always the case for most of the time.

While a speaker's job is simply to convince a group of people about the benefits of learning a certain productive habit, it is necessary that they do their research well with regards to the subject matter because not every case is the same and there is this underlying root that must be taken care of in order for the change to be a worthwhile endeavor.

Keep in mind that each individual have his or her own unique outlook in life and if you think that convincing one person is difficult, then think about how difficult it really is if you are trying to convince a group of people all at the same time and that is exactly what a speaker faces every time they are standing in any presentation while giving out their awesome speeches.

In reality, a lot of companies hire a good speaker to give a seminar to their employees since they understand really well the incredible benefits of motivating their staff to perform at their best potential for as much as possible because whether you accept it or not, a motivated employees are very likely to be more productive when compared with those who aren't.

Of course, just one presentation from a good speaker will not likely deliver the impact that you desire unless it was delivered by someone who are exceptionally good at his craft and so, most of those who hire them usually make a decision to schedule a regular presentation as a way to refresh the target audience and make them remember the benefits of being motivated.

Lastly, no matter how you put it, hiring one of the speaker to give speeches in any presentation will surely motivate a number of people if not all and in case you are a parent or a guardian and are interested in bringing the best out of your children then it is strongly recommended that you read some motivational resources like Parenting Freak Ability during your spare time.

If you are looking for effective motivational tools or perhaps you are looking for a good motivational speaker, kindly visit us at as we surely have everything you need.

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Preparation Meets Opportunity

Luck is Preparation and Opportunity. If you believe in Luck, understand that you control preparation. Whatever it is that you want to do, being prepared for that opportunity puts you in a position to be considered lucky.

The first step in Preparation is believing in yourself. Once you believe that you can and will achieve your goal, you have begun preparing for that opportunity. The second step in Preparation is acquiring knowledge for what it is that you want to achieve; understanding what you will need to know and to do. The third step in Preparation is physically doing whatever it is; practice.

Opportunities are always around us. Opportunities are choices or decisions. The difference between being lucky or unlucky is how prepared you are for your opportunity. If you are prepared, you will recognize when your opportunity comes. It sounds simple because it is. Athletes prepare all their lives to get the opportunity to play for a championship. The difference will always come down to how prepared they are. It starts with believing in themselves and their teammates (if a team sport). It continues with the next two steps. Achieving your goals is no different. You will get the opportunity to do whatever it is you want to do. The difference will be if you are prepared. Sometimes just having the right mindset (believing in you) is enough to recognize the opportunity and capitalize on it.

When I was in college, I majored in Electrical Engineering. After my sophomore year, I was mentally burned out. I needed a break but I did not want to leave school. In the fall semester of my junior year, I attended my school's annual career fair in September. I happened to talk to a recruiter who suggested that I look into either a summer internship or a cooperative education position. Later that week, I submitted my resume and application to my Career Services department. Right before Thanksgiving break, I received a call from a Human Resources recruiter for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. She told me that they where looking for an electrical engineering major to be a cooperative education student fulfilling the role of project engineer. I interviewed with her and was offered the position. I accepted and worked at the Air Force Base during my spring and summer semesters. I got the break I desperately needed. I also was able to work as an engineer, using the knowledge I had gained from my classes. This opportunity allowed me to assess what type of engineer I might consider once I graduated. On some many different levels, the experience was valuable beyond words that can explain.

The takeaway: people told me I was lucky. I was prepared. I was mentally ready for an opportunity that would allow me to work but still be in school. I had the knowledge. The opportunity presented itself. This is one of many examples.

Whatever it is that you want to do, be prepared. You will get the opportunity. I promise you.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about me and the services I offer, please go to my website:

If you would like to subscribe to my daily motivational blog, you can access it through my website:

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Motivation Is the Key But Success Is Up to Me

Everyone dreams about what they want to do or have in their life. The question sometimes is how do I get there? The answer to the question could seem to be complex but it is rather simple. The answer is in two parts explained in one statement: Motivation is the key but Success is up to me. Let's break down this statement so that you will understand that your dreams are merely steps away from being a reality.

Motivation is the key. Motivation is the driving force that energizes us to push forward towards a goal. Motivation is internal and/or external as well as positive and/or negative. You can get words of encouragement from your family and friends. You can get discouraging words from your family and friends. You can accomplish one goal that drives you to push on to your next goal. You can fail in reaching a goal. Motivation is similar to fuel. When someone drives a car, they need fuel. When you set a goal, you need motivation. Other elements are needed such as persistence and perseverance just as you need oil, transmission fluid and coolant for a car. Yet, that car will not move until you have fuel. You need motivation of all types to fuel your tank. The point is: it does not matter if motivation is just from you or if it is positive or negative from others. Embrace it and use it to drive you to your goal. Motivation is the key but...

Success is up to me. So now you have this fuel in your tank. Use it. Do it. You have to believe that you will accomplish your goal. This is worth repeating: YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL. Regardless of whom you are or what you know, you and only you can and must have faith in yourself. An abundance of motivation will do you know good if you don't believe you can do it. You simply must proceed on your journey to success. A full tank of gas in a car is useless if the car is not driven. Furthermore, with no direction, the fuel is wasted. You must have a specific goal. You must have a plan to achieve that goal. Failure along the way is always relevant and real. Failure is not defeat unless you choose it to be. Believe that you can accomplish your goal and you will be able to embrace failure. You will not be afraid to fail. You must not be afraid to fail. Failure is nothing more than motivation.

Motivation is the key but Success is up to me!

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about me and the services I offer, please go to my website:

If you would like to subscribe to my daily motivational blog, you can access it through my website:

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Become an Inverse Paranoid to Turn Around Your Fortunes for the Better

Become An Inverse Paranoid

In the last issue we introduced the sad story of two friends who were rookie rugby spectators at a stadium. When the players gathered for a scrum and started whispering and encouraging one another, the two friends had different reactions about what they assumed was being said by the players. The first suspected that the players were conspiring to beat them up, and he was dead sure that he had heard something to that effect. The second was totally convinced that the players were indeed talking about them but for a good reason. Since it was their first time at the stadium and they were the only rookie spectators, he was convinced that there was a plan to reward them as a way of encouraging them. The first was also convinced that for the very same reason; that they were new at the stadium; the players did not want them there and were therefore planning to eject them out of the stadium violently. Of course, both of them were wrong, because what the players were engaged in was nothing but a routine rugby ritual of restarting the match after an accidental foul or after the ball has gone out of play.

The two friends represent two contrasting attitudes towards life, which ultimately lead to diametrically opposite outcomes. The first man is the most common. He is what is called a paranoid. The paranoid believes that everyone and everything is conspiring against him to cause evil to visit him. His suspicions enslave him and literally dictate his conduct. Mentally, physically, emotionally and in almost every way the paranoid lives a damned life.

The second man is representative of an inverse paranoid. By definition an inverse paranoid believes that everything and everyone is planning to do him good. Quite unlike the paranoid, the inverse paranoid lives a charmed life and indeed good things tend to follow them.

In this issue we take a closer look at the inverse paranoid.

The Inverse Paranoid Believes In Miracles

The first characteristic that distinguishes the inverse paranoid is that he believes in miracles. He believes and is fully persuaded on the inside that something good will come out of every situation. He does not bother himself by trying to figure out exactly how the miracle will come by, he simply believes that somehow events, people and the universe will converge and act in a manner that will advance his interests and his well being. His approach is summarized by one simple statement, "All things work together for me."

He believes that people are on his side and not against him. He believes that events are God sent not manufactured by the devil. By doing so he primes himself to receive the best out of everyone and out of every situation.

The Inverse Paranoid Has A vivid Expectation of Good

The inverse paranoid not only believes, but actually actively expects good things to happen to him. He is constantly in a state of what Charles Dickens would call Great Expectations. Our expectations have a huge impact not only on our health but also on our state of motivation. Compare and contrast the emotions, attitudes and actions of two ladies; one on death row expecting to be executed any time and one on the morning of her wedding day. Both of them are not likely to be in a neutral gear. When the bride hears the sound of footsteps from her chamber, she immediately imagines that the groom has arrived to take her to the wedding hall for the solemnization of the vows. On the other hand when the lady on death row hears sounds of footsteps she imagines that the hangman has arrived. If the bride sees a man dressed in a priest's garments she is betrayed into believing that the priest who is to conduct the vows has arrived. However, when the condemned lady sees a priest is betrayed into believing that he has come to read the last rites before she is hanged. They are actively expecting different outcomes for the day. Hence, they are in different emotional and psychological states.

This may seem simplistic but it is very important. Over the long haul our actions are actually shaped by our expectations. Our actions in turn influence the outcomes we get; thus our expectations actually become self fulfilling prophecies. For this reason alone the inverse paranoid tends to live a charmed life while the paranoid tends to always attract the worst possible outcomes.

Attitudes Are More Powerful Than Facts

There are two elements that are ever present in any situation. These are attitudes and facts. The two have mutually reinforcing effects. Our attitudes influence the progression of the facts because facts are not static but continuously changing in response to it taken. On the other hand, attitudes cannot be insulated from the outside facts.

The instinctual tendency is to allow the facts to influence one's attitude. However, the winning approach is to clothe oneself with an attitude that one can actually influence developments in a positive direction. It is a proven scientific fact that people can change the outcomes they get in life by first changing the attitudes of their minds by conscious endeavor. Attitude is a product of conscious choice and decision.

No one is born a paranoid or an inverse paranoid. These are acquired attitudes. They are learned behaviors which can also be unlearned. The first step to becoming an inverse paranoid is to make a conscious decision to work towards becoming one. One can never become an inverse paranoid incidentally, coincidentally or accidentally. Conscious endeavor is the key. The decision to become an inverse paranoid should then be followed by another very important decision; to give the most generous interpretation to events and human behavior. Nothing is bad by itself, but our thinking makes it so. All sound human relations are based on the assumption of the existence of goodwill between interlocutors. Without the assumption of goodwill, paranoia sets in.

The books you read, the company you keep and the imaginations you entertain also have a huge influence over whether you become paranoid or an inverse paranoid.

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Progress Is a Fuel

Progress is a fuel. When you set a goal, the steps to it are to be celebrated. You build confidence, enthusiasm and motivation. We will take a critical look at each. Let's explore just how crucial advancing can be.


When you embark on your journey to success, it is natural to be nervous in the beginning. You have planned how you will get there. The problem you face is that this may be uncharted waters for you; unfamiliar surroundings. The courage to start your travel is there but your confidence may be low. Reaching the first step towards your goal builds your confidence. It reassures your decision to pursue your goal. It helps to realize that you have the necessary skills to continue. Regardless of the size of the step, it is advancement. You are one step closer. Always remain positive and your confidence will continue to grow. Think about a baby learning to walk. When the baby stands on its legs for the first time, confidence increases to try to walk. They are ready to take the first step.


Along with gaining confidence, you gain a sense of excitement. You are energized! This gives you the ability to become more imaginative and creative. Your plan becomes more attainable. Progress is contagious. What it does to your attitude is unbelievable. It helps build more confidence which in turn gives you more enthusiasm. You are able to weather the storm of frustration and self-doubt. Let's go back to the baby learning to walk. When they make their first step, they are excited. They will typically fall because their legs are not strong enough. Yet they seem to not get discouraged. They will continue to try and each time they may take one more step than before. They become motivated.


When you progress towards your goal, you become motivated. Others will motivate you. You become obsessed with the burning desire to achieve your goal. Progression pushes you to not reflect on setbacks or failures. Even when you attempt to advance and you may fail, failure is not defeat. It is progress. You now know that particular method to get to the next step does not work. It is progress. Your confidence and enthusiasm are not lost because you are able to develop a new way. The baby learning to walk will not be walking freely on their first, second or third attempt. They do not quit. The baby may stand beside a table and use the table to help support them as they walk. They may walk around the table until they are ready to move away from the table. They may do the same with another piece of furniture. Their goal is to walk. They don't let setbacks stop them from reaching their goal. They don't know otherwise. We should learn from that.

Progress is a beautiful process. When you are working towards a goal, the interim milestones are tremendous to your success. As you progress, your confidence grows stronger. You will automatically be more energized. Your enthusiasm will increase. You will become more motivated. All this is possible when you know what you want to do. All this is possible when you are self-discipline. All this is possible when you have the burning desire to achieve. Motivation is the key but success is up to you! Go forth and progress, you will arrive at your destination.

Author's Bio:

Chief Motivational Speaker for The Success Philosophers. Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, NC. Has over 20 years of experience in management in the Logistics industry. Living with Crohn's disease for the past 11 years. A person that understands that life is too precious to be concerned about what you have no control over; understand what you do control and maximize your efforts in those area(s). You will be surprised at the positive results.

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Caring What People Think Gets You Nowhere, Daring To Be What You Want To Be Is Priceless

To be yourself fully and unremittingly is the most costly thing in the world and all of existence, especially when considering the immediate prestige and approval from others you can seem to get when you conform completely and have the opportunity on top of that to conform completely. The point to that long sentence is, to be the real boss, you must pay the cost as we all must. Some try to escape this fact by completely seeking the approval of others, before considering themselves. Few consider themselves first, only and rationally for their own genuine benefit. The latter who acts for their own genuine benefit as a whole is what I am writing for. The people who want the approval of others first is what I am writing against. To have a genuine approval and understanding of yourself is the first and most important relationship there is, without that, there can be nothing.

Sure, sometimes I type repetitive messages in my writings and preach a lot, but I do not compromise my message for anyone or anything. I believe fully and wholeheartedly in what I am saying without fear or doubt. There are people who are going to say that I am not good enough, but I do not care about them, I only care if I am good enough for me. So, I want to say this: I am creative, not a competitor. So, I am creating for myself, not creating for someone else, and if someone else benefits wonderful, but I am creating what is good for me, then good for others in the same way it is good for me, in that order.

So, sure, genuine individualism and honesty may cost a lot of laughter, criticism and fear within others in the small picture of things. But the big picture long with its eternal values is what counts, not any small picture of foolishness that gets you nowhere except shortsighted. Here, I quote Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi on this concept of what counts.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

No one can hurt you without your permission to paraphrase Gandhi again. But, think about this, the ultimate leader is the ultimate individualist, the ultimate follower is the ultimate failure and fearful person. That is why being a follower is innately undesirable and being a heroic leader is always desirable even in the most undesirable situations. In fact, it is especially desirable in the most undesirable situations because of the fact that a good or great genuine leader can help make things from undesirable to desirable through their leadership and judgement. So, I end by playfully quoting Booker T. Jones and The MG's from Stax/Satellite/Atlantic Records in one of the few songs they did actual lyrics written instead of just instrumentals on:

Everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone."

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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11 Ways To Prevent Procrastination

I will do it tomorrow. I'll start next week, next month, next year. When I have more time I will do it. When the children are holder, I will have more freedom and I can get started. I will have more money next month and I can make it happen then.

Does any of these words sounds familiar to you? Do you find yourself using these words from time to time? Worst are you using them right now because deep inside you feel it's true. Do You feel it's your reality? Do you know ways to prevent your procrastination?

Procrastination comes in many levels. You can be very productive at work for your boss and be a huge procrastinator at home in your own life or vice versa. Usually the first scenario is the most common. We work hard for a boss because we know we don't have a choice because we will lose our job if we don't. But at home, no one is there to hold us accountable so we get lazy. There are solutions, ways to prevent procrastination

Most people are procrastinators or lazy. (BTW Procrastinator is a nice word that defines lazy) Just look at the amount of successful people vs. the number of people that are not. There are some physical and mental reasons that make us a procrastinator. Physical as in tired, exhausted and mental as in mindset, having a certain perception of a task you have to accomplish. Let's explore how we can fight our procrastination so you can achieve your goals and dreams no matter how big or small they might be. Below is 11 ways to help you prevent procrastination.

The first 2 ways to prevent procrastination are physical:

I strongly believe it starts here. If you are not healthy, you will have less energy to accomplish your tasks and more likely to procrastinate. Start exercising. I don't mean for you to become an athlete but to exercise. Take time to exercise 3-4 times a week. Do some kind of exercise. It could be a walk around the block, a bicycle ride etc. etc. Any type of exercise will boost your energy level.

The next physical way to prevent procrastination is: Look at your eating habit. Do you eat a lot of junk food? About dessert, do you have one every night? Do you have to always finish your dinner plate? Eat smaller meals and less junk if no junk food at all. The more you eat, the more you feel full. The less likely you will feel like doing anything. Don't wait until you are hungry to eat anything. If you wait until you are hungry, you are likely to eat something that is not healthy.

The next 9 ways to prevent procrastination are Mental:

This is how you view the task you need to accomplish. This is the level of urgency you give your to do list. Here's the 9 reasons why you don't complete the tasks you need to. The tasks that will move you towards accomplishing your goals and how to fight it;

Ways to prevent procrastination #1

Unpleasant task: This task is usually perceived as not fun or not enjoyable. These usually are nowhere near as bad to complete as you think. Schedule them first thing when you get up and get them out of the way. (May be give yourself a reward when completed)

Ways to prevent procrastination #2

Indecision: A lot of people don't take the next step because they can make up their mind on what to do. The worst thing to do is to not make a decision. You may make the wrong decision but you become a lot smarter in the process.

Ways to prevent procrastination #3

Fear of Failure: This is probably the biggest one. Especially for those whose goals are to invest in themselves like a business. They lack confidence and the fact they are afraid to face the consequences of a failure.

You feel this way because you are focusing on what will happen if you and when you fail. You have to reverse that. Focus on how you will feel when you succeed. How will that feel, where will you be, who will share it with you? Every time a negative thought comes to your mind, you have to take a step back and re-focus on how you will feel when you succeed.

You may fail at first but it is not your goal that fail but your plan. Just change the plan, never change the goal.

Ways to prevent procrastination #4

Lack Of Interest: When you have absolutely no interest in a task to accomplish, you must reward yourself after you did it. May be your task is to paint your house, may be it is to do the spring cleaning. Whatever it is, reward yourself. May be it is going to your favorite restaurant, may be a weekend at the beach etc. etc.

Ways to prevent procrastination #5

Perfectionism: This happens a lot in my line of work. People want their website to be perfect so it never goes live. May it is an article or a video they are working on and it is never good enough.

Set deadline for yourself to have your task finish and commit to yourself to do it by that date. Do not deviate. Maintain your standard but also realize is that 80% done is better than never having it done.

Ways to prevent procrastination #6

Hostility toward your boss: If I had a nickel for every time this happened to me I would be super rich today. Who likes their boss today... The mindset you want to use here is to find another reason to get that task accomplished so you are now not getting it done because your boss told you to but for something worth doing for. May be you are doing it because it could help you advance your career. May be it's because your co-workers would benefit from it etc. etc. Just find another reason to motivate you to complete the task.

Ways to prevent procrastination #7

Distraction or lack of focus: For some people, it is very hard to be and stay focus. Create a to do list for yourself. Use an A B C system to mark the priority of the tasks that needs to be done. Start with what is more important and go down the list. Commit yourself to not stop your project until finish.

Ways to prevent procrastination #8

Unimportant tasks: The problem with unimportant task is they will become important very soon and a lot harder to handle later. Figure out the cost or time it will take to do it now vs. if you wait until it becomes an important task. Schedule a time to do it and do it. Do not deviate.

Ways to prevent procrastination #9

Environment: We all have life that takes us away from what needs to be done. It can be work, kids, time etc. etc. It is critical that you schedule time for your to do list and when you are in that schedule time, that nothing can distract you so you can be as productive as you can. Leave the emails for later. Don't answer the phone. (if important, they will leave a message) Stay away from social media and if you have kids, come to an agreement with your spouse so he/she will look over your children while you get your things done.

Procrastination is the biggest challenge you will have to face, your worst enemy. Use these 11 ways to prevent procrastination and once you have beaten your own laziness, oops I mean procrastination, nothing will stop you. Yeah, you will stumble a few times on your way to success but when that happens, just wipe yourself off and get right back on the horse.

To your Success,
Ghyslain Lefebvre
Entrepreneur since 2006

Ghyslain Lefebvre in an online business entrepreneur. He started with nothing, no experience on the internet and marketing. Because of his dedication, hard work and desire to succeed, Ghyslain today works full time from home. If you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, of living in the rat race, or just want to quit your job and earn what you are worth. Visit Ghyslain's website at

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Who Do You Believe In?

"Who do you believe in?" is not a question about religious faith. This is a question that you must answer when you have lack of confidence in yourself. When you have doubts about achieving your goal. When you are apprehensive about the direction you want to go. Who do you believe in? When you had determined in your mind that you were going to pursue a goal, who did you have confidence in? When you thought about the plan to achieve your goal, who did you faith in? When you started on your journey for your goal, who did you believe in?

So now you may be at a crossroads. So now your plan may not be going the way you had hope. So now you feel it may not happen. You cannot let obstacles be more than what they are. You cannot let failure be more than what it is. You cannot forget the courage that it took for you to begin your journey. You cannot forget the answer to this question: Who do you believe in?

If you believed that you could do it in the beginning, what has changed? Anyone who has achieved success has met with the lady called failure. Failure is nothing but a stepping stone to success. It is a part of progression. If you fear to fail than you will not succeed. It is when you have accepted failure as defeat that you have lost. So the question again, who do you believe in?

If you have a strong desire to achieve your goal, then nothing will stand in your way. No one or no thing will allow you to not reach your goal. The only person that can ever stop you is you. The only person that can prevent you from achieving your goals is you. The only person that can give up on you is you. When times get tough you have to dig deep within yourself. When you do that you will find what is the foundation of your future success. When you do that you will find the foundation of your courage, persistence and perseverance. When you do that you will find the foundation for your positive attitude. I could tell you what you will find but you need to find it for yourself. More importantly, you need to the answer the question.

Who do you believe in? Once that is answered, you will then find your foundation.

Osric V. Baugham
Chief Motivational Speaker

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If you would like to subscribe to my daily motivational blog, you can access it through my website:

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Tips in Searching for a Versatile Keynote Speaker

Keynote speakers are very much in demand these days. These are the people who are asked to speak in front of a large group of people regarding a certain subject matter usually about business matters or motivational and inspirational talks. However, there are also other topics that a certain group would like to hear or need. This is why it is important to look for keynote speakers who are versatile enough and has a wide knowledge on different topics or subject matters. So, how can one find a versatile keynote speaker? Here are some tips.

Looking for a keynote speaker is easy as long as you know where to look for them. You can start browsing along the yellow pages. There are agencies that handle keynote speakers that you can possibly hire. You can also look over the internet as there are now lots of free lancing keynote speakers around these days. It is best to speak to possible candidates so that you may assess how they speak and the extent of their knowledge in a particular subject matter that you need. You need to know the expertise of the speaker so that you would know if they are fitted for the topics that you need. They might be able to show you samples of their speeches. This will help you see if they speak well enough in the public.

Once you have jot down your list of the possible candidates that you may hire, you can then compare their skills and expertise so that you can come up with at least two or three choices. You may want to go through their abilities and how they rated in the interview so that you can finally choose the best one to hire. After choosing the right person for the job, you can then set an appointment with the person so that you can further speak about the deal. With this, you will be able to know if both of you will agree to a certain deal.

Keep in mind that there are different kinds of speakers. There are those who also deal with organizing the events where they will be speaking at. You can then asses their fees so that you would know if they have reasonable rates and if they fit in your budget. It is important that you have a little bit of an idea on how much you would be spending in hiring these public speaking experts. Usually, the more popular and senior speakers have higher rates. This is because their expertise is already wide enough that they can handle any kind of event or topic.

These things should be considered and thought about so that you will be able to hire the best person for the event and topic. Keep in mind that how the speaker speaks will affect the mindset of the entire audience or organization. It is important to invest on hiring the best possible person for the job so that you can also get the results that you wanted to have from the event.

Find out the best keynote Speaker in Australia. Just visit us at for more info about top keynote speaker.

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Practice Makes It Permanent

We have all heard of "practice makes perfect." Do we realize that practice makes it permanent? In this article, we will discuss how repetition forms habits and how practicing can change your life.

Repetition Forms Habits

When you are learning anything new, practicing it consistently will make it permanent. If you practice making good decisions, you will make good decisions. Adversely, if you practice making bad decisions, you will make bad decisions. Understand when we are doing anything; we are practicing that act or function.. Attorneys practice law. Doctors practice medicine. It doesn't mean that we will get it correct all the time. Practicing consistently will put you in a position to be better at what you do. Practicing is dependent on how we are shown the skill that we are attempting to master or perfect. If we are committed to developing the skill, we will practice.

Repetition doing anything forms a habit. There again, repetition is dependent on how we are taught. If you are shown the incorrect way of doing things, you will not know any different. This does not mean that you can not change if you find that you are not doing things the way you would like. It takes self-discipline to change. Therefore, if you practice self-discipline, you will be self-discipline. You can then change how you do things by practicing (repetition). It will then become a permanent part of you (habit).

Practice changes lives

A former pro basketball player depicted practice as not being valuable. For anything that you chose to be good at or the best at, practice is essential. In achieving goals in your life, you must practice. If you desire to become successful, practice being successful right now; If you desire to have happiness, practice happiness right now. It takes no more effort than practicing to be miserable or practicing to be unsuccessful. Practice is a normal fabric of life. As a parent, I practice. My younger son benefits from the learning my wife and I experienced with his older brother. Or better yet, we benefit from the experience.

We still practice with both of our sons because we want to be the best parents. I practice being a great father so that I will be a great father. I practice being a great husband so that I will be a great husband. I practice being successful so I will be successful. This holds true for everyone. How ever you think, that is how you will be. Practice being the person you want to be. Practice achieving the goals you want to achieve.

We tend to think that we cannot change. If you want to change, you will change. It takes practice. We seem to wait for something to happen for us to make a change. Once I do this, I can do that. Once this happens, I can then make this happen. Stop waiting for something dramatic to happen for you to change. When you change right now and start practicing, that dramatic event has just happen. It takes you to change. It takes your thinking to change. It takes practice to make it permanent.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about me and the services I offer, please go to my website:

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Use of Coaching to Achieve Goals

How can you stay on top of things in such a fast changing and progressing environment? How will you manage to attain both personal and organisational goals? How will you maintain your levels of performance in the fast paced fast moving and ever-changing world of work and how will you ever be able to take on new and ever changing challenges and targets?

The answer to these entire questions is- HIRE an executive coach for yourself!

Executives who really want to build and grow reach peak performance and achieve much higher goals tend to opt for a coaching style of management and also walk the walk by having their own personal executive coach.

Coaching style is really a style for those who are willing to roll in every aspect of their professional business. Coaching is not only a force for good for the organisation but far more importantly for the individual to, therefore many executives in large corporations now use individual personal executive coaches and also adopt a coaching style to help them achieve personal and organisational goals.

It has been shown that Executive Coaching is really the best way to take your career to the next level in the quickest and most effective way.

Executive coaching helps to attain various skills such as:

• Personal mastery,
• More toned behaviour and other skills,
• Helping people to learn from their mistakes
• Becoming More Self-Aware
• Conquer personal difficulties,
• Keep on top of business demands
• Become More Task aware
• Develop fulfilling life and personal goals.

Executive coaching helps you increase your performance level, your team will deliver comparatively greater performances and your organisation will enjoy growth in your market sector. Mostly senior leaders can opt for executive coaching to help them fulfill their potential.

The executive coaches job is to work closely, shoulder to shoulder with their client. And to not only coach and but also to stretch, challenge, and help the manager to closely evaluate the way that they really deal with their teams, job, and associates.

Professional executive coaching has been shown that they really can help senior executives stay at the top of their game for a much longer and achieve much more and not only that to become more satisfied and fulfilled in so doing.

A senior management board that also employs executive coaches gives a positive, encouraging an inspiring message to their organisation.

You can get excellent coaches to assist your senior executives gain efficiency and skills. With a personal coach, your executives can become better leaders with improved communicating abilities. Coaching helps to enhance the potential of executives at their place of work. Many of the companies are approaching this new type of work process by providing their executives with personal coaches.

Today, progressives forward thinking companies are encouraging their senior executives to work closely with their own personal executive coach in order to help them reach peak performance as leaders.
The procedure and process involved with coaching executives involves the coach developing a very strong and personal relationship with their client. In fact it can become so strong and so close that clients will tell their coach things that they would never even tell their closest family members.

The coach will help the manager to become not only more motivating and inspirational and inspiring but also to help them set and then go about achieving larger and more dynamic goals than they would have thought themselves possible of achieving.

They will find that their communication skills will change dramatically, obviously for the better, the way they interact with their colleagues and team members will improve and a greater atmosphere of understanding and compassion will be apparent within the teams managed by the executive.

Today, most businesses are coming to the realisation that simply paying a large salary to attract top executives on its own is not enough. Investment must also be given to the ongoing support and development of those top executives.

It has been shown to many studies that actually the ROI - return on investment of executive coaching far outweighs the cost of hiring the individual coach.

In fact some studies show that the ROI is as much as 5000% which is quite astounding.

Even in the smaller studies it showed an absolute minimum of 5.7 times.

Which from an accountant's point of view is a compelling argument to use professional executive coaches for all senior managers.

If you are willing to get an executive coaching training, I can assist you on that. Feel free to Download Coaching Reports that you can use as reference materials. Or check my personal blog at Gerard's Coaching Blog for more details and useful information you can use.

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A Winning Strategy For Life That Never Fails

There is an illustrative anecdote that is often used in time management lectures that is worth retelling. One day an old professor was invited to lecture on the topic of Efficient Time Management, so goes the tale.

Standing in front of this group of elite managers he said, "We are going to conduct an experiment". From under the table that stood between him and the listeners, the professor pulled out a big glass jar and gently placed it on the table. Next, he pulled out from under the table a bag of stones, each the size of a tennis ball, and placed the stones one by one in the jar. He did so until there was no room to add another stone in the jar.

Lifting his gaze to the managers, the professor asked, "Is the jar full?" The managers replied, "Yes". The professor paused for a moment, and replied, "Really?" Once again, he reached under the table and pulled out a bag full of pebbles.

Carefully, the professor poured the pebbles in and slightly shook the jar, allowing the pebbles to slip through the larger stones, until they settled at the bottom. Again, the professor lifted his gaze to his audience and asked, "Is the jar full?" At this point, the managers began to understand his intentions.

One replied, "Apparently not!" "Correct", replied the old professor, now pulling out a bag of sand from under the table. Cautiously, the professor poured the sand into the jar. The sand filled up the spaces between the stones and the pebbles. Yet again, the professor asked, "Is the jar full?" Without hesitation, the entire group of students replied in unison, "NO!" "Correct", replied the professor. The professor reached for the pitcher of water that was on the table, and poured water in the jar until it was absolutely full.

What great truths can we surmise from this experiment?

Life Is A Finite Resource, Use It Wisely

The jar in this experiment represents a resource in general, and time specifically. What is true about time is also true about most resources especially life itself. The jar has a certain fixed or finite capacity. It could not be stretched or enlarged. Similarly, our days are all 24 hour cycles. They can neither be shortened nor elongated. However, as amply illustrated by this experiment we can all do more with the resources that we already have. The professor did not have to buy another jar in order to fit in the stones, the pebbles, the sand and the water. His solution was to be creative with what he already had. Often we make the mistake of looking for solutions elsewhere when we already have the solutions within reach. We will all have one life, and the truth is that there are so many outstanding achievements that we can fit into that life. There are many accomplishments that can be fitted into a day, week, month or year.

Success In Life Requires A Strategy

What is your life strategy? For the professor to fit in the stones, pebbles, sand and water into a jar he had to have a viable strategy. Many people aspire to be more and become more; to achieve more and become counted, but their greatest let down is that they do not have a strategy. For everything you wish to achieve you need to take time to think through a strategy and a plan for its accomplishment. Achievements rarely happen accidentally or coincidentally. They are made to happen.

Life Demands Priorities

The professor was alert to the fact that he had stones, pebbles, sand and water all clamoring to be fitted into a jar of finite capacity. Such is the nature of life. There are seemingly too many competing demands being made daily on our limited resources. Too many expenses to be serviced by a limited budget; too much work to be done by too few people; too many things to be done in a limited time; too many people seeking help from so few philanthropists-the list is endless.

The big stones are a representation of the most important things in our lives. The great truth that we can conclude from this experiment is: If we don't put all the larger stones in the jar first, we will never be able to fit all of them later. However, the great question is, "What are the large stones in your life? Health? Family? Friends? Your goals? Doing what you love? Fighting for a Cause? Taking time for yourself?"

What must be remembered is that it is most important to include the larger stones in our lives first, because if we don't do so, we are likely to miss out on life altogether. If we give priority to the smaller things in life such as the pebbles and sand, our lives will be filled up with less important things, leaving little or no time for the things in our lives that are most important to us. Because of this, never forget to ask yourself, 'What are the Large Stones in your Life?' And once you identify them, be sure to put them first in your 'Jar of Life'". There is no one who does nothing during his lifetime. The difference is that some concentrate on the more important issues, while others focus on the minor and peripheral issues and only wake up to their folly when it is too late. Worse still some people have never defined and differentiated the stones from the pebbles, and the pebbles from the sand and the sand from the water. For this reason, they are busy like other people, but they have nothing but frustrations to show for their efforts.

Fill The Spaces In Your Life

After putting the stones in the jar the professor noticed that there were spaces between them. Likewise after the pebbles and the sand there were still spaces. These spaces represented opportunities to do more. No matter how busy or successful we think we are, there are still opportunities out there waiting to be exploited. There is a space for one more big achievement. Go for it.
Be opportunity minded.

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Inspire Your Employees Through Business Keynote Speakers

In every business, the issues concerning the staff and employees are always present. In this case, the business owner should always ensure that the employees are happy on what they are doing and they feel good about how the activities flow. He or she should also see to it that they are all performing well according to their expertise. This is one of the main components in making the business prosper and grow. However, when issues start to come out, the business owner should take immediate action in order to make things the way they were before, resolve these issues and bring back the same old energetic employees to their operations.

Most of the time, it is not enough to hold meetings in order to resolve the issues. As the owner, you need to inspire all your employees to strive hard and work to gain the smooth flow of the business once again. Business keynote speakers can be helpful in doing some inspirational talk to the workers. This certain speaker is an expert in public speaking, which can discuss relevant topics about a specific matter. He or she has the ability to move people and let them be inspired by the words he or she utters.

Business keynote speakers can easily discuss about the relevance of the business as well as the value of their works to the growth of the business and themselves too. Through the words of the speaker, the employees can be lifted again and they will have a boost in their confidence. This can also be a way of making the workers realize how fortunate they are to have a job like this, since not all people can be qualified for the jobs they have.

By simply presenting to them all the advantages and help that a worker can obtain from their work, they will definitely be moved to work again. Showing the employees how valuable they are in their positions and that you as the owner truly care for their welfare. You can set an appointment when the business keynote speaker will talk in front of the workers. You can also instruct him or her on which topics to focus on. See this as the chance to talk to your workers heart to heart, listen to them and comply with their issues. This can be a huge open forum and through this you can show your appreciation to all your workers.

It is not part of a daily routine in the office or a business to see the owner talk to the employees regarding these matters. You can say that a single day of hearing out all their concerns and suggestions will all be worth it. You will realize that in the end, this activity will enrich your working relationship with them, thus pumping up the productivity within the firm. The first thing that you should do in order to attain this is to hire a professional and good business keynote speaker. Then the rest will follow afterwards.

Find out more about hiring a good business keynote speaker for your party and more. Please feel free to visit us at

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Action Now, Procrastination Later

People are always amazed at how enthralled I become when watching an excellent movie. I become oblivious to anything and everything going on around me--much like an escape artist. The really great ones are etched in my mind forever, and help me to view life with more introspection.

Dead Poets Society certainly qualifies as a movie that evokes contemplation. Robin Williams, the film's star, convincingly plays English teacher John Keating. His zest for life is met with opposition by the conservative school faculty, and creates the conflict needed for a good movie. With one statement he helped change my thoughts, the faculty's thoughts, and the thoughts of his students for the rest of time: "Carpe diem. Seize the day...make your lives extraordinary."

Today is the only day of the week that counts and you must act on it. Sure, we have appointments to schedule, work deadlines to commit to, and goals to forecast, but don't procrastinate if you seek results in life. Get done today what should be done today. That piano or French lesson you are supposed to be studying for, the business plan you are supposed to be writing, and the screenplay you are supposed to pen will not get done by osmosis. Procrastination is the one thing that jeopardizes your goals more than anything.

I won't tell you taking action toward the above mentioned to-do list items will be easy. Think back to the times in your life when you were proactive. What were the results, and how did getting the things done that you had been putting off for days, weeks or months make you feel? But how do you get to this action stage--doing what you say you want to get done? Breaking things down into bite-sized pieces is one of the most effective ways to do this. If you'd like to learn a foreign language as an example, and have been putting it off for whatever reason, I've got your fix: focus on learning little by little. The chances of putting off today's French lesson, goes down significantly when you only have to learn to say hello and good bye. Bite sized goal realized. Commit to taking action, and you will be able to order off the wine list in no time.

Now that you have taken action, how do you stay motivated to continue seizing the day? That part's simple, keep your bookshelf stocked with motivational books. You will learn several ways to stay encouraged on a daily basis. In addition to great movies that leave you reflecting on life, a great quote can have a similar effect. Denis Waitley sums up what procrastination is best: "Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy."

Brett Thrailkill is a speaker and the author of, Do We Listen? and can be reached at Motivational Videos
Motivational Posters.

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The Only Path Through The Wilderness Of Life

The only way to really get through life is to be honest with yourself. That is easier said or written than done or practiced. But, it is the only real way to get through life in a good way. I can name so many bad ways to get through life, but only that one good way that I mentioned in the first sentence, honesty. Sure, it can seem ridiculous at times and at most times when everything seems to go really bad. I would like to say this though, when you are honest with yourself, you do not have much else to live up to or impress. You just do what needs to be done. Sure, that is simple and succinct seeming. Can it always be put into practice easily without wanting to take an "easier" way out? I will answer that question momentarily in the next paragraph. Right now, I will explain why honesty with yourself is the easiest way out and the hardest. Sure, we all want a path out of the wilderness without being hurt, messed up or with as little damage as possible, of course. Since, in reality, getting out and surviving whole starts with the resolve to do such a thing, I will say this: You cannot get out unless you accept or take the way out. Hard or easy, effort must be made to get out of a situation. Even if hope seems to be gone, we must do our best with what we have, if you just bristled and angered at that statement in a disagreeable way, you know exactly what I mean. You may not see the full path out of the situation, but start by considering all possibilities and then take your action.

The person who is too lazy to take action realistically for themselves, and really does want an easy way out deserves what they get outside of what they want is my answer to the question above, and if they do get what is desired, they got off easy, not so much lucky. My reality definition of good luck is "preparation meeting opportunity", not anything superstitious. Bad luck in my opinion is purely superstitious because perseverance is always required to genuinely succeed even if you fail a few times or succeed the first time and want to keep that success working for you. The real curse is quitting before you get what you want. The real blessing is making it work in spite of it all. Honesty with yourself is the ultimate blessing without matter to what anyone outside yourself thinks, does or says. As long a you yourself know and act accurately on what is going on, you have good luck and are genuinely blessed. If you default to quitting and denial, you have bad luck and fail genuinely. Perseverance and honesty with yourself are the lights that light the way through life, all else is nothing.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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Age Should Never Stop You

"For of All Sad Words of Tongue and Pen, the Saddest are These, It Might Have Been....." John Greenleaf Whittier

Regret is one of the heaviest emotions you can carry around, and can be released in countless ways: through forgiveness, through spiritual practices, or, in many cases, some healthy tears about what might have been.

In every case, if you do not obstruct the natural expression of life, there is another possibility, which can only be entertained if we are willing to become fully present to our deep soul self. If there is regret, there is also a desire to have the essence of what you regret in your life. Based on the Law of Polarity, there exists a corresponding desire to fulfill or realize something. I call this your DREAM.

At whatever age, going for your dream requires courage and willingness to risk, and this can be especially challenging if you are older. One of my clients described it this way, "I have more runway behind me than I do ahead of me, and it feels as if time is running out."

I am here to dispel the myth that time is running out. You are simply running out of excuses!!!

The Soul is the journey of attention through our lives-where we put our attention. If you have a dream that you keep putting on the back burner, you are not putting your heart and soul into your dream, which is why it is not happening.

The most common excuses are allowing others to come before yourself, fear of failure, and choosing some illusion of security over risking whatever you would have to risk to fulfill your dream. I see it all the time when people express a desire to start their own business, but are not willing to take money out of savings to invest in the support needed to do just that. They are saving for a retirement in which they will still wonder what might have been.

The truth is that one of the biggest reasons for people who consider themselves "older," (50 and above as far as I am concerned) hesitate to take the necessary risks is not because they are any less capable than younger people. It is because you must humble yourself to become a beginner again, and revisit all the fears and insecurities that kept you from taking the risk all along.

Often you will have successful mentors (as I do) who are far younger than you are. You must be trainable, willing to learn, willing to surrender your false pride and instead, feel a genuine pride that you are putting your money where your mouth is, as they say!

Some Late Bloomers

Think about some of these incredible people, who began later in life:

Juliia Childs did not even begin to cook until she was 40.

Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Chicken fame was 66 when he started his now famous empire.

Georgia O'Keefe revisited her passion for art later in life, and went on to paint for decades. She has been quoted as saying: "I've been terrified every day of my life but that's never stopped me from doing everything I wanted to do."

There are many benefits to being a "late bloomer," or as a friend of mine called me, "ever blooming." In her article, "Women of the Hippie Generation are Emerging as the Primary Sacred Feminine Change Agents," Marlow Aster writes: "I believe that most of the hippy generation are like "sleepers" in our society, just waiting for a cosmic clock to tick over to the time when they are roused once again to their idealistic visions, except this time, they will have power, money and influence on their side, all of which were sorely lacking in their struggles during the sixties and seventies. And the lead seems to be coming from the women of that era."

I have spoken to 3 women this week, in their early 60's, who are on fire with a mission to contribute their particular gifts to the world. I had never met them before, and yet, we immediately recognized each other as "sisters" from an era when we set out to break the rules because they did not make any sense.

And here we are again. Not much is making any sense if you sit back and wait for change, either in yourself, or anywhere else. We have hopefully accumulated some wisdom along the way, and have a perspective to offer that is quite unique to being older. It is no longer about rebelling against the establishment, but co-creating something quite new that has been alluded to by countless spiritual teachers for millennia.

Years ago, when I studied psychodrama, I heard this anecdotal story about Sigmund Freud and Jacob Moreno (the founder of psychodrama) walking and having a conversation. Freud said to Moreno, "I analyze people's dreams," to which Moreno replied, "I help people dream again."

I became a psychodramatist! I still am!!!

What have you been practicing and preparing to do all your life? Your Soul is ageless. You have all the time you need!

Kathleen Hanagan, LCSW, coaches committed individuals and business owners who want to make a difference into breakthrough terrain where they take quantum leaps to manifest the level of success they have been dreaming about. She combines her passion for relationship work, expertise in business, and her mastery in the emotional realm, with her commitment to expanding the consciousness of Oneness on the planet. Her unique mentoring programs, VIP intensives and workshops serve as a roadmap to support those called to contribute their gifts, by helping them release limiting beliefs and patterns and stepping into their brilliance, while manifesting genuine prosperity. Join her at, to apply for a complimentary breakthrough strategy session, which will pave a path to profit with a deep sense of purpose.

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