What Lies Behind Your Motivation?

Do you ever find yourself powering through paperwork or filing, despite the fact that you don't really want to do it? It's almost like you're being driven by some internal force to get it done?

Or you always automatically wash the dishes and clean the kitchen up after dinner, despite really just wanting to chill in front of the TV with a glass of wine?

When we're driven to do things, it's a strong indication of what's important to us deep down. And what's important to us is down to our internal values, the things that motivate us in advance.

We all have values, and they all differ from everyone else. They are like your very own personal motivators, and once you know what your values are in a certain context like your career or business, it can really help you focus on, and spend your energy on, what is intrinsically important to you.

If you're doing something that is not actually within your value set, for example an activity or task, you'll find that it is much harder to motivate yourself to actually do it, and it may well be one of those never-ending tasks on your to-do list or action plan that never gets done.

Discovering your values can be a fascinating exercise, and one that will explain a lot to you in terms of your internal drive. Most values are unconscious, and we are unaware of them to a large extent. If you want to find out what your values in the context of your career or business are, then follow these 3 easy steps:
Take yourself off to a very quiet corner with a pen and paperAsk yourself the following question: 'in the context of my career or business, what's important to me?'.Write down your answers as quickly and honestly as possible, thereby allowing you to be answering unconsciously as opposed to consciously.

Once you do this exercise, you may well be surprised by what it is that appears on the list. (It's worth doing this exercise regularly, as values may change depending on circumstance. Then you can ask yourself if you're fulfilling your values, and if not, what can you do to change it so that you are. If your career or business is meeting your values within that context, you'll find that the journey is a much smoother and congruent one. Our goals also tend to be easier to hit, as they are in line with our values, and therefore our internal drive and motivation.

Make your journey to success smoother - give yourself some valuable time to spend on your values!

Deborah Keep is a Certified NLP Trainer and Founder of Keep NLP, a training and development company that uses NLP to achieve excellent and instant results for professionals and businesses. Sign up for more free invaluable NLP tips and techniques to help boost your productivity, motivation and results at http://www.keepnlp.com.au/

Original article

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