Qualia and Quanta

Ah, those New Year's resolutions.

I suppose that the passage of another calendar year serves to remind us that there are an infinite number of things to do and a finite amount of time to do them in and so we must prioritize.

So many potential things to accomplish or attain and only so many days of our life to do it all in. Yet, somehow, we still contrive to waste most of the time in a day, most of the days in a year, most of the years of our life.

Each new year comes along and we are reminded that:

a) time is slip, slip, slipping away,

b) we have not yet completed our commitments, and

c) we want to.

It also serves as a reminder that although we have ideals that are either inherently understood or expressly defined, we are not living up to these ideals and so we must resolve to, once again, commit to being and acting in tune with our ideals.

Get happy. Get healthy. Get wealthy. Get wise. Those are the summaries of the typical resolutions made. Specific goals or actions are often substituted as the defined resolution, but it is usually one of those four ideals that are the root impetus to change.

So there it is...change; we recognize that we must change in order to achieve our ideals and the resolutions reflect this recognition. It is change that we desire and this is reflected in the resolutions we make. They define our dissatisfaction. They delineate the gap or space between what we idealize and we recognize as being the current actuality or reality.

To cross that gap requires resolution. "I must be the change I wish to see in the world!"

Resolution has several synonyms; among them are: answer, declaration, determination, promise, resolve, solution and tenacity.

So your New Year's resolution is your answer, your declaration, your determination, your promise, your resolve, your solution and your tenacity. Your future abundance lies in today's resolution.

What exactly do you want and how much of it? Qualia and quanta. Decide and then resolve to have it. Be, then do, then have. Become, enact, prosper.

Start now. Resolve to be the change you wish to see in the world. Make it your declaration, your commitment, your promise, your tenacity and your solution to those great questions...what I am about and what is the purpose and meaning of my life.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright. Leslie Fieger is the author of The DELFIN Trilogy, (The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest), The Master Key, Alexandra's DragonFire, Awakenings and Your Prosperity Paradigm. His personal website is http://www.lesliefieger.com/

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How To Coach Millennials

Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Generation Next, are folks who are about twenty to thirty years old. So when I saw this article called, Introverted Leaders: The Right Mentors for Millennials (American Management Association), I figured there would be a lot of people who'd be interested in how we can apply it to our lives. After all, this is the age group that college coaches are working with. Check out the article, it's got great info about introverts as leaders...I'm going to focus on motivating millennials.

4 tips that will help us coach millennials

One-on-one interactions. According to the article, "when leaders take the time to converse with the millennials in their midst, they score points in building loyalty and trust." That sounds like something we should invest time in! If we're going to build teams that function well year after year, we should make sure we're taking the time to chat with our players every day. I worked with a coach years ago who said it was his goal talk to each player while they were warming up for practice. However we do it, we should make sure we're connecting with our players, it means a lot to them.
Listening and asking great questions. Apparently, millennials have a "craving for continuous coaching and feedback." This one piggy backs on point number one. They don't want generic praise or interaction meant for the entire group, but rather specific coaching and correction meant just for them. Whether it's email, texts, or face-to-face contact, I'm sure we can all commit to communicating with our players in the way they'd like to receive it.
Preparation. This is the generation most likely to switch jobs many times in the course of their lives, some estimates say the typical millennial will have more than twenty five jobs! They are "hungry to take on new roles and responsibilities", so it's our job to make sure they're engaged on our teams. I'm sure most of our athletes can spout off positive benefits of playing sports (time management, team oriented, etc.), but do they know they're learning how to lead, how to manage different personalities, how to function within a particular role, and how win and lose with a measure of grace? We've got to tell them so they know they're prepared for the "real world" once they leave college.
Calm, reasoned reflection. Why is this important? This approach "offers a needed counterbalance to all the busyness and multitasking of Millennials." Have you noticed how difficult it is for millennials to separate themselves from their phones? They can be "talking" to their friends while texting and think nothing of it...meanwhile I'm super offended when people don't make eye contact with me when we're talking! According to the article, we've got to show them the value in being present and focused. Our sports require those two things in order for our teams to succeed. Our players can't be peeking in the stands while also trying to play at a high level.

To me, this is like having a millennials scouting report. Sure, we can play a game without one, but it will take us a lot longer to be successful. Now that we know how to make great connections with our players, let's make sure we do it!

Dawn Redd is the Head Volleyball Coach at Beloit College. Come visit Coach Dawn's community of coaching nerds and team leaders over at her blog, http://www.coachdawnwrites.com/, where she teaches how to become an excellent coach, motivate individuals, and build successful teams.

Her book, Coach Dawn's Guide To Motivating Female Athletes, is available for purchase on her website.

Follow Coach Dawn on Twitter: @CoachDawnWrites

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How To Keep The Faith

Keeping the faith is more challenging now than ever because of the decadence of morals and values in our cultures psyche. The Christian life isn't lived in a vacuum but within the culture that we're a part of. There seems to be anti-christian attitude from the high to low places of our government. All through history, when people no longer retained the knowledge of God, they resorted to despising and persecuting those who promoted righteousness. On the face of these vicious tidal waves of attacks against Christians and who we represent, knowing how to keep the faith is of highest priority.

A life of righteousness brings blessing to all those that are associated with it. From human perspective, it may seem that living a life of righteousness is slow, mundane and robs you of so-called fun, but divine wisdom declares that righteousness exalts, builds up, promotes and establishes life.

A close look in the pages of the Holy Scripture will reveal what Gods word says has come to pass exactly as it was prophesied. The world is saying one thing but Gods word declares another. I'll rather err on the side of what God's word say than put my confidence on the word of human persons.

The world says no man is perfect but the scripture says, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father who is in heaven is perfect."(Matthew 5:48, KJV). We cannot resign our lives to human ideas, opinions and interpretations. Our life is better off when we walk in obedience to God's word, always will and always is. There are principal ways of how to keep the faith, here are some tips.

1. You must know what you believe- our actions and behaviors are framed by what we believe, how can you keep it? As Christians, know that Jesus Christ is the subject of our message, he died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day for our justification according to the scriptures. This is our position and we must keep the faith that was handed down to us by the Apostles.

2. Have the experience of Bible salvation.

Many people say that they believe in Jesus but have never experienced his transforming life. Once you've experienced the power from on high, you'll be unmovable. The scripture says, "Jesus answered, Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5, KJV). How to keep the faith seriously hinges upon your salvation experience.

3. Maintain steadfastly your testimony- what other people say about you may be important but what do you say about yourself, in the Christian faith, we win over Satan by the word of our testimony. Just like David your testimony is your weapon in this spiritual warfare.

4. Live life by the guidance and direction of Gods word.
The Bible says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching, and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."(Colossians 3:16, KJV) God's word is the sword of the spirit. Study it, memorize it and act upon it. This is one of the most powerful of the weapons on how to keep the faith. When Gods people walk away from righteousness sin spreads as a cancer in their lives for speedy destruction. So we must keep the faith because we're the light to the world.

No drawing back into sin and perdition, living for Jesus Christ in this life will help mitigate a lot of crises. Pressing on to the finish line when we see Christ face to face is the goal, therefore keep the faith.

Dr.Ephraim John Udofia is the founder and Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Apostolic Ministries. International Mission-intensive ministry, both in foreign and home missions with currently over six churches in three countries. Dr.Udofia is the author of over seven life-changing books. He's passionately involved in church planting, crusades, conferences and ministers' training since the seventies. Dr.Udofia holds a Bsc. in Management, minor in accounting, an MBA, and Doctorate in Ministry (Dmin) with major in Missions. He is a former CEO of Precious Jewels Inc. for 19 years. Also a former banker and security representative holding both State and Federal licences. A financial counselor, motivational speaker, mentor, marriage counsellor and an outstanding dedicated family man. He is happily married with five grown children.
To buy one of Dr Ephraim's inspiring Christian Books, or Money Management Books visit the link --->; Life Christian Books

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Break Free

I received an email the other day from one of our customers. "Please help. I am desperate. My life is a mess. I have read your book, The Initiation. I think it's true what you say, but nothing is working for me."

Of course, I responded. It was more than a plea for help, it was a challenge.

So we got into some back and forth emails, questions and answers, clarifications and finally this firm suggestion from me.

"You absolutely must change your habitual way of doing things and thinking about things. Otherwise you are going to continue to get the same results.

"Philosophy, self-help books and all other educational material is ONLY GOOD IF IT IS APPLIED to the way you live your life. It does no good gathering dust on your bookshelf or even bouncing around in your head. It is the application that produces results, not the information."

"Ok. I am prepared to change. What should I do?" is what I get back from him.

So, I made a simple list of things to do every day. Maybe 1 hour's worth of extra activity. Likely less.

What I get back is amazing. First there is a list of reasons why half the things I suggest cannot be done by him. Then there are questions about why I think it necessary to do the other things on the list. He thinks that they are a waste of time. And, besides which, he certainly has no extra time in the day. He is already overworked and does not spend enough time with his wife.

Now, I already know from our previous emails what his days look like. He spends about half his evenings sitting on the couch with his wife, watching TV. So I write back and tell him his excuse about no time does not wash. He should take some of his TV time and start making his life work better. He replies that he is unwilling to give up any TV time because that is the only time he and his wife have together and he's not willing to give that up because their relationship is already in trouble.

I am tempted to quit right then and there. I mean this guy either just does not get it or he is playing me along like some fish he has hooked. Maybe he's just another emotional vampire. I've seen enough of those over the years. Maybe if I was a psychotherapist, I'd look forward to dealing with this kind of nonsense, but...

So, I write back one last time. Maybe I can shock him...

"Ok. Here is how it is for you...

"You are a prisoner. You have built the walls that hold you captive yourself. You have locked the only door and you have quite plainly told me that you have thrown away the only key...your willingness to change.

"Even if I came and forced the door open, you'd refuse to leave your safe little jail.

"So quit pretending; quit crying for help. Until you decide to break free from your self-imposed chains, no book, no bell and no candle will help you."

This is what he replies with, "I knew that you were a fake. You only pretended to know the answers."

I relate this now because I think that each of us has some of my friend in us. We are habituated to feeling, thinking and acting in certain ways. We are not always pleased with the results we end up with, but we absolutely refuse to consider that what we are and what we do produces the results we are getting. We refuse to change and we blame the world for the way things are.

This is not a new theme. It bears repeating though, because our habits come back to haunt us time and time again. We are imprisoned by our addictions, our habitual way of being.

We go to a seminar or read a book and are inspired to make a little change in attitude or thinking process. Suddenly life seems better. Then some guy cuts us off in traffic or the stock market drops 500 points or it rains on our parade and we are back to thinking and acting the same old way. And, strangely, life seems to be tough again.

All that positive thinking stuff is just BS you tell yourself and anyone who will listen. I tried it and still got @* on. Somehow it doesn't occur to us to notice that we have returned to our previous habits. The ones we had already decided to change. Like the junkie who wears long sleeves to hide the needle scars, we clothe the proof of our returned habits of non-productive thinking, feeling and acting in excuses and diversions, in blame and justification.

Fundamental change occurs only when we make the firm and irrevocable choice to change who we are and what we do. Conditional change does not work. You can't do "I'll try it out; see if it works and then decide." or "I'll take this path only until I come to a fork in the road."

Tools for transformation are like all tools. They don't work because of their pretty packages. They don't work because you own them. They don't work because somebody else says they do. They work because you use them and they work only when you use them. When you stop using them, they stop working.

We don't expect an electric drill to drill holes when it is sitting on the work bench; but somehow we expect that little change of heart or change of mind we had promised to make yesterday when we read that self-help book, to be still working today even though we have put it back on the shelf and went back to watching TV.

Your life is what you make it. It can be a mess or a masterpiece.

"There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently.

We still have to prove our worth anew each day: we have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday. But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything we are fixed, so to speak, for life.

Moreover, when we have an alibi for not writing a book, painting a picture, and so on, we have an alibi for not writing the greatest book and not painting the greatest picture.

Small wonder that the effort expended and the punishment endured in obtaining a good alibi often exceed the effort and grief requisite for the attainment of a most marked achievement."

--Eric Hoffer

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright. Leslie Fieger is the author of The DELFIN Trilogy, (The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest), The Master Key, Alexandra's DragonFire, Awakenings and Your Prosperity Paradigm. His personal website is http://www.lesliefieger.com/

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The Power Of Positivity

What you export into the world will eventually be imported back into you.-

Things You Must Never Say Aloud, Psychology Today
I believe in being positive...mostly because the alternative seems like a drag. Who wants to mope around all the time complaining about life? According to positive psychology expert, Martin Seligman*, there is validity to self-fulfilling prophesies. Which means we've got to teach our athletes how to speak positive, rather than negative, words about themselves.

4 things our players should never say out loud

I can't do this. Why should they limit themselves with their words? I've heard "I can't" many times in my career from athletes, but it never comes after spending hours and hours, grinding away at a skill. "I can't" usually comes after a couple of attempts. We've got to show our athletes the value and sticking with something until the end. "I can't" gives up when things get tough...and we certainly don't want a team of players that give up!
Why is she playing instead of me? These players are tough because they're not real big on personal responsibility. I think that most players have sense enough not to say this to their coach's face, but I'm not naïve enough to think they're not saying it in the locker room. Here's the truth, this player doesn't ask their coach this question because they know they'll get an honest answer! So they ask their teammates, which puts them in an awkward position. What if their teammates agree with the coach's decision? My advice to these players is to stop talking about why they're not playing and be so good that their coach can't help but to play them.
I'm terrible/I suck/I'm no good, etc. Like the player above, this player puts her teammates in a bad spot. Now they've got to give the obligatory, "No, you're really good!" remarks. If the player truly believes they're awful, there's good news: practice will make it better. If they're just saying it to get attention: stop being selfish. The truth is, the coach has this player on the team for a reason...and I'd bet it's not because they aren't any good.
She's better than me. I'm going to speak directly to the player here: I think this is an excuse. Sure, some players are more talented than others, but to throw up your hands and shrug your shoulders and say, "she's better than me" is a cop out. Maybe she is better than you...because she works harder than you. Maybe she's better than you because she's got more experience than you. Maybe she's better than you because she cares more than you. There are many reasons one player can be better than another. The fact is, you can't control how good she is...but you can control how good you are.

All of these phrases take away any semblance of control that a player can feel they have over their own playing lives. Let's make sure our players speak positively about themselves and their circumstances, because words have power.

*Want to read more about Seligman's work? Check out The Evolution Of Happy Teams.

Dawn Redd is the Head Volleyball Coach at Beloit College. Come visit Coach Dawn's community of coaching nerds and team leaders over at her blog, http://www.coachdawnwrites.com/, where she teaches how to become an excellent coach, motivate individuals, and build successful teams.

Her book, Coach Dawn's Guide To Motivating Female Athletes, is available for purchase on her website.

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Are You Taking Your Place in the World?

I work with women to fulfill their purpose and potential through entrepreneurship. Yet many of these women lose sight of why they went business in the first place, and start to lose their passion and enthusiasm over time.

One client I'll call Sharon, came to be because she was at her wits end drowning in paperwork, emails, and to-do lists. She felt drained, overworked, and uninspired. She was in a place of not remembering why she had started her business in the first place or what she felt called to do.

Her reason for going into business was because she felt a strong call to make a contribution in the world. She didn't know exactly how to do that in the way she imagined, so she just started with what she knew. This is where most women start, but they often get lost along the way.

By the time Sharon came to me, she was exhausted, ready to give up, and had very limited financial resources remaining. Here's what I had her do to turn her situation around quickly - and you can too!

One: get clear on what you feel most called to do right now

It may be time to hone in on your true purpose and talents more narrowly. Get very specific on the exact value you bring to your clients and the key challenges you can help them solve.

Two: get support

Mary was running a one-woman show in trying to do everything herself. One of the first things we did was to get her some simple administrative support for a few hours a week.

Three: simplify and streamline

Look at your service and program offerings for the clients and the services you can let go of that are no longer a passion for you, for the things that take a lot of your time but don't reward you financially, and for places where you have a long list of offerings but no clear specialty. Eliminate at least half of what you're currently doing that no longer serves you so you can focus on the work that truly fulfills inspires you.

So what happened with my client Sharon?

She immediately brought on an assistant for several hours a month which grew over time. She simplified by dropping one of her service offerings that didn't bring a good financial reward, and completed with several clients who were draining her energy. She was then in a position to step into her greatness. Now she's thriving and very happy and more fulfilled in her work.

Are you ready and willing to take your true place in the world and make the difference only you can make? Most women are trying to do too much and consequently aren't bringing their true contribution to the world. Stop playing small and start standing out for the work you feel called to do. Get clear on your true calling and core talents. Then, simplify, streamline, specialize, and get support so you can step into your fullest potential.

Jan Marie Dore teaches women entrepreneurs how to grow their business online and create profitable income streams. Sign up for her savvy and smart marketing tips and receive a 30 page FREE Bonus Workbook and audio 'Eight Insider Marketing Secrets of Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs' by visiting http://www.femalepreneurs.com/

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Nature's the Adversity Teacher

The forest fire is a poignant image of renewal. Though the heat, flames and smoke destroy much vegetation, there's the timely response. Nature has its own last word.

If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can't help but learn.
~Bernie Siegel, M.D.


We don't like to face it, but the nature of life forces our hand. We either get up when we're slapped down or we stay down. And we can stay down as long as we want. Alternatively, we can rebound as quickly as we want.

Life favours those, like nature's response, who find setbacks the opportunity for growth. They quickly learn that nothing can hold them back when they approach life with such positive intent.

Against the backdrop of victory, who might choose defeat? It's clearly those still adjusting to the circumstances meted out - those heinous blows inflicting grief. Or, it's those that haven't yet resolved to accept that life rewards only the resilient; the faithful - in all ways.

Clearly, as we look at nature, and especially, for example, the characteristics of the food chain, we have to notice the consistent, almost depressing sameness within the created environment. Yet, nature never complains. Nature never sees itself as a victim.

Indeed, we can learn a lot from nature so far as adversity and resilience is concerned.


Life is no sick reality. There's a purpose in adversity. As we accept the inevitable flow of pain within the pleasure, and the fact that life persists within paradoxes, in mysteries among the enigmas, we can learn to view life as a thing that should not surprise us very much.

We can also learn that, whilst we may be defeated in certain circumstances, we're not ultimately destroyed, unless we agree to be the destroyed - giving up on our lives.

Just like nature, we have many fresh chances to rise up above our challenges; no matter their size. Just like nature, there are opportunities for regrowth, for renewal, for re-creation.

God has designed life, for some good reason, to be coped with resiliently. And the more we learn to look for examples where resilience is rewarded the more we'll see it operating as God designed it.


Life is a series of sets of challenges to be overcome. The best of life is enjoyed in the overcoming. Nature is the best example of this. She does not complain after a bushfire, but simply goes on in renewal. Our lives are best when we bounce back as quickly as we're able.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/

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I Won the Lottery and You Did Too

Years ago, my best friend called while I was studying for a test and told me that the lottery was at $200 million.

I told her I had $5.00, gave her my numbers, and she bought my ticket.

That night she called and said "girl you won, not the big one but you have 4 of the six numbers." I thought I would have at least $50,000 or $100,000.00

The next day, she called, "how's your studying?"

I said "ok, how's my money?"

She kept saying "how's your studying?"

I asked, "what did I win?"

She said "$59.00, you better study. There were a lot of people who had four of the six."

I said "is that all?"

She said, "Well, really, all of that is not yours. Remember, I loaned you the $5.00 to buy the tickets."

So four out of six gives me $54.00 only because she wasn't charging for her gas or her time.

I kept saying $59.00.

She said, "don't worry, I'm giving you every penny because I know you need to stay up late to study to make up for the time you lost dreaming about that $50,000 or $100,000."

I was so close yet so far away with four of six numbers.

When the lottery dollar amount is huge, it brings a lot of excitement. Everyone talks about it. The postman told us, if we win, no mail on Monday, my entire office was in a pool. If we win, my staff says, they won't be in on Monday. "If you win," I told them, "at least come by and say goodbye and take us to lunch."

But I have learned it is difficult to win the lottery. This is a game where practice does not make you better.

The recent MegaMillions lottery was worth $640 million, this was a big one, and I believe it is worth a $5.00 investment.

Americans spent nearly $1.5 billion for a chance to hit the jackpot. With the jackpot odds at 1 in 176 million, it would cost $176 million to buy up every combination.

Three people won, one in Illinois, Kansas, and Maryland.

So I learned at a young age, that the lottery doesn't pay most of us. However, I won the lottery that truly pays off: the lottery of life. I passed that test, and later graduated from school. That was a sure bet.

Will we all play again? Yes, but in the meantime, we should keep believing in ourselves and strive to make good things happen.

You can't wish or hope that good things will occur. You have to stay prepared, and work your plan. This is the way you win the lottery of life.

So my prescription for you on how to win the lottery: play the 854, work eight hours everyday, five days every week, four weeks every month. Yes, it takes hard work to make dreams come true, but it pays off.

We must keep an attitude of gratitude, and remain grateful for our children, spouses, extended family and good health. After all, these are the priceless things in life. Reminding ourselves of these things will reinforce that "I won the lottery and you did too."

©2012 Winifred D. Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

Winifred Bragg, MD is a keynote speaker, author and physician who has appeared on NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS television news segments. She is the CEO of the Spine and Orthopedic Pain Center.

Dr. Bragg has taught thousands why staying strong and maintaining a strong mental toughness are essential to overcoming adversities. She uses her signature strategies to teach others why commitment, character and maintaining a positive attitude are important to succeed.

You can contact Dr. Bragg at http://www.doctorbragg.com/ to motivate and empower your organization.

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Motivation and Focus for Online Entrepreneurs - This Will Change Your Life

Staying focused and motivated is a huge part of success in your life and in your business. You can achieve most anything you want if you keep your eye on the goal and keep moving forward. When it comes to your business, think about exactly what it is that you want, the people you will surround yourself with in order to get there, and what actions you will need to get started with right away. This is a daily process that will move you forward from where you are to closer to where you would like to be.

You may have heard that most people don't get what they want in their life because they do not truly know what they want. I know this was the case with me. Once I sat down and starting writing out a list of what I wanted my life to look like and the things that were important to me, my life began to change. I highly recommend keeping a journal where you can write down your thoughts on a regular basis. Writing everything down is the secret to this strategy.

Surrounding yourself with positive, upbeat and successful people in order to build up your confidence and connections is also crucial to this process. You will find that successful people, no matter what walk of life they come from, stay focused and motivated regularly by reading and spending time with other successful people. It just makes sense that they will be more than willing to help you achieve your goals, as this is what keeps them energized.

Start taking action right away with the activities that will take you closer to where you want to be. In my case it was writing each day, reading as much as possible on my topic, and connecting with other like-minded individuals. Take a close look at what you need to focus on to build your business and change your life. Action takers always achieve more than the people who simply research everything and then move on to the next topic without having done anything at all.

You can see that the steps to success include focusing on what you want, staying motivated to keep on moving forward, and taking deliberate action on the tasks and activities that will bring everything together in your life. Spend some time today writing down your goals and connecting with others to begin your process of focused, motivated action.

Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and financial freedom to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting Getting Started Online to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.

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Self Motivation and Determination

Motivation is an internal as well as an external asset to many people's success. Other people feed off the energy that one radiates to help one achieve his or her goals. The Internet has provided many channels to make many dreams realities by providing the tools needed to take the necessary steps toward success. Online businesses provide convenience that many people seek to make future plans towards deciding on their career.

Think about the life changing situations that have arisen in your life. They resulted in one of two ways - for the best or for the worst. Self motivation ties us closer to who we really are and how we feel about ourselves. For instance, if a young man believes that he will one day make it to the NFL, there is nothing anyone else can do to take that away from him. However, if someone tells him he can, the drive may not be as intense and there is a chance that the other influences could deter his mind. Knowing what life means to you and setting goals provide an avenue for attaining the achievable. This is why it is important for people to tap into their resources and take advantage of the opportunities that come their way. The Internet has been a great tool to help put me on the right path for establishing a foundation for success. I strive everyday to do little more than I did the day before.

In many cases, success is broken down into different steps or laws that so many people try to follow seeking promising results. Can one's success really be determined through a step-by-step outline? Can one be motivated by someone elses achievements? Knowing someone else's accomplishments provides inspiration to those who also aspire to do great things. The real reward is being able to relate to someone who can show you how to achieve your goals. The biggest barrier for many is not knowing where or how to get started and they lose focus and give up. Ten years later, after experiencing more life situations and challenges, the same person comes back in full force and does well above and beyond what was initially planned in the beginning. In other words, everybody has his or her season when they will learn and become more knowledgeable about their aspirations and then the success follows later on. For some, the success comes early on. For those who aspire to do great things remember to know what you want to do and find out what it takes to get there. When the time comes, everything else will fall in place if you stay with it.

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Be Productive Even While At Home

Are you feeling bored staying at home doing nothing? Are you tired of waking up everyday doing the same routine? Are you looking for something to make your life better? If you find yourself asking these questions, certainly, being productive is the solution for you.

Being productive does not mean you have to go out and find a job. It doesn't mean working in a company and fulfilling the tasks assigned to you. Being productive can happen at any given time, at any given place, even while you're at home!

Yes, you heard that right, you can be productive even at home. You just have to understand these few basic concepts:

Being productive simply means being able to accomplish goals, and you certainly can set your goals even while at home. You just have to introspect within yourself and find out what you want to do with your life. If you've figured out you want to stay at home yet be successful at the same time, then you can certainly do that. Here are a few things to help you out:

Write down the things you love to do, the things which make you happy and set out a plan to do them every day. Get a planner and write down your schedule and your planned tasks daily. At the end of the day, make sure to get back to your planner and check if you were able to achieve every task listed. Making a to-do list every day is a great way to make sure your day is always productive.

Shrug off distractions, stray from temptations. Every time you wake up, don't let sleepiness snatch your day from you. You can miss doing something productive if you let yourself enjoy the comfort of over-sleeping. It's true that you have to rest, but, you also have to make sure that you're doing it in a healthy way. When you want to work on your to do list, make sure you keep away from distractions. Turn off the television or the radio and even other gadgets which may hinder you from achieving your daily goals. Make sure you do productive things all throughout the day. Once you're done, that's the time you should reward yourself with a time off.

Lastly, make sure you give yourself some relaxing time at the end of every day. Take time to rejuvenate and reward yourself for being able to do your tasks for the day. After that, write down a new to-do list for tomorrow. Make sure that it would be something different; not really totally, but just make sure there are new things to do there. By doing this, you certainly will not be bored doing the same routine every single day. You can also try doing something different, something you've never done before even just once a week and write it down in your planner. Once you do this, it is a guarantee that you'll be feeling productive every day and at the end of every week.

Let go of that boredom. Break through your routine. You can be productive while at home. Accomplishing things no matter how little or big they may be, will surely make your life even better.

To learn more about productivity, visit http://www.toolsforproductivity.net/ and get more tips to start being productive today!

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The Power of Self-Belief

You would be amazed at how many people sabotage their life and its circumstances and outcomes due to a lack of self-belief.

Millions of people every day permit others to create doubt in their ability to accomplish their goals, cause them to feel insecure and unworthy and generally contribute to the poor value of their mental state and therefore often the quality of their life in general. Why is this?

Lot's of reasons but here are a few to consider.

Self-belief is nothing more than confidence in who you are, what you believe and how you feel. It doesn't mean you are always right in these mindsets but as long as you believe them and act accordingly, they will impact your thoughts, attitudes and life.

We could use some of history's most famous bad people as an example - they were wrong in their attitudes but because they believed in them and thought they were right they behaved accordingly and therefore had a great deal of negative influence on the world. I could also give you examples of some of the world's best people who had the same confidence in their beliefs and values and had tremendous positive influence on the world in general. The rules for both were the same - believe in yourself and the outcomes will mirror your beliefs. The difference between the two is the type of influence these people had. How about you?

Do you have steadfast belief in yourself, your life purpose, your actions and decisions, your behavior? If so I would have to ask - are the outcomes for the people in your life - family, friends, customers, employees or strangers - positive or negative?

Self-belief when real and passionate will lead to congruence between your thoughts and actions and therefore your outcomes and circumstances.

When self- belief is grounded in integrity, knowledge and respect for your higher self, it will push you towards your dreams, goals and desires. When self-belief is honored in all ways it will propel you into a future that you dream will one day be true for you. In essence your dreams are really only as possible as your belief in them. So, if your dreams are not a reality yet - consider - that maybe your-self-belief needs some serious work - from the inside-out.

When you allow appearances and external conditions to influence your self-belief you will almost always fall short of your dreams and desires. So please get this - if you want the future you envision for yourself to become a reality one day - start focusing on the development, improvement, enhancement and confidence in who you are, who you are becoming and who you are capable of becoming. Easy task? Not at all. But worth the effort, time, work and patience? A resounding YES!!

Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 4000 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management, leadership and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 70 books including; Soft Sell, That?s Life, SOLD, 81 Challenges Managers Face and Your First Year In Sales. He can be reached at tim@timconnor.com, 704-895-1230 or visit his websites at http://www.timconnor.com/.

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Relationship Development Through Motivation

A little boy was waiting patiently by the door for his Daddy to come home. Finally, in walked Dad. He was tired, stressed and still thinking about the dramas that had unfolded at work earlier that day. The little boy, seeing his Daddy head for his office with briefcase in hand, realized he was in for another lonely night. A few hours later, the boy sneaked into his Dad's office and asked sheepishly, "Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?" His Dad thought, "What a strange question." "Son, if you must know, I make $50 an hour!" The little boy stopped, pondered for a moment and then asked, "Daddy, can I borrow $20?" "$20!" his father scolded, "Forget it, Son, and get to bed. It's way past your bed time!" Later that night, the father noticed the light on in his son's bedroom and was angered to see his boy still up. "It's well after your bed time!" he barked. Seeing a few crumpled-up notes stashed under his son's pillow, he exploded with, "What's this? A few hours ago, you asked me for $20 and you already have $30! What on earth do you need all this money for?" The little boy swallowed hard and said softly, "Daddy, I had hoped that I would have saved up enough money by now to have been able to buy one hour of your time."

Often we are so preoccupied with our other interests we fail to see the gradual deterioration of our valued relationships. A few minor adjustments today may prevent heartache and regret tomorrow. A soul-searching question that may help you pinpoint where your valued relationships are at present is, "If I happened to be my wife, husband, child or children, would I like to have a spouse or parent like me?" If you don't like the answer(s) you receive, make a note why and then use your power of choice to head off those concerns.

A good way to gain awareness on the status of your marriage is to ask your partner, "Is there anything I do right now that annoys you?" Once you ask this question, bite your tongue and hear your spouse out. Another way to avoid a trip to the divorce courts is to reinvent your marriage vows. This time, however, don't aim for "better or for worse" but instead "for better and for better". As boredom leads to frustration, spontaneity and surprises lead back to renewed passion. Do you know that passion can be re-created at any time simply by re-creating the experiences that originally sparked it? Therefore, develop the habit of scheduling your baby sitter every couple of weeks so you and your spouse can enjoy a good-quality movie or meal in solitude - and remember the red roses!

Relationship Goal Suggestions

- If you don't have a family, consider setting a goal to spend more time with loved ones and friends.
- How can you develop a stronger relationship with each of your children?
- Do you need to restore the lines of communication with your children? How?
- What is something special you can do weekly with your family?
- Could you take them out to dinner or to a theme park?
- How about committing to spend one hour a day as quality time with your family?
- How can you show more appreciation for the little things your spouse do which you have been taking for granted?
- What is one thing you can do, starting today, to spice up your relationships?
- Where would you like to take your family for your next Christmas holidays?
- How about taking your parents out to dinner once every couple of months?

There is one other thing I feel strongly about in this area. May I suggest you set aside Sundays wherever possible and spend them as quality time with your family. Even God Himself took one day off! Know more about how to achieve your smart goals now.

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Planning and Time Maximisation - Managing Your Goals Through Time

While we have not, as yet, created an effective plan for the achievement of each of your goals have provided you with the propulsion to do so. Empowerment deals primarily with the aspect of programming your nervous system so you can sense the value of achieving them. We could say it is predominantly right-brain. It taps into your creative powers. Planning and Time Maximisation, deals primarily with the aspect of managing your daily activities through time towards the achievement of your goals. Therefore, this is predominantly left-brain. In essence, we are leading with the right and managing with the left.

Within this strategy I will stress the importance of creating adequate plans through which you can direct the thrust of Empowerment. Following planning, we will then consider how to maximise the use of time. It is through the amalgamation of these two aspects, planning and time maximisation, that we create an economy of force - the ability to achieve each of our goals with the least possible expenditure of energy and effort. So, let's start this strategy by considering the importance of creating a workable, systematic plan for the achievement of each of the goals that you've set.

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who won every wood-chopping event for a decade straight, without defeat! A zealous reporter asked the man, "Sir, where did you learn to chop like that?" The woodcutter replied, "In the Sahara Desert." With a somewhat puzzled expression on his face, the reporter protested, "But there are no trees in the Sahara Desert." With a cheesy grin the woodcutter replied, "There aren't now!"

Any professional woodcutter respects the benefits that flow from wielding a sharp axe. In fact, those at a world-class level sharpen their axes to the degree they can effortlessly shave the hair off their arms just by lightly skimming the surface of the skin.

You have examined the need to be accountable and to use your power of choice wisely. You've discovered the importance of building up on a foundation of time-honoured virtues. You now understand the power of perception and have defined your mission and some goals that will take you toward it. You were then encouraged to use the tools of belief, imagination and emotion to awaken your inner potential for goal achievement.

The motivation derived from Strategy 4, however, can drive you to chop away at life in a frantic attempt to produce your desired outcomes. If your axe is dull, however, motivation alone will not produce what you're capable of when wielding a sharp axe. By combining motivation with planning, by tempering Empowerment with the tools of Strategy 5, you'll be equipped to achieve each of your goals, with less energy and effort. So, let's now look at how to create a sharper cutting edge for effective goal accomplishment.

In his classic, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states the number one cause for failure in life is the inability to organise details. I agree with his findings. Most people hope to succeed on an adlib basis. The successful in life, however, are the totally planned people. They have every "t" crossed and each "i" dotted and it is this high level of priority planning that provides them with a great deal of control over their day and therefore over their lives. To join the ranks of high achievers you must also get grubby with the details.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
- Author unknown

Before a house is built, an architect creates a plan. From these blueprints, builders then follow a series of logical steps as they work methodically towards the successful completion of a beautiful house. Likewise, you are the architect of your life.

Each of your goals now needs to be broken down into a series of achievable, bite-sized pieces. Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: Bite by bite. You must take the mountains that stand before you: that excess 26 kilograms; that $5000 you need for a deposit on a new home; the 26 motivational books you want to read - whatever your goals are - and break them down into molehills.

"The secret to getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."
- Mark Twain

By creating a blueprint for the achievement of each of your goals, you will know precisely what to do, when to do it and the order in which each step needs to be taken.

Often we fail to understand the essence of getting inspired in life. It is the most crucial aspect that instills motivation and helps us to become successful in whatever we do.

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Your Reality

Your reality is what you make for yourself. Your present situation, whether it is good or bad, is the fruit of your actions.

Those who are in a better situation usually have the correct mindset to improve themselves further and overcome obstacles in their way while those who are in a more unfavourable situation seem to be forever stuck. Often they are still holding on to something which they think is important but unfulfilling. This is the difference between a person who always has good luck and fortune on his side and the one who doesn't. Good fortune is your will to make the seemingly bad situation into something great and wonderful.

Most of the people who think they have bad luck, are always waiting and hoping that changes for the better will come in time without any action on their part. I can say that out of 70% of the people on this planet, most of them are waiting; waiting for their parents' or bosses' approval, waiting for the promotion and pay rise, and waiting for their lover to provide them a happy and fulfilling life. They are unable to let go these little scraps of what they consider a good life. As a result, they are not able to see the big picture or a better position out of their closed perception. Some are too afraid to let go of what they are holding on to because they might fall into the void between what they have now, and the greener pasture, and be unable to reach either end. The saddest thing is that they are holding on to nothing.

Most people lack the self-esteem, confidence and courage to pass through this experience of pain, sacrifice, self-doubt and friction, a journey that they need to go through to create a better reality. To them, the void or the journey of pain seems to be forever.

"Waiting" or "inaction" may be harmless at the current state but has a long-term ill effect. Those who live an unfulfilling life for too long are prone to complain, whine and make excuses for not doing better while at the same time envious of those who successfully took steps to create a rewarding life. This is truly bad luck of their own making.

The good news is that we all can change if we are willing...

Willingness and a strong want to improve creates the energy and courage for us to take action. The next step is to know where you can start making changes by understanding yourself.

BaZi is able to reveal a person's character, habit and tendency whether they lean towards negativity or moving towards a positive outlook. Some BaZi Structures and elements are more susceptible to this "procrastination and indecision" habit. Thus, knowing your BaZi can help you to understand yourself at a deeper level. In return, it can make you aware and consciously direct your focus as well as your thoughts on what you really want in life instead of the fears and obsessions that hamper your growth.

BaZi is part of you. It is derived from your birth data. You are the cause of your thought, and therefore the creator of your life. "iPad is a fictional tool thatfirst appeared in a Star Trek movie until Steve Jobs made it into reality."

You too can create a better reality for yourself.

Josephine Phang is the Founder of BaZiChic Chinese Metaphysics Consultancy. She is also an avid blogger and writer of her blog at http://www.bazichic.com/blog. She specialist in BaZi consultation, FengShui audit and Date Selection. Now you can find all services done online with your convenience. She and her team dedicated to help you achieve a desirable life of happiness, pleasure, wealth and honour. For more information, please go to http://www.bazichic.com/

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10 Quick Tips for Life Rejuvenation

You're in a rut. We've all been there. The only way to get out of it is to shake things up! Add some of that zest and exhilaration to your life that you've heard other people talking about. It doesn't have to be anything drastic. Just find a few ways to bring some simple changes to your life and you will be amazed at how great you feel!

Even one small change to your typical routine can make a world of difference in your attitude and your outlook on life. Here are ten ways that you can spice up your life right now:

1. Plan a special "renew and restore" day!

Find a date on your calendar and plan to take the day off for nothing but new experiences. Take off work if you have to. Invite a few friends to join you! Make a plan for the entire day, filled with activities that you are excited to try.

2. Go someplace new!

Maybe you live in a city with a great museum, but you've never been. Is there a restaurant you've been dying to try but have never had the time or couldn't get anyone to go with you? Go do it! There are so many places out there for you to explore. Plan a day trip to any place that strikes your fancy and open yourself up to the new experiences that await you!

3. Carpe Diem!

Seize the day! Do something spontaneous. Break out of your shell and go do something that you never thought you would have done before. Accept last-minute invitations with friends. Get that tattoo you have been thinking about. Get up there and belt out a song at karaoke night. Just go for it!

4. Get off your beaten path!

Get out of your shell and try something new. Go for a hike. Join a book club. Try sushi. Volunteer. Push yourself to train for a marathon. If there is anything that you have on a list to try "maybe someday," today is that day! Don't make excuses. Don't think about all of the reasons why not to do something. Only focus on why you should.

5. Crank up your creativity!

Try out a new hobby for once. Local craft stores are always holding classes for one activity or another- cake decorating, jewelry making, knitting, sewing, painting. Nothing can be more satisfying than looking at something that you created with your own hands.

6. Make changes in your environment!

A simple freshening up of your surroundings can make miles of improvement to your life and your attitude. Try a new paint color on the walls. Buy a new piece of furniture. Change your bedding. Buy a fish tank (or one of those new cool jellyfish tanks!). Even adopting a new pet can make for a positive change.

7. Find new friends or reconnect with old ones!

There are so many ways to meet people these days that share your similar interests. Look for events in your area or sign up on Meetup.com to find groups of people in your area who want to meet new people too. If you have a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, invite them out to lunch. Foster the relationships that will bring value to your life and allow you to add value to theirs as well.

8. Keep your mind on the here and now!

When you are on vacation, be on vacation! Don't let your mind stay wrapped around the issues at home- bills, work, and projects. The same goes for anything you do to add more pep to your step. Concentrate on the task before you. Don't let the outside seep into your present thinking.

9. Give your attitude a tune-up!

Stop making excuses and adding things to a list of what you "don't do." If you want to make your life more exciting, you have to be a willing participant. Open your mind to all of the new opportunities around you and you might be surprised to find out that you do in fact enjoy fishing.

10. Leave your troubles at the door.

Your issues and hang-ups have no place in the time you spend with friends. You are not together to commiserate with each other. Friends are supposed to uplift and empower each other when they are together. Just round up your issues, scoot them out the door and tell them, "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!"

What changes are you making to renew, restore and rejuvenate your life? Are you having trouble making changes and letting go? Let us know!

Deb Lamb is a Ghostwriter and Copywriter who lives an amazing life in Granbury, Texas with her husband, two dogs and cat. She has a passion and desire to ignite and encourage others to successfully survive the hard times like divorce, abuse, single-parenting, homelessness and job loss. Deb has personally experienced these life-altering situations making her an authority and expert to motivate and inspire others. She has authored hundreds of articles on these topics and writes motivating and inspirational advice and strategies on how to overcome and enjoy a stunning life. Visit her blog for encouragement, direction and advice.

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B's to an Improved You

"Man by nature is insatiable". Indeed this quotation is true as we humans never get contented with what we have. We always want to be smarter, prettier, sexier, or richer than we actually are. We are never satisfied with what we have and who we are. We can never change who and what we are but we can somehow change our outlook and perception so we can become happy and fulfilled. We can become better than our old selves. Here are some tips to become better which are proven effective.

1. BODY- As much as possible, maintain a body weight that could boost your confidence. I was chubby once and back then I felt so inferior. People used to stare at me especially that I am gifted with physical endowments. But when I started losing pounds of weight and eventually became an average size, I started gaining confidence and so I performed better in every thing. Truly, looking good makes you feel good, right?

2. BEARING- When you are comfortable with your body, it will show in the way you conduct yourself especially in public. Bearing is your confidence that no matter how you look if you accept who and what you are, you would still appear confident. It's all in the way you carry yourself- a person who knows his/ her worth in this world and is therefore unique. So carry that indestructible confidence! You are a child of God and therefore have the right to be with all kinds of people and be treated as equal. In the eyes of our Divine Creator, we are very special and we are created for one special purpose in His own glory.

3. BEAUTY- Beauty is relative and subjective. What may be beautiful and pleasing for me, may not be the case for others. Therefore, if you compare your beauty with others you will either feel inferior or superior. What is important is the beauty of your heart that is capable of great love and understanding for others. Free your heart from sinful thoughts and negative emotions. Instead, fill your heart with appreciation and gratitude that you are a child of god- born in His likeness and image.

4. BABBLE- Babble is your speech. Whatever comes from your mouth is the content of your heart. Therefore, strive to speak as true living witness of God. Be a person whose speech clearly shows God's influence and power. Be a living witness to God in your testimony and proclamation of truth.

5. BELIEF- Lastly, you cannot have all of the above unless you have faith that there is something good in you as God who is the Greater Good created you. Believe in the existence of a Supreme Being who made everything possible on earth.

If all these will be worked out, then undoubtedly you will become a better YOU.

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Motivation Makes You Believe You Can Achieve Anything!

Many great inventors were ridiculed by the status quo because of their liberal beliefs. His family, of all people, took Marconi, a great inventor of his time, to a psychiatric hospital. Here, he was thoroughly examined. The reason? He announced to the world he believed he could send the human voice through the air, via a system of transmitters and receivers, without wire! They said he was crazy. Of course, this method of communication is a common occurrence today. Even colour pictures are now sent through the air into outer space where they are beamed back to earth via satellites.

As recently as 1950, the Royal Astronomer of Great Britain was asked about the possibility of space travel, to which he replied, "No hope whatsoever, it's an impossibility." When asked whether or not men would ever walk on the surface of the moon, he replied, "Don't you realise a ship would have to accelerate to the speed of seven miles a second just to break out of the earth's gravitational pull? That's impossible!" Notwithstanding, "All things are possible to those who believe!"

As we have discovered, human beings charged with empowering beliefs can accomplish virtually anything, including things others are certain are impossible. This is because belief fortified unlocks the door to expectancy - the birthplace of miracles. In fact, as belief bolsters and evolves into a conviction, it can become strong enough to move a mountain.

Here's how belief works:

Your brain (conscious thoughts) can be compared to the captain of a ship, while your nervous system is like the chief engineer of the same ship who resides down below the waterline. Isn't it true, when the captain of a ship signals the chief engineer in the engine room, "All ahead two-thirds", the chief engineer doesn't question the command by saying, "I think we should go ahead at one-third speed"? While he controls the throttles of those massive engines, he relies solely upon the orders of the captain up on the bridge. So he affirms the command, "Aye, aye, Captain; all ahead two-thirds!" It's the same thing with your mind. First your brain decides, then your nervous system provides. It will not even question the commands it's given; it merely acts according to them.

What sort of commands are you habitually sending to the chief engineer of your ship? "I always screw things up!" "I'll never succeed in my own business." "I'm too dumb." "It's too hard to change when you're my age." "I'm too young, too shy, too bold, too bald, too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too pretty - I could never do it!" How about such nonsensical garbage as, "I am ruined, nobody cares about me", or "I am worthless"?

Consider the ramifications of these direct commands people unwittingly deliver to their inner engineers: "Things never go well for me." "I'm a woman and they never listen to a woman." "My childhood really screwed me up and you can't just walk away from something like that." "I'm nobody." "I'll never get that raise." "I'm just unlucky."

I have a question for you: What sort of beliefs do you currently hold regarding your ability to achieve each of the goals you've just set?

If I could, I would look you square in the eye and tell you right now, "If you don't believe you will achieve them then guess what? You won't!" Why? Simply because your limiting beliefs will sap the energy required to achieve them. If you hold the belief, "I can't quit smoking", or "I can't lose weight", by continuing to confess these self-talk statements, there is no doubt you will find them to be quite correct. Success doesn't come in "cant's" it come in "cans"!

"Whether you believe that you can or whether you believe you can't, you're right!"
- Henry Ford

Simply put, a belief is an emotional state of certainty that brings with it a sense of knowing. My primary point is your beliefs will need to support you if you are going to achieve each of the goals you have set.

To capitalize on the power of belief, create further extensions of your goals. To create powerful affirmations that work, I recommend the following formula: Remodel your goals by writing them in the first person, present tense, as if they have already been achieved.

Using the personal pronoun, "I", restructure them. For example, if the goal reads "I want to weigh 62 kilograms", re-script it to read "I weigh 62 kilograms". Other examples include: "I have $20 000 in the bank" and "I am enjoying Disneyland with my children". Also, "I enjoy arriving on time for appointments."

"Faith calls the things that are not as though they are."
- Romans 4:17

By scripting and affirming affirmations that suggest your goals have already been achieved, you will create a cognitive dissonance. Simply put, your nervous system cannot deal with the dissonance, or the conflict that occurs with two diametrically opposed self-talk statements. For example, two conflicting self-talk statements such as "I weigh 102 kilograms and am fat" and "I weigh 82 kilograms and am fit", when repeated with the same emotional intensity, will cancel each other out (double-mindedness produces nothing). When through repetition and emotional intensity, however, the affirmation "I weigh 82 kilograms and am fit" becomes the stronger of the two simultaneous realities, your nervous system will accept this as truth and will displace the previous. At this point, this present tense statement will alert your chief engineer to cut the thrashers in the fat department.

Script your smart goals to suggest you are already this person and that you have already achieved each of your desired outcomes.

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Keep On Keepin' On

In those times when everything seems to be going just perfectly, it is easy to keep moving toward the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. You are in the flow. The whole world seems to be conspiring to create your success.

You might be inclined to think that this is the way it should always be. Easy.

I'll let you in on a little secret. If the going is easy, it is for only one of two reasons: the first is that you are on the wrong path; the second is that, if you are on the right path, it is because you have already proven yourself worthy by making it through the tough times.

Some days, when Tiger is on the golf course, it all goes like a dream...impossible shots end up inches from the cup, etc. Of course, all golfers wish it could be so easy as he makes it look. What makes it easy for him is the countless hours of practice over years going through endless difficulties just to learn how to hit the ball so it could go approximately where he wanted it to.

His strength and power comes from the learning he went through when it was tough. It is easy now because he learned how to overcome the difficulties. He persisted; he kept on keepin' on until his skills developed. He still has bad days when nothing seems to go right, (something other golfers are grateful for), but he knows that he knows how to get it right. This confidence was built by going through and surpassing the obstacles. He knows that if he plays his game, the flow will come back.

Of course, Tiger is a gifted golfer and most of us, no matter how hard we might practice, will never get to his level of the game. But, you can always get to the top of your game. You can get to a point where you are in the zone, in the flow and everything works the way you want it to.

To get there, you must persist during the times when it is all NOT going right. It is in these tough times where you learn what it takes to be in the flow. More importantly, you also learn who you are and what you are made of. Winners persist. Losers quit. It's that simple.

Persistence pays off. It always does. The ultimate dividends may be obscured while the problems are present, but more than character is built by persisting; skills, confidence, self-esteem, mental and emotional resources are built that would not have been without the difficulties.

Be grateful for the tough times. They make you tough. Later, after you have tasted success and tough times return (and they always do to test your resolve), you will be able to smile because you know that you can surmount difficulty by just keepin' on keepin' on.

So, if you are going through hell, just keep going. Fire bring temper to steel. Fire makes clay as hard as a rock. When the flow comes (and you are on easy street), you'll know that it was the fire that brought the flow.

Purpose plus passion plus PERSISTENCE = Prosperity!

Winners persist. Loser Desist.

© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright. Leslie Fieger is the author of The DELFIN Trilogy, (The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest), The Master Key, Alexandra's DragonFire, Awakenings and Your Prosperity Paradigm. His personal website is http://www.lesliefieger.com/

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Baby Boomers - What Do You Value? (Part 4) "Do Your Own Thing!"

Back in the 1960's and '70's, how often did we hear that expression, "Do your own thing!" There was even a popular song with those lyrics in it. As we explore the values that the baby boomer generation believed in, it would be difficult to find one more dear than this one. A more formal way of expressing it would be with the phrase "personal freedom."

We were (and are) a generation for whom personal freedom was everything. Many of us were seen as rebels because we refused to go along with the values and ethics of our parents' generation. It became a sort of us-versus-them mentality in which everyone over thirty was not to be trusted. They were "The Establishment," and we all knew we couldn't trust the establishment. The establishment wanted us to fit in a box they built for us. They wanted us to believe as they did, to see the world as they did, to express our individuality in the same ways they did, and to live in the same kind of lifestyles they carried over from their parents.

For us, that wouldn't do. I do not pretend to know all the causes for this shift. Perhaps there are those who do. My observation is that as a generation we became extremely disillusioned with an American society that would allow the atrocities of the Vietnam War and the ethical and moral failures of Watergate plus the injustices that came to light during the Civil Rights Movement not to mention the assassinations of some of our beloved leaders to want to be any part of it.

At any rate there arose a phenomenon which came to be called The Generation Gap, and as time went by, it grew wider and wider. Many of us cut ourselves off from and rejected the past. We decided to chart our own course, not only as a generation. That was when the fierce individualism began, and we started to say, "Do your own thing." Taken to an extreme this meant that each person could do whatever they wanted to, and no one should judge them for doing it. If you felt like doing drugs, who cares? If you felt like going to a commune and having a lifestyle free from the traditional taboos of social morality, so what? If you felt like dodging the draft and going to Canada, that's cool. If you "find Jesus," and get lost in the Jesus Movement, that's find too, but leave the rest of us alone. We are all doing our own thing.

The Old Testament Book of Judges puts it this way. "... every man did that which was right in his own eyes." (Judges 17:6, KJV)

With people thinking and living in such a individualistic manner, another saying arose. "If it feels good, do it!" When you take this to its logical extreme, it leads to a kind of anarchy, and that is a scary place to get to. I personally believe that we came fairly close to that extreme at some point. Some of us got stuck there and some still are there, but for the majority of us, other forces started drawing us back.

We got older. We started having families and careers of our own. Instead of saying, "Don't trust the Establishment!", we became the Establishment. However, even during our middle-age years we, we still had a lot of the strong individualism that became such a characteristic of our generation.

Ours was a generation of innovation. Whether it is in the music we listen to, the stories and books we read or the businesses we went into, we changed it all and made it our own. Think with me about how many entrepreneurs came from our generation. To name only two, there were Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

As we start to retire, why does this have to change? In any stage of life we should remember that in order to succeed, you still have to chart your own course, listen to your own drummer, and Do Your Own Thing!

Now a final note to all you boomers out there. You changed the world before, and you can do it again. It's never too late to start. You have the power to shape your own future and affect change for the better. At the bottom of this page is a link to my private website reserved for the use of people like you who want to explore ways to gain a better future for themselves and their families. If you follow this link, you will see a video I did which will explain in more depth some additional things I have learned. It will also introduce you to some people that helped to mold my thinking about my own future.
Here is the link. http://timmorrisonline.com/

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How to Cure Self-Doubt

I was inspired to write about mine and others struggle with self-doubt. It occurred to me that there is a universal feeling of lack and imperfection that so many of us have dealt with. Teachers often teach what they most need to learn. Writers write what they have learned or are still learning. Perhaps in writing about self-doubt, I can help others to heal as well as myself. Through the insights of those who supported me on my journey to live my own triumphant life, I can help others. Haven't most of us asked ourselves at one time or another, "What's wrong with me? Why did I say or do that?"

This article came out of the fact that I have asked myself the above question many times over the years just as many of you have. I've studied and read so many books and even written one that you'd think I knew it all and that I'm perfectly fine and I am, but... There's always a "but."

There are as many aspects of low self-esteem as there are grains of sand on the beach. If not everyone, than almost everyone has suffered from it to one extent or another. Just at the moment you think you have beaten it in one area, self-doubt can crop up to knock you down once again.

This has been my nemesis. When people compliment me about something, I am always surprised. After reading my first book a very accomplished woman I admire said, "I didn't know you were such a good writer." I truthfully answered, "Me neither." She chuckled.

I've come a long way in acquiring self-esteem and self-confidence. Now I know who I am. But sometimes without warning, doubt still raises its ugly head. "How can I be so stupid?" Blah, Blah, Blah... I could go on and on. That's the nature of the beast.

As you read this and other articles I write, you may notice that I love quotes. I have quoted from the people I admire. I love Rumi. Therefore, many of my quotes are by Rumi. His poem, "The Rose," reminded me that no one can take away that Divine Essence within me. It is right here, "within my chest."

It's been said that we teach what we need to learn. Writers often write about what they have learned or are still learning. So, it's from the "school of hard knocks" that I offer these thoughts to you.

Self-Improvement and self-empowerment are necessary for us to gain the confidence we need to let go of those old fears and doubts. You deserve to be that which you long to be; calm, peaceful and completely centered. You deserve to do that which you've always longed to do. Accept yourself as you are and continue working on bettering yourself. That "better self" is already there within you. It is up to you to develop it to the point where you know you are okay. This is the truth about you. You already are okay.

Gail Manishor, Author of From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life, will help you move from wherever you are on your spiritual path to a place of tranquility. A step-by-step map to a deep sense of peace and harmony, this compelling guide takes you through real life experiences that will help you achieve your own serenity. Meditation Guides and Actions Steps make this a must have book.

Gail is a Licensed Practitioner / Spiritual Counselor and her many years of training contribute to the wisdom she shares in her book and articles. Her self-taught knowledge of Feng Shui has helped Gail in her own life and she shares that information with you.

Gail invites you to view her website at http://www.gmanishor.com/ and Blog at http://gailsserenity.wordpress.com/

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Being Productive As the Key to Success

Success is perhaps the most coveted treasure every person wishes to achieve. With success, you gain not only money or power, but at the same time, pride and honor. You can walk with your head held high because you know for certain that you were able to accomplish the goals you set for yourself. How then can one become successful? What is the ultimate key?

Every person possesses the potential to fulfill his dreams but only a chosen few can do so. This is because only a chosen few understand the ultimate key to success and that is simply by being productive.

Being productive is being able to yield good results. This simply means that whenever you are given a task, you are able to fulfill it in the sense that you are exceeding the expectations set for you. You achieve things by going beyond what you are supposed to, and that is an innate trait that not everybody has.

To become successful, you have to make sure that you first understand what it takes to become productive. If you think being busy is being productive, then you are very wrong. Being productive does not have anything to do with doing a lot of things all at once. What's the sense of doing so many when you can only accomplish a few? It is therefore important that you understand that being productive values quality, not quantity.

A productive person understands that there's no need to rush. When you set goals for yourself, you should create a step by step procedure of how you can accomplish them and that will require hard work, as well as, time. You also have to understand that in all that you do, you don't just get the job done but, you make sure you give your all to it. You are always at your best and once the work is done, you are sure to give out great results.

Another thing is making sure that you finish the first goal before jumping to the next one. A productive person understands that the first goal is as important as the second; therefore, everything should be given hard work and dedication. When you start working on the first one, you make sure you come up with a solution to resolve that before jumping to your next goal. In this way, you can always make sure that you start and you end every goal in the best way you can.

Lastly, understanding that being productive is the ultimate key to success is important. A productive person is a successful person. The reason for this is you set your goals, you work hard on achieving them by giving out your best, and in the end you yield great results. Success will come along once you know how to be productive.

Success will come easy if you understand what you should do, and hence, that is to be productive rather than busy, and to value quality rather than quantity.

To get more information on productivity, check out http://www.toolsforproductivity.net/ and start being productive today!

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Breaking Out Of The Mold: Are You Letting Your Mind Stop You? DON'T!

What does it mean to you to break free? Does it mean moving to a new location so you can start a new life? Does it mean letting go of that relationship because you know in your heart that you can be happier either with somebody else or even yourself? How about this, does it mean breaking free from the areas of your mind that are stopping you from completing the next step in this beautiful journey that we call life?

I was invited to sit in on a Karate class. I have taken some lessons in the past but I never really followed through. As I sat there I watched the group that ranged from children ages 8-14 to adults ages 30-65 and I just couldn't help but notice when I saw some of the beginners, some old and some young, that none of them were letting their THOUGHTS get in the way of PUSHING FORWARD! It was then at that moment that I was asked to join in, I have to admit at first I was freaking out inside but I didn't let this stop me from breaking out of my mold! I got up and joined in, yes I wasn't the fastest in the group or could do some of the kicks as high as some of the others but I pushed myself to do it. I completed the class and I felt fantastic knowing that I never let my mind hold me back from trying something new.

We must all do this, NEVER feel that you can't do something because you have a negative thought, I CAN do it should be your mantra. Yes, there may be a fear, trying new things are scary but we must TRY in order to succeed. Without trying you will never know the outcome and without failure we wouldn't be human. Never be afraid to fail and absolutely never be afraid to try. In the words of the immortal John Kreese from the Karate Kid "fear DOES NOT exist in this dojo, does it? NO SENSEI!"

Here are some helpful tips to help you break free:
1. Remember that it is ok to fail, but YOU must TRY first
2. Fear is natural but you can control how fear affects you. Recognizing the fear is the first step in conquering it. See the fear for what it is and PUSH right through it
3. Recite a positive Affirmation daily. Here are a few to get you started:


Danny is an Inflammation Wellness Counselor, Motivational Speaker and Body image Coach working with men, women and children overcoming obstacles and dealing with chronic high blood pressure and cholesterol. He does this by designing specialized wellness programs that help MOTIVATE, EDUCATE and REVAMP your health and well-being.

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Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me?

While 2011 was a better year for some in the remodeling and building industry, others still found it challenging and might be wondering when will the market change? In our countertop fabrication busines, we are confident the year 2012 will be one of continued growth. Like many others, we've had our ups and downs since 2008, but I like to say, "We've grown because of them."

I am sure you have too, whether you realize it or not. Let me explain. Most people view pain and challenge as negative, even though not all pain is. In his book, Spiritual Liberation, Michael Bernard Beckwith, talks about "Positive-Negativity," which he describes as "a circumstance that causes us to go deeper, to search ourselves, to stop placing blame on the causes of suffering outside ourselves, and take self-responsibility.1

Sure-hard times will come and go, but it is these circumstances that cause us to evolve and grow. Beckwith states that, 'A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.' Often when we look back on our most challenging experiences, we wouldn't want to trade them for what we gained from. Isn't that the truth? Eric Butterworth, in his book, Discover the Power Within You, talks about Abraham Lincoln, who while faced with many challenges became a man of great strength, great nonresistance, and great accomplishments because of them. Lincoln was asked at one time why he did not replace one of his cabinet members who opposed him quite a bit."

Lincoln answered with a story: Some years ago, I was passing a field where a farmer was trying to plow with a very old and decrepit horse. I noticed on the flank of the animal a big horsefly, and I was about to brush it off when the farmer said, 'Don't you bother that fly, Abe! If it wasn't for that fly this old horse wouldn't move an inch!'"2 Some may wonder, "What was Lincoln trying say?" Well-for starters, he was trying to get across the fact that there are difficult people and difficult circumstances in life. It is these difficult circumstances however, that give us more strength." Lincoln was accomplishing great feats, not in spite of, but because of his opponents."3

There is no question, that the last several years have been challenging for many. As much as we'd like to, we can't control the economy. It has and always will fluctuate with the times, and can play a part of life's ups and downs. We can however, control our thoughts, and actions to situations. How are you handling your thoughts? Are you letting them control you and get you down in the dumps, so they affect your circumstances, or are you standing up to life's challenge and facing what is? Dr. Wayne Dyer, Best Selling Author and International Speaker says, "Change your thoughts, Change your life," and I'd like to add, and don't let those flies bother you too much. They might just motivate you to move forward, or in another direction, and who know's... it just might be a better place!

1Brian Johnson's Philosophers Notes-Spiritual Liberation. http://www.philosophersnotes.com/books
2Eric Butterworth, "Discover the Power Within You." Harper One, 1968. p. 88.
3Eric Butterworth, "Discover the Power Within You." Harper One, 1968. p. 88.

Barbara J. Rodgers

V.P. Paramount Granite Company

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Finding Yourself at the Bottom Is Not All Bad

If you are feeling down or possibly find yourself in a downward spiral..take a moment. First off, realize that you are NOT alone! Finding yourself at the bottom may not be a bad thing at all. When you are at the bottom there is no where else to go but up! So, let's look at some ways you can do that:

Be creative - today's economy which is not in a very good state is actually forcing individuals to be more creative. No, I don't mean picking up a craft such as needle-point but that's not a bad idea either. Many are using their creative minds and skills to make an extra income. Some are actually looking for ways to make an income since their jobs have been jeopardized. So, what can you do to make extra money? Put on your creative thinking hat and start developing a plan. Again..this is not the time to stay down...look up, look up!

Start over - perhaps you are depressed over your weight or the lack of motivation to keep up with your New Year's resolutions. Don't worry, use this time to start over! After all, the winter months are the most difficult to stick to resolutions. Once the weather starts to warm up you have the incentive to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Consider the season of Spring a brand new start! Dust off your walking shoes, or replace the rusty chain on your bike and let's get moving!

Reach out - one of the most difficult things for people to do when they have found themselves in a downward spiral is to reach out for help. As difficult as it may sound it is something you must do. Don't allow the depression to take over your mind, and your actions. Reach out for help. If those around you don't understand then keep looking. Many times the one's closest to you can not see outside of the bubble. Find someone or a group of individuals that you can confide in and ask for help. You don't have to do it all alone! Stop thinking that you do and you are on your way up!

Set aside the fear - This is one of the most difficult things you will have to conquer while at the bottom. However, even those individuals that seem to be on the top and rising still have to deal with this monster called - fear. It's time for you to walk away from the fear, shrug off the resistance that is hold you down and move forward. This fear will keep you from trying something new, it will keep you from dreaming and will keep you down in the pit of despair. This is a brand new start for you and you alone will determine if you will give in to the fear or resist against it!

It's time to grow! Just as the spring flowers are starting to bloom so should you. Use this time to get out of your comfort zone, the zone that perhaps lead you down the path you find yourself in today. Leave the past where it belongs and look ahead. Will you lose friends? With your new outlook it is very possible that you will lose the 'friends' you have now but that's a good thing. You new outlook will bring people into your life that understand and will encourage you to keep growing.

This is the season for you to grow. This is the season for you to prove to yourself that you can succeed. You can succeed in your business, in your relationships, in your health and in your life in general. It only takes one thing for you to start moving up. What is that one thing? It is not something you can purchase or borrow. It is something that is within each and every one of you. That thing that I am referring to is strength. This strength is not the type that will help you lift 150 pound or more above your head. This strength is much stronger and it lives in all of you.

Once you can tap into that strength that has been given to you, you will soar. I believe in you but that's not merely enough. You must believe in you! So don't linger at the bottom. Brush off the dust, roll up your sleeves and get to work. This is the season of growth and it's time for you bloom!

Dr. Daisy Sutherland, CEO/Founder of Dr. Mommy is a doctor, mom, wife, author, 'Get Real' mentor and speaker. Her love of helping and educating others has branched to blog talk radio and syndicated radio shows and television.

Dr. Mommy's Mission: To help you find the balance necessary to achieve success in your health, your life and business...To learn more visit: http://drmommyonline.com/

Enjoy this Free gift: http://drmommyonline.com/motivated

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Tips on Motivational Techniques to Help Yourself and Others

Today I just want to share with you how to stay motivated. The first step in learning how to stay motivated is to stop listening to all of the negative people around you. Next make a list of your goals. Look over and read your goals out loud to yourself to reaffirm that this is what you want.

Now look in a magazine to take pictures of the things you are trying to attain. If it is a 3 or 4 bedroom house that has a Spanish style to it then put it on a poster board. If you are looking to loose weight cut out smaller clothes and put the size next to it. Perhaps you want to travel in the near future well find some pictures of that location and add that to your poster board. What I am trying to get at is that visualization is a big part of goal planning.

As time goes by and you adjust your goals make sure that you adjust your pictures on the poster. As a little bit of advice you do not need other peoples opinions as to weather they like your goals or not. The majority of people are self centered and they only care about themselves. Some people will even try to make you feel bad about your goals saying you can't get that type of home and laugh about it

Another process that you should add is to start loving yourself and forgiving yourself. Now what I mean by loving yourself is by eating right, exercise, proper rest, and forgiving others as well as yourself. Today many people suffer with depression which takes away a lot of motivation and drive in life.

By exercising you will begin to not only look better but feel better. Now you're re saying what does forgiveness have any thing to do with motivation. Well many people carry guilt which gives one a really bad feeling. By forgiving others of their wrongs that were made against you and you forgiving yourself of your mistakes this emotion of forgiveness will make you feel much better. Listen no one is perfect we all are only human and we all have made all types of big and little mistakes. So now I hope that these motivational techniques on how to stay motivated should hopefully get you started in the right direction. I just want to wish you much success on what you may be planning and to never quit.

Learn more about how to stay motivated, inspired with hope and healing visit http://www.womens-ministries.com/

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Tips To Enhance Self-Productivity

Each one of us aims for certain goals we've set for ourselves. We make up our own game plan to accomplish them step by step. We want to make sure that we maximize our potential and resources to make sure we achieve them in the end. If you want to become successful, it is a must that you ensure you are being productive.

Being productive is being able to achieve certain goals you set. No matter how simple or big they may be, the possibility of a positive result in the end depends on your being productive. How you get things done is very important to determining your success. If you already understand the basics of being productive and you are practicing it every day, here are three tips to help you enhance your productivity even more.

Stay focused on your goals, stay away from distractions. Focus, focus and focus! It is important that you keep your attention focused to your priorities. When you know what you have to do and you keep your mindset to it, there is no doubt that you'll be able to accomplish them in no given time. Therefore, you must ensure that you stay away from distractions which might trigger you to not be productive again. If these distractions have already been a habit for you, it will be hard to stay away. Like what they say, old habits die hard. But always remember it will die if you work hard! So kill it before it kills your chance of reaching the top!

Evaluate your work, make sure it works. Continuously giving time to take a look at your work will let you see the mistakes if there are any, and give you a better chance to correct it. If you are always on the lookout for your work and you always give yourself constructive criticisms that will take you a leap closer to achieving your goals close to perfection. Nobody's perfect but it would be great if you are an inch closer to being it!

Take time to relax but don't be lax. When you are working hard towards your goals, there will be times you will be burnt out. It is understandable that you will need time to unwind and rid yourself of the stress. When you take time to relax though, make sure that you take just enough to have your energy back and start working again. Don't be overwhelmed by relaxing and becoming lax, telling yourself you still have plenty of time. You might get used and forget about getting things done in time. It's true we all need time to unwind, but remember don't take too much or you will have to rewind!

To find out more about productivity, visit http://www.toolsforproductivity.net/ and start being productive today!

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Lift Your Spirits by Lifting Someone Else's

Recently, President Barrack Obama said, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek." As a nation, we elected our president based on the promise of change. President Obama has asked us to take up the cause and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We're the ones that need to keep it going. Change is in the journey, it's not the destination. It's what we do everyday in our lives to make the world a better place.

We all have the potential to be part of the change. We all have the skills necessary, the talent, the abilities; we just need the right avenue to explore. Different perspectives are part of what makes our country great. Each perspective offers a different view to a cause to be passionate about. There are so many needs out there that whatever you can do can make a difference. You may never get an award, you may not even get a thank-you, but what you will get will be so much more. Einstein once said, "Only a life lived for others is worthwhile." When you freely give of yourself you will earn the peace of mind that you did what you could. When we look outside of our own experience, we can positively affect the world because we were in it. And, as an added benefit, the fastest way to feel better about your life is to help someone else improve theirs.

We're not all cut out for public office, and we may not all be cut out for the Peace Corps or the PTA, but everyone has something to offer. Often times, people want to help and just don't know how or where they can help. For others, finding the time in their already busy schedule proves most challenging. Finding the right cause for you and for the time you have will prove most beneficial for everyone involved.

Even little things we do can have a huge impact, one that we may never even know about. A friendly smile to a stranger just might change that person's whole day. Checking in on elderly neighbors may save someone's life. Picking up litter may prevent the destruction of the soil or protect an animal. Telling a co-worker you really appreciate their efforts, may be the only recognition they receive for a job well done.

If you're blessed with the gift of creativity, you can make birthday cards for foster children or thank-you cards for our troops around the world. Amateur photographers can take photos at an event and donate them to event organizers. For those who love to sing and/or dance, you'll always find a ready audience at the local nursing home. If writing is your passion, offer your services to a non-profit cause or create a blog. For someone that likes to get dirty, do some yard work for your local park, church or school.

Maybe you're someone who prefers to work with animals. Most local shelters welcome volunteer dog walkers, and the dogs really like it too! Hanging bird feeders and birdbaths around the yard help support our fine feathered friends. If you're interested in animal rights but would prefer a less "hands-on" approach, try delegating one meal a day or one day a week to eating only vegetarian meals.

Culturally speaking, most museums need volunteer docents. Performing arts groups depend on "behind the scenes" help with everything from costumes to bookkeeping. And, gallery owners can rarely afford to pay greeters, newsletter proofreaders, or building maintenance workers.

Maybe you're someone who is interested in a more global impact. Recycling, everything from paper to plastic to motor oil and even your old television is one of the best ways to help our planet. This is one of those little things that you can do at home that really adds up. Carpooling to work or using public transportation can make a positive impact on our environment. Practicing random acts of kindness out in the world creates a more harmonious environment for us all. And if nothing else, remember the teachings of the Dalai Lama, if you can help others, do; if you cannot do that, at least do not do them harm.

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