How to Create Your Goals

Take a few minutes to quiet your mind, sit and imagine. Imagine what your perfect life looks like. Where do you live? What is your home like? How is it furnished? Who do you live with? What do you do? What are your passions? Picture it. Your mind thinks in pictures, see this in your mind's eye.

Make a list of a few people you admire. Write down what it is that you admire about them. Maybe it is their personality, what they do, how they dress, or how they live. Who do they spend time with, what their family life is like? This is useful in creating an image for yourself and how you want your life to look like. Create a 1 year, 5 year goal sheet. Go 10 and 20 years if you're inclined. What does your life look like in a year, or five? Who are you with, how and where do you live, what are you doing, how do you spend your time? When you do this be specific, go into great detail. The more specific and detailed the better and clearer the picture is. If it doesn't come to you this time keep at it. Do it 2 times a day for 5 or 10 minutes. You have to know exactly what you want. For example if you want a new car, you go to the dealer and say I want a new car, they won't know what to suggest for you. You have to tell them the specific features and colors you want, then they can help they know what to look for. It is the same with your life dreams. Your mind has to know where you have set your internal GPS.

Create an identity of the successful you. Not just a thought but your identity of being a person who has an abundant successful life. Act as if. When you do this you will begin to act like the person you wish to become. You will find ways to get things done. You will carry yourself different. People will respond differently to you.

Here are some suggestions to care for and love yourself. It's easy to skimp when we all have so much to get done everyday. Take a break, and hour, an evening, a day off, a vacation. Put your daily cares out of your mind.

I find when I'm stuck I know I need to walk away for a little bit. I take a break maybe just stop and close my eyes and concentrate only on my breath. I can then come back with a fresh view and then usually the answer comes right to me.

Eat healthy food, eat more raw food. I've found how many foods affect me. Sugar and caffeine makes my head spin. Dairy products make my body painful. What you eat has a very big impact on how your body feels. Some people are sensitive to wheat.

Take time to exercise. Even if it is simply a walk everyday. If you have a dog -- ask him or her to take you for a walk. There are so many ways to be more active. It will not only benefit your body but you will see a difference in your mind. Sitting at the desk all day? Take stretch breaks. I put my printer in the other room just so I have to get up.

Get enough sleep, you know this, enough said. If you have trouble sleeping there are all kinds of herbs, homeopathic and even minerals to try. I've used magnesium because it relaxes the muscles. Keep trying things until you find something that works. Try to stay away from drugs but be careful of natural remedies too. They can be very powerful and can interact with medications. Do your own research or go to a professional that can help.

I bring these different points up because every piece makes up the whole and if a piece is not doing well, it throws everything off. Let me know if this works for you, if you have practices you do for your goals and for keeping the physical and mental you happy.

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