Why You Can't Act Like Ferris Bueller With Your Business!

I am sure many of us can remember times when we wanted a day off from school, so we would ask our parents if we could stay home from school and wait anxiously for their answer. Some time we had a legitimate reason, perhaps we were sick or didn't feel well, but there were just those days when we just didn't feel like being bothered. Our parents usually did a good job of determining the proper course of action. If we had a fever, and were really sick, we might get a pass. If we were trying to avoid a test or assignment, or it was a stomachache, or a headache, we were probably told to try and stick it out.

It was nice to get a pass, but we ultimately had to make up the work that we missed, and if anything good happened at school that day we missed it, and were only left with the stories. The next day we would have extra work and we felt left out when people talked about all of the stuff they saw, and we missed. If we pushed ourselves, and made it to school we would often find out that the temporary situation subsided and eventually everything was fine. We played with our friends and enjoyed our day.

Now that we are all grown up we use excuses all of the time. I don't think I am going because I am tired or I don't feel good. You know I will reach my goal later because right now, it is not an ideal time for me. I have so much going on, and I am so busy, so it's really not that important. We say things like perhaps that opportunity wasn't for me after all, or perhaps I will work on that the next time, but what it really comes down to is us, deciding not to do what we really need to do. It's just like the days we didn't want to go to school.

If we really want to live the kinds of live we say we do, we need to become comfortable with being more uncomfortable. We may need to push ourselves just a little harder. We may have to do work when relaxing and shooting the breeze might feel a little better. Hard work and perseverance really do pay off. If we work hard now, we can celebrate later.

We tell our children this all the time, but do we live by it ourselves. Your dreams will never stand up and take off, if we make excuses instead of doing the work it will take to bring them to pass. Nothing just happens everything takes work. The new job you want, you have to work for it. You may have to embarrass yourself by calling the hiring manager, over and over again. It's worth it, If it gets you the job. If it doesn't, at least you know you gave it everything you had to give.

There are no regrets or second thoughts about what could have happened, if you always come with you're "A game". If you are willing to do the work, you will reap the rewards. So don't ask for a pass, just keep moving forward and keep pressing.

Aida Ingram, is the CEO of An Inspired You, an author, marketing strategist, and Business and Life Coach. She believes people should LIVE their legacy. She teaches people how to create lives, which honor their values,gifts and abilities, while creating wealth. She specializes in business development, marketing, and bringing creative ideas to market. Visit her website: http://www.aninspiredyou.com/home.html and look on Facebook at An Inspired You. Join her mailing list http://eepurl.com/h8Q0g for valuable tips.

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Getting Over Your "No's"

Today I was reading an article, where CEO's discussed their businesses, and I heard something very interesting. This young man, who was barely 30, talked about his ability to move past the "no's" in his life, to succeed. This conversation was interesting to me for several reasons. I sat there thinking how many times did I let the world's no's stop me from acknowledging God's "YES".

God has the power, authority and the strength to turn any human no into a yes, without lifting a finger. God can start a chain reaction of unbelievable and unpredictable occurrences to turn things around in my favor, so why should I allow a human "NO" faze me one way, or another.

For instance, when Moses was dealing with Pharaoh in Exodus, Pharaoh said no several times. As a matter of fact, he and his people experienced several unpleasant consequences as a result of his "NO's". Yet, in the end, God's "YES" prevailed, just like as it always does.

So today, I have decided not to let anyone's "No" dissuade me from God's Yes! In the end, He always gets his man, and the situation always works out in my favor. In Romans 8:28, I am reminded all things work together for good, for those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purposes. A kingdom mindset makes me stop in my track and remember who is on my side. Even when things do not turn out the way I expect them, I know that I have the victory and power in Christ Jesus.

There is a scripture that says, "let God be true, and every man be a liar" (Romans 3:4). Sometimes, I have to realign my thinking to make sure it lines up with God's. I must refocus my direction so that I am able to see my work through God's lens, so I can trust God to work things out for my good. I am not trying to belittle the struggle or the aggravation you may feel when things don't turn out the way you expect. I am trying to call you out into a higher place in God, so that you are able to stop yourself from getting caught up in a game with no winners, when the victory is already yours.

Today my vowel is to keep everything in its proper perspective. I have the victory, and I am going to win no matter WHAT. Not because, I said so, but because God has already showed me, I have the victory! If you are working on something and you know that you have allowed yourself to forget whose team your on, make today the day you decide to remember and start again.

Aida Ingram, is the CEO of An Inspired You, a published author, Marketing strategist, and a Executive, Business and Life Coach. She teaches people how to create lives, which honor their values, natural gifts and abilities, while creating wealth for them, and the generations that come after them, She specializes in business development, marketing, book writing, and bringing creative ideas to the marketplace. Too many people are working so hard to create "successful lives", that they don't have time to enjoy them. She has a passion for God, teaching, marketing, reading, technology, and studying. Please visit her website and check out her Facebook Fan Page, http://j.mp/y3xRVz.
If you enjoyed this article, join my mailing list http://eepurl.com/h8Q0g so that I can share giveaways, valuable tips, and information that will help you live the life you want and deserve.

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How to Feel More Motivated: Get Things Done!

If I have a bunch of things to do during the day, all those tasks get jumbled around in my head and I don't know where to start. Then the feeling of being overwhelmed comes along and it gets hard to even do anything at all.That's why it's so important to keep in mind where you want to go so you keep your goals on track. I've put together some tips to help you get your day organized and get you excited to accomplish your goals.

-The first thing that helps me is to make a list of what I want to get done that day. I always have to make this list or nothing will happen. So write down everything that you want to get done that day. Start with the things you'd like to get done first. Then write out everything and plan your day. Write your list in the morning or even better; get that list done the night before.

-Here's a great way to get you motivated: have some awesome quotes and affirmations handy that get you pumped. A great way to do this is to have a poster board with everything on it that motivates you. Here are some examples of what is on my board:

I inspire people.

I work from anywhere in the world.

What you think is what you get.

"Those who follow the part of themselves that is great will become great. Those that follow the part that is small, will become small." -Mencius

-Make a "Passion To-Do List" that has everything on it that you're passionate about and make sure you do at least one thing from it a day. It's important to have a way to release so your mind is clear and you can focus. When you're focused you will get a lot more accomplished. Your list can include anything that you're passionate about. What do you love to do? What makes you happy? What do you do to free yourself from stress? What do you like to learn about?

-Without this next one I'd have way more freak-outs during the day. If you feel frustrated with the task you're doing or the energy just doesn't feel right, then walk away. You'll get way more done if you get away from it and get the good energy flowing again. Go for a walk. Turn the music up and do a silly dance. If it's a nice day, go stand in the sun. Take some deep breaths and stretch. Then once you feel more centered come back to it. You'll be amazed at how much more clearly you can think. When your mind is clear, that's when the awesome ideas come.

There's a great feeling that comes with getting your to-do list done. You will feel accomplished and that will give you more energy to do whatever else you're aspiring to do. Then before you know it, you'll be a pro! You'll feel excited and you can look back on everything that you've accomplished.

I'm Christine Adnani. I'm a writer and passion addict. I became obsessed with finding my passion about 3 years ago and I'm fascinated in everything that has to do with passions. My mission is to inspire you through my writing. My passion is to help you find your passion. I want you to live your best life. My site is growing every day with articles to help you reach your goals and dreams. http://www.christineadnani.com/

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Don't Read This Article

I'm sick of it. All the so-called communication experts keep declaring that your mind cannot process a negative command. They say "Don't spill the milk" means you'll spill the milk. They say your mind doesn't respond to "don't" and in fact skips over it. As a result, you end up seeing the rest of the statement as a command. You then spill the milk.

Bull. The very first words most people hear growing up is "NO" and "Don't". We learn right away not to poop in our pants, or eat the dirt, or swing the cat by the tail, or spill our milk. The only reason we might still spill our milk is sheer awkwardness or clumsiness, not because of a communication issue.

This is one of the things wrong with NLP and other communication modalities that claim to know how our brains work. They make wild claims and act as if they are universal truths. After all, no one really knows how the brain works. We're still learning. To say we don't process negative commands is an arrogant statement. It assumes god-like powers. And it's wrong.

Look at the title of this article. I inserted the word "don't." Why? Because the word actually helps make the title more interesting. It increases persuasion. Had I said, "Read This Article," you might not read it simply because it seemed un-interesting. But add the word "Don't" and suddenly you're curious. 'Why doesn't Joe want me to read this?," you wonder. The word 'Don't' is seen and registered by your mind. You didn't miss it, did you?

Again, communication is more than assumptions about how our minds process information. You learned what many negative words meant at three years old. Your unconscious mind is well aware of what they mean today.

Don't tell others about this article. Don't pass this article to friends and family. Don't go buy all my books and tapes. Don't send me money.

You see the word 'don't' and you'll do what you please. If you want to pass this article to friends, you will. If you don't, you won't. My trying to trick you with a negative command is ridiculous. You're smarter than that. Aren't you?

Kevin Hogan, author of "The Psychology of Persuasion," says, "Negative command words in general indicate the person will remember or code in deeper whatever was discussed. This doesn't mean they will act one way or the other. It simply makes the command/idea/request more likely to be remembered."

Exactly. My adding "Don't" to the title of this article simply made it more memorable. It didn't *make* you read this article at all.

The only time the 'don't trick' works is to get someone to *think* something. In order words, if I say, "Don't think of Sophia Loren," you can't help but think of the famous actress. But thinking is different than action.

Yes, thinking can lead to action. But what we're focusing on here is communication. If I say, "Don't think of buying my books," you *will* think of buying them, at least for a second.

But if I say, "Don't buy my books," it does not mean you will run out and buy them. You are not a robot.

Let's wake up. Let's realize that we are smarter than generalized rules of language. Let's stop pretending we are all trained monkeys.

Don't you agree?

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: http://www.mrfire.com/

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How to Create Your Goals

Take a few minutes to quiet your mind, sit and imagine. Imagine what your perfect life looks like. Where do you live? What is your home like? How is it furnished? Who do you live with? What do you do? What are your passions? Picture it. Your mind thinks in pictures, see this in your mind's eye.

Make a list of a few people you admire. Write down what it is that you admire about them. Maybe it is their personality, what they do, how they dress, or how they live. Who do they spend time with, what their family life is like? This is useful in creating an image for yourself and how you want your life to look like. Create a 1 year, 5 year goal sheet. Go 10 and 20 years if you're inclined. What does your life look like in a year, or five? Who are you with, how and where do you live, what are you doing, how do you spend your time? When you do this be specific, go into great detail. The more specific and detailed the better and clearer the picture is. If it doesn't come to you this time keep at it. Do it 2 times a day for 5 or 10 minutes. You have to know exactly what you want. For example if you want a new car, you go to the dealer and say I want a new car, they won't know what to suggest for you. You have to tell them the specific features and colors you want, then they can help they know what to look for. It is the same with your life dreams. Your mind has to know where you have set your internal GPS.

Create an identity of the successful you. Not just a thought but your identity of being a person who has an abundant successful life. Act as if. When you do this you will begin to act like the person you wish to become. You will find ways to get things done. You will carry yourself different. People will respond differently to you.

Here are some suggestions to care for and love yourself. It's easy to skimp when we all have so much to get done everyday. Take a break, and hour, an evening, a day off, a vacation. Put your daily cares out of your mind.

I find when I'm stuck I know I need to walk away for a little bit. I take a break maybe just stop and close my eyes and concentrate only on my breath. I can then come back with a fresh view and then usually the answer comes right to me.

Eat healthy food, eat more raw food. I've found how many foods affect me. Sugar and caffeine makes my head spin. Dairy products make my body painful. What you eat has a very big impact on how your body feels. Some people are sensitive to wheat.

Take time to exercise. Even if it is simply a walk everyday. If you have a dog -- ask him or her to take you for a walk. There are so many ways to be more active. It will not only benefit your body but you will see a difference in your mind. Sitting at the desk all day? Take stretch breaks. I put my printer in the other room just so I have to get up.

Get enough sleep, you know this, enough said. If you have trouble sleeping there are all kinds of herbs, homeopathic and even minerals to try. I've used magnesium because it relaxes the muscles. Keep trying things until you find something that works. Try to stay away from drugs but be careful of natural remedies too. They can be very powerful and can interact with medications. Do your own research or go to a professional that can help.

I bring these different points up because every piece makes up the whole and if a piece is not doing well, it throws everything off. Let me know if this works for you, if you have practices you do for your goals and for keeping the physical and mental you happy.

Judith M Shapiro invites you to visit http://personalgrowthpeople.com/ where you will get resources and tools you can easily use in your busy life. When you sign up in the opt in box you will receive a free report on Time Management. This is a great time of year to review that topic. Take a look around, I can easily say that there is something for everyone.

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Finding Inspiration and Motivation

We live in a world that is complex and chaotic, and if we're not careful, we can easily lose inspiration and motivation to carry on with our lives. All is not lost, though, for there are still plenty of sources from which we can derive strength and positivity in spite of the challenges that come our way. Below are five examples of such sources to help you in your personal and professional lives.

1. Read biographies. A biography of a successful person is always a great source of inspiration and motivation, especially if that person is someone you truly admire. In that narrative, you can glean ideas on how he was able to rise above challenges, address his critics, and ascertain what tools and skills he needed to make it in his chosen field and evolve into a positive influence for millions of his admirers. A biography can also give you an insider's look at the industry you're hoping to break into, so go ahead and invest in one to nourish your mind and soul with each inspiring page.

2. Watch the news. Believe it or not, even the most depressing news has been a source of inspiration and motivation for a number of people who ended up making a difference in this world. News about war, disease and a host of other tragic events have moved countless people into pitching in and helping out the victims of all sorts of calamities, natural or mad-made. Even the image of one child in a war-torn country can ignite a person to start a charity drive, and make him realize that charity work might be his true calling. This is proof that the news can still be an agent for positive influence in today's world.

3. Watch an animated movie. You might initially scoff at this suggestion for sounding so childish, but a cartoon film can be a surprising source of inspiration and motivation. The story alone can move an adult to look back at his childhood days when he had all these hopes, dreams and plans, and when his imagination was at its craziest and most active. Let the positive influence of an animated movie bring out the child in you. It just might revive the old spark that will serve as the catalyst of your greatest and best ideas!

4. Take a walk. Shut down your computer, dust off those old sneakers or boots, and take at least a thirty minute walk in your neighborhood. If you're feeling adventurous and have time to spare, go the city and take a nice stroll in the park. Let your mind wander as you observe your surroundings - the people, the scenery, the sky above you, the sound of modern living coupled with the creatures of Mother Nature. Open your mind to the inspiration and motivation that could very well hit you when you spot something particularly interesting. There's no telling when exactly you will get that "Aha!" moment, so it's best to be prepared by clearing your mind first.

5. Listen to music. Music, especially the soothing kind, is a positive influence on our souls and minds. Listening to your favorite happy tunes while you're doing your chores, jogging, walking your pet or even while soaking in the tub can spark creativity in you and set the stage for inspiration and motivation for your next great idea. Who knows, you might even arrive at an epiphany thanks to the very lyrics themselves, so start singing along to really appreciate the message of the song.

Finding that "positive push" should come easy if you free your mind of all negativity and focus on the good things that Life has to offer. Believe that you have a purpose, find that purpose and use it to leave your mark in this world.

The universe provides us with plenty of sources for inspiration and motivation. Learn today where you can find them and use them as a positive influence in your life.

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Are You Throwing Punches?

Last week, I wrote about the ability to take a punch and many of you related to that article. Some of you talked about how you have been on the receiving end of someone trying to knock you out. Maybe it's a coworker who doesn't know how to be a team player.

Maybe it's a competitor that doesn't want to maintain a professional demeanor. Maybe it's a friend or family member that constantly works to bring you down or prevent you from being and doing your best.

But the question for this week is - are you the one throwing punches?

As a coach, I know that one of the most challenging things we can do is self-evaluate. To look in the mirror. To take inventory and stock of our actions and attitude. To assess whether we are the ones with the problems and issues. Could it be possible that the very thing that we see in others that we complain about are also traits that belong to us?

When I worked in HR, our company did peer reviews. There was an employee who had received negative feedback about her attitude, demeanor, and communication skills from eight employees from various departments. She sat in my office - shocked and appalled. She couldn't believe that people said those things about her. She asked if she could get specific examples of this bad behavior people said she was exhibiting

Instead of offering her examples, I looked her straight in the eye and asked this question:

Are you telling me that you can't think of one reason, one example, one situation, one conversation, one meeting, where you behaved in a way that could be interpreted as rude, not a team player, unwilling to listen and a little obnoxious? Now, maybe that wasn't your intent, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't received in a negative way.

After a few moments, I saw her expression change. She realized that there was some truth to what was said about her.

Could this be you? Do you need to see a clearer picture of yourself? Not sure? Well, let me share with you 10 signs you may be the one throwing punches:
You always point out the negative before acknowledging the positive.You find it hard to feel true happiness at the success of others.You believe that your negative situation is a result of what people are "doing" to you and you let them know it.You are quick to point out someone else's mistakes.You constantly offer unsolicited advice, pointing out to others what's wrong with their life and what they should be doing to fix it.You never have anything good to say about anyone.You nitpick every situation with those who are closest to you.You make sure to let people know their goals and dreams probably won't happen.You aren't happy with yourself so you continually lash out at others.

So, if you had a peer evaluation from those closest to you...your family, friends, coworkers, spouse, significant others, children and parents...what would they say about you? Would they say that you have a negative attitude, that you are rude, hard to get along with, are a whiner, a complainer and find it hard to give credit and support to others?

Not sure what they would say? Why not ask them? Give them those 10 bullet points and see if they recognize you in them.


Because it's easy to see when you've been hit by a punch - but it can be really hard to admit that you are getting in good hits as well.

RADICAL Success Coach Doreen Rainey helps her clients define success for themselves and then get the guts to go after it. Ready for your RADICAL change? Grab your Radical Success Kit. Get unstuck, get moving and get results with your FREE RADICAL Success Starter Kit with: 7 RADICAL Tips, an audio of 5 Characteristics of Successful People Audio and subscription to Get RADICAL ezine.

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How to Be Truly "Living the Dream"

I think we've all had a moment in our life where one of our friends asked us how we were doing and we uttered these magical words:

"Just living the dream."

Not sure where exactly the idea of "living the dream" originated, but I suspect it has to do with practicing the concept of the American Dream to which we are all supposed to aspire. In the spectrum of dream concepts, there is one that stands above the rest and it was delivered by someone who continues to inspire us today:

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In August of 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the keynote speaker at the March on Washington. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in front of more than 250,000 supporters, Dr. King spoke of the racial inequalities in the Union and his dream of a United States where all men and women are truly created equal and we are no longer "judged by the color of our skin, but the content of our character." Martin Luther King, Jr. was a student of Gandhi's non-violent approach to protest and used it to engage the nation in addressing civil rights. Whatever it took to advance equality, he was willing to address it through non-violent means. This inspired men and women of all colors and ages to do the same and resulted in major advancements in the civil rights movement.

The great part about effective dreams is that they pull you forward in such a way that you can reconcile your current actions directly to their completion. While Dr. King's dreams were grand in nature, he could ask himself if his every action was working towards realizing them. That was the great part about Dr. King...

Not only did he lead with his vision, he led with the integrity of a consistent character.

Since I was diagnosed with cancer, I am way more reflective about life. And on a recent flight while I was looking out on the clouds I thought a lot about what my dream was and if I could deliver it in a speech in front of a quarter million people...

And would it inspire?

Over the course of my treatment and into remission I worked hard on understanding my values, goals, and beliefs. I realized that in my pre-cancer days my actions were not fully in line with my own dreams, but more towards a composite of dreams made up from societal expectations for my age, gender, employment status, etc.

Not very inspiring...

The composite dream is pushed on us from a young age by teachers, employers, media, government, etc. because the concept of the individual is not convenient to administering mass educational programs, employment best practices, or what the average household should look like. The key to finding your own dream is to ignore the pressures to fall in line with what's deemed acceptable by the masses. By doing this you will free up the energy and capacity to understand where you operate at your best. Only then will you be able to paint a picture of a future that you want to spend the rest of your days pursuing.

In everything you do...

While we may live in a society that is closer than ever to all men and women being created equal, our dreams should always remain unique. While they may overlap in content, dreams are tools to pull us forward (as individuals) towards maximum fulfilment in our lives.

When you find your dream and start living it in everything you do it will be apparent to everyone you encounter. Just as it was to those 250,000 people in Washington DC who crossed paths with Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963...

Not that's "Living the Dream"

Roger faced a Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma diagnosis in April 2010. Facing eight months of chemotherapy treatment he decided he was going to use his cancer journey to learn how to increase fulfilment in his life so that others could gain from his experience. Lift Living is the vehicle that chronicles his journey back from fighting cancer and mission to Lift as many lives as possible.

Please visit at http://www.liftliving.com/

Roger is currently in the process of writing two books tentatively titled: "Daily Lift Tips" and "Lift Living: A Life Guide Towards Maximum Fulfilment"

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Let's Break the Sound Barrier

Last week, I was in Connecticut at a workshop for business owners. I sat next to the wonderful Ms. Laine.

We talked about our passion and mission and how so many people let the challenges of life, and the fears in our head, stop us from getting what rightfully belongs to us - whether it's related to our personal lives or our business pursuits.

Then she talked about breaking the sound barrier and that if we could grasp this concept, we would be able to persevere through whatever life throws our way.

Here's why:

Before advances in technology were made, breaking the sound barrier seemed an impossible task. Going from transonic speed to supersonic speed was unheard of in the early 1900s. By the 1940s, many engineers were still saying it couldn't be done. That there was limit to how high we could fly. That the sound barrier was not meant to be crossed. But some engineers did believe - and worked to prove themselves right.

The sound barrier was broken by now Retired Major General Chuck Yeager. Before his flight, at least two other pilots had attempted and ended up giving their life. Why? Because during that time, right before you hit the barrier, there was violent shaking of the plane and the pilots made fatal mistakes - they tried to slow down and in so, lost control and the planes crashed.

When Yeager went up. The same thing happened. The plane shook violently as he approached that transition point. And while his first instinct was to let up, slow down, turn around and give up, he said that he instead decided to push harder, go faster and continue full steam ahead. Then, it happened. The famous sonic boom that was heard by those on the ground. He had done it. He had broken the sound barrier.

And you know what he said he felt immediately after that? Smooth sailing.

What's the lesson here?

That to do something great, you are going to have to breakthrough your own "sound" barriers.

Yes - people have tried to do what you want to before and failed.Yes - the "engineers" in your life will tell you it's not possible - that your life has a barrier that can't be crossed.Yes - you will feel the violent shaking of setbacks, disappointments, bad choices, frustration, irritation, annoyance and a feeling of being overwhelmed.Yes - you will want to let up, slow down, turn around and give up.

But that's the time to push harder, go faster and continue full steam ahead. The barriers in your life are there to be broken. And once you do, you'll experience smooth sailing.

At least until it's time for you to bust through your next barrier!

RADICAL Success Coach Doreen Rainey helps her clients define success for themselves and then get the guts to go after it. Ready for your RADICAL change? Grab your Radical Success Kit. Get unstuck, get moving and get results with your FREE RADICAL Success Starter Kit with: 7 RADICAL Tips, an audio of 5 Characteristics of Successful People Audio and subscription to Get RADICAL ezine.

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A True Purpose in Life

"Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes real happiness. It is not obtained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."
~ Helen Keller

Back to square one... your purpose in life. What is your purpose in this lifetime? What have you done with your life? What really matters to you? What have you given back? Is your life about making money? Is it about the prestige, the kind of car you drive, the career you have, the house you live in? So many life props... so many externals... so many material things that wedge themselves between what is most important... your true purpose in life.

The distractions we face are limitless. Many of us would love to go back to a time when life was much simpler. A time when material things, commercialism and technology wasn't the focus of our lives. Today, technology and commercialism have consumed the focus and lead us off the path of what really matters... time spent wisely.

Are you consumed with the pressures to make more money and live just to make money. "If I can just make more money, everything will be all right." "If I can just have all the material things I want, life will be amazing." "If I can just pay all the bills and get myself out of debt, I will be happy." But all too often, you spend more than you bring in (shopping to relieve stress), and in the process you become your own worst enemy. You could be out of debt or happy if you "choose" to be- it is your choice. And the reason for your confusion or dysfunction is NOT because of externals and what you do not have- it is about the choices YOU are making in life. You do not have to be the "enemy" and defeat the true purpose of your life. Stop asking, "What am I going to GET out of life" and start learning to GIVE back." The purpose of life is NOT about "What's in it for me."

So many of us would like to have a less complicated life... a life of time... and getting back to what really matters and what is real. What do material possessions really mean- when one can lose it all in the blink of an eye? What then are you left with? Do the material things in your life really mean that much to you? Ask yourself this question, "While you spend you life digging for your gold (selfishness), how many precious moments in life have you missed by not sharing yourself?"

Another factor that attributes to useless days gone by is all the "pity parties" you throw for yourself... day after day after day. Consumed by self-loathing you bathe in your tears- not even seeing the world that's around you and those who are less fortunate (by giving a little of your time). Perhaps you feel the world owes you something, but yet you give nothing in return. By choice you've refused to remove the pathetic blinders you've placed upon yourself. Instead, you smother your valuable time by focusing on yourself... wallowing in your own demise- planting nothing but shame, guilt, anger, and resentment. There is more to life than playing hostess at your pity party. Is this what you want to be remembered for? Think about this... YOU shut yourself off from finding a greater purpose in life. And if you have found the purpose in life... awesome- continue giving back and helping others because the rewards come back tenfold.

A purpose in life doesn't cost you a penny. True giving, whether it's money or your time comes from the heart- you don't think twice about it. And for those who are familiar with the "truth" know that a purpose doesn't cost them a dime- because it comes back. You spend nothing to obtain true happiness. Giving of yourself costs nothing in comparison to spending your energy on selfishness. What are you doing to make a difference? What have you planted?

"Judge each day not by the harvest, but by the seeds that you plant."
~ Anonymous

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Thriving Versus Surviving Is It Possible?

Thriving is not a concept that is talked a lot about at the moment and certainly the media coverage of the current economic situation is portrayed as all doom and gloom with no end in sight, you could be forgiven for thinking that survival is the only viable option.

Life has become incredibly fast paced, stress and stress related illnesses are at an all-time high; we work harder, for longer and sleep less. When we are tired, stressed and time poor the things that get dropped first are the things we consider to be luxuries... the "me time" activities, those things we enjoy, that nurture us, keep us engaged, energize us and make our lives worth living. What remains is a sense of "this is just the way life is", "we don't have any choice" and "someday it will get better" We get fixated on the future and forget that it's the journey that's important not the destination.

So how do we make the shift from a survival mindset to one where it is possible to thrive?

What I tell my clients and what is key, is to be totally present in your life, get off the hamster wheel, take a deep breath, slow down and drop the automated behaviours. Take pleasure in the moments of your life, take the time to enjoy the taste of your food, the feel of a hot shower on your skin, lose yourself in a beautiful view. All of the simple things that we take for granted, but actually add so much to our experience.

To thrive is to celebrate life, become a hedonist in search of joy, beauty and pleasure in all things. Start to actively choose what you would like to add to your life. Ask questions like "What would be fun for me?" "If I only had a week to live what would I choose to do and with whom?" People seldom regret not spending enough time at the office, they very often regret not spending more time doing the things they enjoy most and spending more time with loved ones. The time is later than you think...

Is now the time to break the mould and begin thriving in YOUR life?

I'd like to share with you my favourite quote of the moment, it reminds me to wring every last drop of joy out of every moment but most importantly it makes me smile, I hope I makes you smile too.

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, What a Ride!"

Chen Clarke, Success and Empowerment Coach, Access Consciousness Facilitator. Re-Igniting your Passion for Joyful, Colourful Living.

Feel free to drop me a line or connect with me here http://www.chenclarke.com/ for further insights and information.

What if creating your phenomenal life could be easier than you ever imagined possible?
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