What Holds You Back From Reaching Your Potential?

There may be lots of things you want to achieve in your life, you may want to start your own business or get fit. You've heard the self help gurus say that you are capable of anything, right? So if that's the case, why aren't you doing what you want to do? What's holding you back?

There are several reasons why you may not be living up to your potential. Here is a brief overview of some of those reasons:

Negative Self Talk

Do you constantly put yourself down? Do you beat yourself up for every little thing you do wrong, for example saying 'I can't even do (whatever task you're completing) right', 'I'm so stupid' or 'everyone thinks I'm thick/stupid' etc, etc.

We spend most of our daily life being stressed and on edge - but how much of that stress is coming from outside factors and how much of it is actually coming from your negative self talk about situations you find yourself in? Give yourself a break!

Lack of Motivation

Motivation should be high, if you're doing something you actually want to do. So why would you suffer a lack of motivation? The most common reason is you DON'T actually want to achieve what you're doing!

This isn't as daft as it sounds - sometimes we take on board what others want us to do, what others think we should do and try to fit ourselves into their image of us. This will just lead to unhappiness. You may get the approval you're seeking from that person - but you will leave yourself short-changed.

The second reason you may have a lack of motivation (especially if it is something you DO want to achieve) is down to one of the other reasons in this article! Read the other reasons and see if any of it rings true for you.


Look at your attitude in regards to what you are hoping to achieve. See if you have any negative beliefs limiting you - for example, you may want to earn a large amount of money; but have a limiting belief that 'rich' or 'successful' people are stuck up, egotistical or generally nasty human beings.

Look at your attitude, in regards to the area your hoped-for goal, falls into. Again, maybe you believe that people in certain jobs/careers/lifestyles act a certain way?

Finally, look at your reasons for wanting to achieve your goal - what its worth to you and why you want to achieve it. It could be a simple case of achieving your goal would cost you something much closer to your heart (for example your family or your respect).

Get Organised!

How organised are you at planning out what you want to achieve? Do you know what steps you need to achieve your goal?

If you have no idea how you can move towards your target, you'll find it very hard to have the right attitude or motivation.

Get a plan into place, break down your goal into small steps and then take action!

Sarah PJ White is a writer, author, photographer & Life Coach, who specialises in motivating, inspiring and encouraging mothers who want help to raise their self confidence and self esteem. To get her free monthly newsletter, along with the other free resources (including her free report entitled 'Busted! 8 Confidence Gremlins & How to Drop Them' please go to http://www.selfconfidenceworkshops.co.uk/

Original article

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